The Good News Thread

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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by knitwit45 »

But doesn't most, or at least a significant portion, of the world designate July 8, 2009 as "08/07/09"? So what if the real New Age moment is on August 7, 2009? And 5 minutes and 6 seconds after 4 a.m. in which time zone? Or will all time zones become One? There's so much to consider before heading to Stonehenge.

I've got a headache...................

Re: The Good News Thread

Post by jdb1 »

It's all so numerically arbitrary, anyway, like Kabbalah. For example, today is, arbitrarily, the birthday of William Shakespeare, but then again, maybe it isn't, depending on which calendar and which civil records you consult.

I'm still operating on the premise that the 21st Century began at the first moment of 2001, not 2000, so I suppose that puts me a year behind most of the world (at least a year behind, that is).

I say make up your own holidays, and celebrate them as you see fit. I hereby declare April 23 is Eat Chinese Food Day, and if you don't like Chinese food, it's also Have a Meal of Whatever You Feel Like Eating Day. And if you're on a diet, it's Stick With It Day. Tomorrow may well be Tell a Cat a Joke Day, or maybe Tell a Cat Joke Day -- I haven't decided yet.
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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by knitwit45 »

I say make up your own holidays, and celebrate them as you see fit. I hereby declare April 23 is Eat Chinese Food Day, and if you don't like Chinese food, it's also Have a Meal of Whatever You Feel Like Eating Day. And if you're on a diet, it's Stick With It Day. Tomorrow may well be Tell a Cat a Joke Day, or maybe Tell a Cat Joke Day -- I haven't decided yet.

well, keep us posted!

See what I mean about starting a "interesting and completely useless information" Thread??? There's a real need out there!
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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Silentscreen I can't really blame you for any baby. Libby has been praying that I'd have another baby for ages. She even asked me for candles one night, 'what could she want with candles at 8pm at night?' 'It was so Baby Jesus could hear better' and what was she praying for, you guessed it. That convinced us.

Moira, Charlie is a lovely name, my friend has a child called Charlie but the worst thing about the name Charlie is that I come from Chorley in Lancashire and it is pronounced Charlie by certain locals (hmm, my parents for 2) There are other examples, we loved Mary both times but it's crucified here Mury is how it pronounced.

A girl will be easier to name because most of our friends have boys. My children are the only children on both sides of the family. I'm slowly convincing Chris that Sean is a good name for a boy. I considered it for Joseph, otherwise Daniel/Danny is a good choice.

Judith, I'll try not to be talked into a bad pregnancy. There are plenty of doomsayers around. I try to be practical knowin the limitations of the two previous pregnancies which was very low blood pressure that can lead to fainting but I can deal with that. I guess I just feel so lucky at 38.
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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by movieman1957 »

There is always a danger in nicknames. My son is Ian and he would being called "E," that is when he isn't being called Fathead by his sister. He doesn' really complain. My daughter is Maureen and she would much rather go by Mo. She lets me call her either. She's nice.

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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Joseph's second name is Victor after my grandfather, Chris says that he'll thank me for it one day. I think it's nice but what do I know I'm only the mother.
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself - Charlie Chaplin

Re: The Good News Thread

Post by jdb1 »

Alison, I will consider it a personal favor if you do not name your new baby "Brooklyn."

Thank you.

PS Knitty -- I'll have to consult Monty the Evil Cat this evening to see what his preference is for tomorrow -- Tell a Cat a Joke Day, or Tell a Cat Joke Day. He'll probably just tell me to shut up. He's so testy. However, I may soften him up a bit by sharing my Chinese food with him -- he does like it.

Re: The Good News Thread

Post by klondike »

jdb1 wrote: I'll have to consult Monty the Evil Cat this evening to see what his preference is for tomorrow -- Tell a Cat a Joke Day, or Tell a Cat Joke Day. He'll probably just tell me to shut up. He's so testy. However, I may soften him up a bit by sharing my Chinese food with him -- he does like it.
I thought cats were Chinese food!
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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I will absolutely definitely not name a child Brooklyn, although Posh Spice does have a habit of having a child when I'm pregnant.
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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by Hollis »

Klondike -

Cats are not Chinese food! They're Korean food! Dogs are Chinese food. Why do you think the breed is called Chow? Let's get our facts straight!

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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by Hollis »

Dear Alison,

Even though I knew of your pregnancy before most of my confederates here at SSO, I still wanted to put into words how happy I am for you. You know that I couldn't be any more pleased. I don't think it could have happened to a nicer couple. How's that old Pillsbury Doughboy tag line go? "Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven." And further congratulations about your new home. Now when I come to England to visit, you'll be able to let me spend a night on your couch! In return, that night's supper of fish and chips will be on me. Fair enough? Give all my very best to Chris, Joe and Libby.

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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by charliechaplinfan »

You're welcome to a night on my couch, I might even be able to find you a bed. Seeing as Libby as praying like mad for twins who knows. What I can't promise you is a peaceful night, three kids, two cats.

I can't believe I'm invinting sleepless nights again. I must be mad. Plus it took me two years to lose Joe's baby weight. I've already told Chris I'll need a Wii fit for Christmas and some running shoes. I don't like carrying excess weight. As Libby said 'Isn't it time for Daddy to have a baby, afterall you've had two, it his turn' she has a point. Chris is nearly a foot taller than me, he'd bear the weight much better than little old me and he's younger.

I can't stop feeling hungry, this hasn't happened before, I can put away my dinner and then be hungry again within the hour. Then I eat some more and feel sick for hours. Serves me right.
Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself - Charlie Chaplin

Re: The Good News Thread

Post by klondike »

Hollis wrote:Klondike -

Cats are not Chinese food! They're Korean food! Dogs are Chinese food. Why do you think the breed is called Chow? Let's get our facts straight!

As always,

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, you know, it gets even better when you read down through the Chow Chow's official Breed Standard, and find where it actually dictates that a correct example must have a "blackberry tongue" [no lie]!
That always slew me, given the critter's name; it was like, here, start at the fatty end, and then you get dessert after the entre! :twisted:
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Re: The Good News Thread

Post by silentscreen »

Thought you might like to see the latest pics of my little granddaughters, now going on three months. Their Mom has them all dressed up, even with hats, but Anna is a blond and Emma a brunette. They love their pacifiers, LOL!

Annabelle on left, and Emma on right.

"Humor is nothing less than a sense of the fitness of things." Carole Lombard

Re: The Good News Thread

Post by feaito »

They are very cute Brenda. Congratulations to the proud grand-mamá! :D
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