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Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 1st, 2012, 2:38 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I'm glad it wasn't just me Christy, I felt an agenda which made me doubt the way he presented his facts.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 12th, 2012, 9:18 pm
by JackFavell
Sounds like Kramer was the best actor of the bunch.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 6:43 am
by charliechaplinfan
I think he was quite fond in persuading his actors in that way, I think he did similar with Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, a film I watched last week for the first time and left a review on the films lately thread. I eally liked Inherit the Wind when I watched it but the revelation to me was March as Brady, it wasn't a flattering role, from an actor who was somewhat of a matinee idol in his younger days, Spence was good but the role was similar to his role in Judgement at Nuremberg.

After watching some of Tracy and Hepburn's film, I decided to go back to the beginning. Woman of the Year, we had a bit of a discussion of it. My memory of it was as patchy and plain annoying in parts, when Kate's woman gets her comeuppance, I guess I felt a woman like that wouldn't throw everything up for a man and Spencer Tracy at that, now if were Gable it would still have been a bit of a stretch of the imagination but I could have believed it, that was first impressions, when I was more of a novice and didn't know a great deal about Spence and Kate's back story. This time around, I loved it, every bit of it, I felt there was fine comedy in it, the baseball game, the farcical aspect of how many committees Tess was on, the professor who turned up on their wedding night with his entourage and the kitchen scene, I really liked it this time. I guess it comes from understanding what the studio were trying to do with Kate's image, that was a blown up version of how many saw her but she's a game girl, she'll send that image up, yet again. I love the chemistry between Spence and Kate, the comedy is handled deftly by all involved. Kate's linguistic delivery, I'm no expert but it sounded good to me. The little boy made me feel sorry for all refugees, especially those taken on by crusading females. For years I thought Kate's best comedy partner was Cary Grant, I still think he was but he can share that spot with Spence from now on.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 7:08 am
by JackFavell
Good for you, Alison! I love it when someone goes back for a second look at a film they didn't particularly like and comes out loving it! There are plenty of instances for me of saying I hated something or someone in movies, then going back and changing my mind, seeing the quality that I missed on the first or even the twelfth look.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 7:23 am
by JackFavell
I think March's performance is a bit disturbing in INHERIT THE WIND, and I love the theatricality of it and the movie, I think it's perfect for the tone they are trying to set of a three ring, early 20th century circus. It captures the time when politicians and religious personalities traveled around the country in tent shows. I think there has to be a contrast in style between March's approach and Tracy's. Yes it pounds you over the head, never lets you question which side we are on. But I've been trying to think of who could have played these two roles any better, and I can't think of anyone. Can you? Anyone? I really am curious who might have done these roles other than March and Tracy.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 9:33 am
by moira finnie
JackFavell wrote:I think March's performance is a bit disturbing in INHERIT THE WIND, and I love the theatricality of it and the movie, I think it's perfect for the tone they are trying to set of a three ring, early 20th century circus. It captures the time when politicians and religious personalities traveled around the country in tent shows. I think there has to be a contrast in style between March's approach and Tracy's. Yes it pounds you over the head, never lets you question which side we are on. But I've been trying to think of who could have played these two roles any better, and I can't think of anyone. Can you? Anyone? I really am curious who might have done these roles other than March and Tracy.
I am not sure if anyone else would be better, but it might have been different with other actors. George C. Scott played Brady in a made-for-cable movie near the end of his life in 1999 which I haven't seen, (Jack Lemmon played Drummond) but, when he was in his prime, I could easily see Scott playing Henry Drummond too, in part because it would have allowed him to show his vast range. Scott was one actor whose gifts were often greater than the material he appeared in, but he was capable of transforming pedestrian drama into something remarkable.

Henry Fonda would have been a good choice for Drummond, and I would like to have seen Claude Rains in this role too, despite his English origins (Some people who have seen the Playhouse 90 version of Judgment at Nuremberg think that Rains made a better judge than Tracy--has anyone ever seen this show?). Sterling Hayden could have tapped into his "inner John Brown" by playing Matthew Harrison Brady with considerable brio. James Whitmore would also be a good Drummond (and no, I don't think he was the poor man's Spence). Brian Dennehy could have played Drummond or Brady at one time.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 9:39 am
by ChiO
But I've been trying to think of who could have played these two roles any better, and I can't think of anyone. Can you? Anyone? I really am curious who might have done these roles other than March and Tracy.
The original 1955 stage production had Paul Muni and Ed Begley. That would have been nice to see.

Better yet, a movie directed by...oh...say, anyone...other than the Chief Cast-Iron Skillet Head Bonker.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 10:06 am
by JackFavell
Thanks guys!

Wow, I'd love to see any of those people play those roles, although I think I did see the Jack Lemmon/George C. Scott version when it aired. I think you are right Moira, that Scott could have played either role extremely well.

Out of all those mentioned, I'd love to have seen it with James Whitmore or Scott as Drummond and Ed Begley as Brady. Hmmm.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 1:05 pm
by RedRiver
I like this less than subtle movie, and the play it was based on. Nonetheless, King Rat, your observations are 100% correct. The story condemns the religious right, to use today's term, and presents the crusading civil libertarians as super heroes. It portrays Brady as a buffoon when, in reality, William Jennings Bryan was a great statesman. In spite of this, I like the movie! It's full of theatrical fireworks.

Claude Akins, a minister. What? Was Jack Elam not available? They couldn't get Neville Brand? I'm only sorry they didn't cast Donald Meek as Hornbeck! This is the performance of Tracy's phenomenal career. He debates, makes speeches, delivers a little socio-political philosophy. The man who was arguably our greatest actor was never better than here. I like March as Brady too. The role is thankless in terms of glamour, but it affords a formidable challenge for an actor. The talented March lives up to it and then some.

My one regret is that they didn't take Dick York out halfway through the movie and inexplicably replace him with Dick Sargent!

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 3:16 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I think my over riding opinion from first viewing of Inherit The Wind is March as Brady, there is nothing redeeming about him at all, apart from his wife, great to see him cast with his real life wife Florence Eldridge, see's a great actress and not seen enough on screen. I like Gene Kelly in the role as Hornbeck, he contrasts with the Tracy and March. It's another example of a film I need to watch again to get a greater appreciation for all the nuances.

George C Scott is an excellent actor, I so agree about him being above most of the material he was given.

Woman of The Year, another example of films that improve greatly on second viewing, I'm so glad I got so much more out of it second time around.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 3:29 pm
by JackFavell
I absolutely love Gene Kelly as Hornbeck, he's so callow and hard, it's nice to see him stretching into drama, which I think he did very successfully throughout his career.

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 5:24 pm
by RedRiver
That role was presented by Mr. Tony Randall on Broadway. I believe the character was inspired by cynical columnist, H. L. Mencken. In fact, in the play he's called E. K. Hornbeck! I didn't know Florence Eldredge was the real life Mrs. March. She is good in the movie. Soft and decent, but unfailingly supportive.

love your thought about suddenly replacing Dick York with Dick Sargent

Sam! I told you, No nose twitching!

Re: SPENCER TRACY - October, 2012 SOTM

Posted: November 13th, 2012, 5:34 pm
by JackFavell
Thanks for the info, Red! That totally makes sense, H. L. = E.K.