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Posted: August 13th, 2007, 6:53 am
by SSO Admins
mrsl wrote:I'm eligible for your club too, guys! I've never sat down and watched a show, but have seen clips, and bits. The main reason I never gave it any time was Bart's mouth. It seemed like he was always either backtalking, or making fun of his father. From the looks of the father, I assume he's prime for being made fun of, but can't condone the behavior for kids to watch. Kids have bad enough attitudes as it is today, and I have a pretty good guess where a lot of it comes from, considering most pre-teens and teens love the show!
Anne, I think if you tried you'd really enjoy it. Anyone who loves Jon Stewart and Bill Maher would probably like it, even though it's not really political.

One of the things that sets The Simpsons apart from most cartoons, and the secret to their continuing popularity, is the fact that the characters are pretty well developed. Homer wants to be a good father and husband, but he's just not cut out for the role. Bart pops off to Homer constantly, but he genuinely loves his dad.

For all the dysfunction, it's a family built on loyalty and love, which isn't something you see in most sitcoms. They aren't the Cleavers, but they genuinely care about each other, even if its not always immediately apparent. It's an extremely positive message.

It's not quite as funny over the last two or three years, but if you can catch reruns, especially of seasons 3-7, I think you'd grow to enjoy them a lot. The show is one of the few truly great achievements of American television.

Not O.J.

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 1:16 am
by Moraldo Rubini
Tonight I finally saw The Simpsons movie. The audience seemed to enjoy it and it was entertaining enough, but it's really made for the fans. I was bewildered from the start because I've never seen the television show. It opens with a very violent cat and mouse that seemed to come from nowhere to me; but my movie partner explained that's a television show that the Simpsons watch and it's always very violent. From then on I'd sense the recognition of characters and ideas from the audience and was happy for them as I took a couple of naps. My movie pal didn't wake me; he said he wanted to see if I'd snore. (I didn't.) I'd urge Simpsons fans to support it, while steering everyone else to a neighboring screen (maybe Dewey's movie War Made Easy -- coming to a theatre near you!).

Posted: August 28th, 2007, 5:26 pm
by bradtexasranger
Thanks for the review. I'm sure there would be a lot of "in jokes" that would be bewildering to someone who's never seen the show. It sounds like you enjoyed it enough at face value. Kudos to you for giving it a try. I'm still planning on seeing it one of these weekends( I know I keep saying that :) )

Posted: September 4th, 2007, 3:48 pm
by Bogie
I finally saw the movie myself as well. I'm a big fan of the Simpsons and the style of humor on that show. I do think that while the film was funny and there were quite a few Simpsons specific funny scenes it just felt like the writers sold out a bit.

I say this because of the Family Guy type of scenes that were prevalent throughout. There were a lot of blatant pop culture references in there. (for example when Colin is trapped in Springfield and Lisa sees him they put their hands together against the dome a la the last scene between Captain Kirk and Spock in Star Trek II. I also felt that the comedic timing was a bit off. They tried to fit way too many jokes but that wasn't it alone. It just seemed that things moved a little TOO fast. Usually on the tv show they let the humor of the situation grow rather then packing all kinds of jokes into the situation.

Overall tho, it was a pretty fun movie. It's just not THE Simpsons of the TV show.

Simpsons Go to the Movies

Posted: October 17th, 2007, 1:10 am
by Moraldo Rubini
Apparently, The Simpsons pay homage to classic movies fairly often. This site shows some Simpsons shots and compares them with the original movie. Thought some of you might be interested in seeing them...

Re: Simpsons Go to the Movies

Posted: October 17th, 2007, 4:11 am
by SSO Admins
Moraldo Rubini wrote:Apparently, The Simpsons pay homage to classic movies fairly often. This site shows some Simpsons shots and compares them with the original movie. Thought some of you might be interested in seeing them...
Ha! That's a great site. There were even a few I'd missed.

The homage to old movies is one of the reasons I love the show. Besides the one-offs that you showed, they've done a full show that was a Mary Poppins parody, with incredible songs. Mr. Burns and Grandpa Simpson frequently make references to silent movie stars.

It's enjoyable on more than one level, and like MST3K the payoff increases the more education you have.