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Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 2nd, 2012, 7:51 pm
by JackFavell

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 2nd, 2012, 8:10 pm
by JackFavell
Ha! That one was hilarious! Thanks for posting it.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 3rd, 2012, 5:17 am
by charliechaplinfan
Seeing as Christy mentioned Clint Eastwood, I caught a 20 second clip on our news report, I don't think I got the talking to a chair bit but I wish he hadn't done it, I'm an admirer of Clint's, perhaps I expected more, the clip I saw didn't sound like an advertisement for anyone or anything, he just sounded like he was rambling badly. I wish he hadn't done it.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 3rd, 2012, 8:23 am
by JackFavell
Politics aside, I too feel bad about Eastwood, especially when the news report I read talked about the "rambling octogenarian" which made me very angry, since I don't think his age should have been an issue. We have seen plenty of younger folks make fools of themselves in their time, even in the last few weeks! I'm just disappointed that he felt he was big enough that he could wing it instead of being prepared for the occasion.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 3rd, 2012, 11:58 am
by moira finnie
JackFavell wrote:Politics aside, I too feel bad about Eastwood, especially when the news report I read talked about the "rambling octogenarian" which made me very angry, since I don't think his age should have been an issue. We have seen plenty of younger folks make fools of themselves in their time, even in the last few weeks! I'm just disappointed that he felt he was big enough that he could wing it instead of being prepared for the occasion.
I know what you mean about the "ageism" issue, but, having witnessed occasions when more than one Hollywood icon had their age-related vulnerability on display in the media, (Elizabeth Taylor on The Larry King Show is one vivid painful memory, as was the remorseless media spotlight that caught Charlton Heston being brow-beaten by Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine (2002), and a confused Peter Falk's being stalked by paparazzi before his Alzheimer's diagnosis was revealed). I do think that the family or friends of these actors need to step up and protect them from this kind of glaring exploitation and self-delusion. Unfortunately, reputations, egos, money and clout trump common sense and caring quite often. Also, the somewhat incoherent speech and gaunt appearance of Clint Eastwood in front of that massive Josey Wales image brandishing guns(!) emphasized the man's frailty and contrasted dramatically with the excellent work and creative reputation as a director that he has earned in the last few decades. I believe that this blend of hubris and desire to continue having a voice led him to deliver this murkily conceived off-the-cuff talk. That was pretty shocking to viewers, no matter what the politics of audience members. Older people need to be a part of the American landscape as much as the young and middle-aged, but sometimes we all need to be protected from our own choices and for those around us to have the good sense to say "Do you really want to do that?"

I thought that the "talking to the chair" bit seemed like a poorly executed improvisational exercise from an acting class more than an incisive way to pave the way for Mitt Romney's speech.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 3rd, 2012, 4:18 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I only saw a clip but I got the feeling that he was being exploited for his name and image and wished that someone had stopped him. He's a great director and a credit to his age group, it's important for every age group to have a voice, I just felt his looked misguided, I say looked because I got a 10 second snippet and it just looked and sounded bad but I didn't hear enough to judge him on the content of his speech. At least he's prepared to stand up for what he believes in, that's a credit to him.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 7:31 am
by CineMaven
As ( the late ) Hal David wrote...and Dionne Warwick sang in "A House Is Not A Home"....

"A chair is still a chair, even when there's no one sitting there....."

Oh Clint. You disappointed me.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 1:31 pm
by mrsl
I've always respected Clint Eastwood and still do. I was prepared to boycott his movies for a while, until I saw and heard some of the criticisms of his RNC speech. Does anyone know how and why he was selected to appear? Was it his idea or was he asked? In the first place, he has never been any type of comedian so a comedic speech was ludicrous to write for him . . . he has no sense of delivery. The same applies to the imagined comments that the chair (Obama) supposedly made in regard to the MIttster. I'm curious as to whether he was asked to appear in order to refute the impression made during the Super Bowl auto commercial which made it sound as if he was backing Obama. He is no stranger to politics having been the mayor of Carmel, California for a couple of terms (I think), but this presidential political arena is a different one from the one he is used to. I doubt if he had to sink to the degrading level of these present two factions. I'm not exactly blaming the candidates themselves because their speeches are written for them, and I believe the pre-recorded announcement of 'approval' of any ad is not necessarily actually approved by the persons involved. Both are decent family men who, I don't think would sink to mud slinging unless urged by their campaign managers and crews. My feelings about MItt are similar to my feelings about Fredric March - - I just don't like him, as a person, and I can't put my finger on why. As for Clint, I will not avoid his movies because there may not be very many more coming and his movies are just too good to miss. I hope I've made myself plain in this post; I don't think Clint's age was the cause of his failed speech, I think it was bad writing about something totally out of his element. Also, there are a lot of 'I thinks' in this post because these comments are my opinions, not based on anything I've read, or imperfect quotes.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 4th, 2012, 2:16 pm
by RedRiver
The Oscar ceremony is terrible about this. They drag out elderly stars for the benefit of the festivities, with seemingly little regard for the dignity of the individuals. Poor Bette Davis appeared flat-out disoriented! My mom, who would later suffer from some aging issues herself, said, "I wish they wouldn't do that. Let these people grow old in peace." Mom spent many happy hours with "these people" before I was even in the picture.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 5th, 2012, 7:02 am
by charliechaplinfan
Well said Red, one feels that the older stars are exploited sometimes because of what they were and what they represented. Clint Eastwood was one of my Mum's favourites, she'd always watched his movies, she still wants to see him in that way but his appearance for Romney doesn't sit with the way she's seen him for years.

I bet you all love it when the Presidential election gets underway, your news channels must have a field day.This one isn't playing out as being constructive but personal.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 5th, 2012, 8:01 am
by MissGoddess
charliechaplinfan wrote: I bet you all love it when the Presidential election gets underway,
Definitely not in my case. It's the most abhorrent time in television for me (and that's sinking pretty low since so much of it is unwatchable). Thank heavens I stick to channels where only the scantest whiffs of the election can seep in...or I watch Hulu. I can't wait until it's all over. :roll:

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 5th, 2012, 11:40 am
by RedRiver
I like watching politics. What gets me is this. Do you mean to tell me there's no OTHER news that day? No drought? No Syria? No legislation? All that happened was a bunch of people made speeches, saying pretty much the same things!

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 5th, 2012, 11:51 am
by movieman1957

In reply to your thoughts on Clint. I'd bet he was asked, Volunteering to come seems unlike him. I have heard either he did the speech himself or, for whatever reason, some of it was ad-libbed. There were rumors of a teleprompter failure. I didn't see it all so I'm just passing along what I heard.

From my perspective the conventions will have little effect on the voting population. I will second RedRiver's thoughts about it being too closely followed by anything other than the cable networks but at least it is not the 3-4 hour prime time week long festival that used to clog the airways.

Tonight you can have football instead.

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 5th, 2012, 12:01 pm
by RedRiver
It's been a long time since decisions were made on the convention floor. It's been strictly ceremony for decades. But somehow, it feels even LESS significant now. Like nothing could possibly happen that changed the way anybody votes. It's like The All Star Game. It doesn't count!

Re: The Advice Column

Posted: September 5th, 2012, 12:54 pm
by charliechaplinfan
There's not much on our TV or won't be once the Paralympics has gone, that's proving really fun and inspirational to watch, it makes one feel good about being a member of the human race.