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Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 8:56 am
by Western Guy

I love Jimmy's quick delivery, one film from the early thirites with Jimmy that I love is Footlight Parade. I've always wondered why Jack Warner didn't capitalise more on Jimmy's hoofing talents.

. . . Because J.L. realized audiences preferred Jimmy more as a "tough guy".

It's funny how Jimmy waffled on Footlight Parade. For years it was his favorite movie, then later he referred to it as "A dog", then he came to love it again. Personally I think it's a wonderfully enjoyable film - forgot to mention it in a previous post referring to Jimmy's early Warner films - the good'uns.

Wow! Bronson a funny guy. Never met him but have heard he always came across as a moody fella. As was written in more than one of the Steve McQueen bios, on the set of The Magnificent Seven he was apparently the most standoffish. Heard that Jack Palance (who I ALMOST met) was another very intense guy. Yet he and Billy Crystal must have hit it off big.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 9:01 am
by charliechaplinfan
Really, the man who told me said he was in Austin with Clint Eastwood and each were presenting the other films but Charles was a hoot with Clint's movies. Charles Bronson often turns up in noir type films as one of the heavies.

Steve McQueen, I have the impression without reading about him directly that he was a tricky customer.

Footlight Parade is one of my favourites, although 42nd Street or Golddiggers of 1933 might be purer Footlight Parade has Jimmy and the wonderful sequences at the end. Footlight Parade is one movie I watched with Chris, when it got to the showcase numbers he said it just descended into silliness, they'd never be able to put that water display on and what about drying their hair afterwards before doing the last number. Too practical to enjoy it.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 11:15 am
by JackFavell
I think James Garner did an interview shown on TCM where he said that McQueen was a bad boy, but that he was a friendly bad boy - hellraising, and very competitive. Bronson, he said, he just could not get along with at all. He gave a little shake of his shoulders when talking about Bronson, as if to shrug off the bad vibe.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 11:26 am
by Western Guy
You're right Jack. Garner also doesn't speak too favorably of Bronson in his autobiography. And you're right on the head (based on the book) on Garner's feelings towards McQueen. Garner said he looked upon Steve as his troublesome little brother, and believed Steve had adopted a big brother attitude towards him. Competitive, yes, and with a little jealousy thrown in due to Garner's looks, charms and overall winning personality.

Seems no once could really get along with ol' Charlie. Richard Matheson said that even Vinnie Price (who acted with Bronson in House of Wax and Master of the World), and one of the friendliest guys in show biz, could not break through Charlie's shell. Seemed that he carried around a huge chip on his shoulder.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 11:35 am
by charliechaplinfan
Jill Ireland, that's what I remember Charles Bronson for, his loving marriage to Jill and the hell they went through with her cancer, I don't know why I should remember this so vividly, I remember my mother talking about it, she'd lost her mother to cancer long before, I think it resonated with her. I was far too young to watch the Death Wish movies when my mother was watching them.

I really like James Garner, I can't understand why he wasn't a top rung star, he seemed to have it all, looks, talent and modesty.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 3:50 pm
by RedRiver
FOOTLIGHT PARADE is one of my favorite movies. Not kidding!

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 4:07 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Isn't itjjust. I just wish Jimmy had danced more on film, Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly were wonderful but there was room for Jimmy Cagney dancing occasionally too.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 4:08 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I loved Garner in The Americanization of Emily, Murphy's Romance, and The Great Escape, Maverick, and The Rockford Files. The Notebook, with Gena Rowlands, was also a personal favorite.

There is a push on Facebook to award James Garner an honorary Oscar: ... amesGarner

I enjoyed The Garner Files immensely, and Stone, he was quite reticent about Bronson's persona, but claimed he did try to smooth over the Steve McQueen steamroller on the set of The Great Escape. I thoroughly relished reading about the filming of The Great Escape in Germany. His "tell it like it is" approach was refreshing and revealing.
One of my favorite celeb bios of all time.

Jackie, I wish they would rerun his interview again on TCM.

Allison, I think Bronson met Jill Ireland, the wife of David McCallum, on the set of The Great Escape.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 4:23 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Oh lordy, no wonder he wasn't popular if he was wife stealing at the same time.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 4:27 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate

To his credit, though, he did take excellent care of his wife during her battle with cancer.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 5:17 pm
by Western Guy
. . . And in fairness to Bronson he did outwardly admit to David that he was going to steal Jill from him. Y'gotta love that straightforward coal miner mentality. But yes, Sue, despite all else, Charlie really loved Jill and helped her through turmoils ranging from her terrible cancer to her son's battle with addiction.

Yes, both Jim Garner and Jim Coburn worked (successfully) to smooth Steve McQueen's ruffled ego. And good point, Alison, as to why James Garner never became a bigger store. He did have all the attributes. Maybe he was too smooth and lacked that air of edginess someone like McQueen had - and that audiences seemed to respond to at the time.

BTW: Jim truly is as nice a fella as he comes across.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 5:43 pm
by feaito
charliechaplinfan wrote:You're going to miss Josefina Fernando. I'm sorry she's going home to Miami, Grandma's going too, I don't blame her, hope you're able to see her on skype, will you be able to take a holiday to visit?. With Libby being 9 and Joe 6 I'm still very hands on, both are like chalk and cheese, they agree on practically nothing, in the wrong moods the slightest thing has to be argued about like they are taking part in a strategical battle and every bit conceeded is so very important and I hate being the referee, that in itself is a minefield. They are both adorable, I've just found a note in my pocket from Joe saying I'm the best Mummy in the world. How can you tell a child like that off? It's funny how in our family at least, Daddy has more patience and is more similar to Libby whereas Joe and I are alike in personality and sympathy. They've both been told, we want to be grandparents, I want to help with the child rearing all over again, apart from the sleepless nights, that's the only bit I'd pass on.
I am going to miss her Ali, but time will fly (I hope)...I'm going to be able to visit her in Miami, though. I will see her on skype at least :roll: Give my regards to Libby & Joe. They're cute. And Joe, he's so friendly to me...always saying hi :D

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 8:08 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Oh, Fernando. I do hope time will fly. She's so cute!

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 6:14 am
by charliechaplinfan
I hope time will fly for you Fernando and that you have plenty of chances to see her over skype, I just know what a good uncle and auntie you would both make. It won't be that long until she'll be speaking to you over skype like Joe does whenever we connect on skype. I posted recent pictures of Joe and Libby on Our Family Album here ... 6&start=30

Will you be able to add a picture of Uncle Fernando with baby Josefina.

I'm glad to here that James Garner is as nice as he comes across. Another of Mum's favourites, I was always sent to bed the minute The Rockford Files started, there was no messing about or coming back downstairs, one didn't disturb The Rockford Files.

Re: Errol Flynn

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 8:10 am
by JackFavell
I shook his hand when I was five when we were invited for the only time to the Norman OK country club. My claim to fame!

His hand was big, and he was bigger. I remember it took a long time for me to see up that body to his face. I wish I'd met him later. Image