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Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: April 4th, 2012, 11:33 am
by JackFavell
Kingme, I've always wondered what recording they used, because I like the sound of the operatic voice. It's so mellow and emotional. Apparently it was made in 1966, by Slavko Grgic, in Yugoslavia and won the Palme D'or for best animated subject that year.

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: April 4th, 2012, 1:48 pm
by Rita Hayworth
JackFavell wrote:Kingme, I've always wondered what recording they used, because I like the sound of the operatic voice. It's so mellow and emotional. Apparently it was made in 1966, by Slavko Grgic, in Yugoslavia and won the Palme D'or for best animated subject that year.
I'm afraid that I can't answer your question ... I have a friend of mine that sent me that you tube and I could ask her about it ... it's may takes me a week to get your answer. Sorry.

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: April 4th, 2012, 5:27 pm
by JackFavell
oh, no, kingme! I am pretty sure she won't know was just a general thought, not really a question.

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: April 4th, 2012, 10:02 pm
by Rita Hayworth
JackFavell wrote:oh, no, kingme! I am pretty sure she won't know was just a general thought, not really a question.
OK, Thanks for the heads up! :)

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: April 8th, 2012, 11:53 pm
by Rita Hayworth
This is Unbelievable ... So Funny!


After our Easter Dinner, my brother shared this to the whole family ... and my head was hurting really bad after laughing to this You Tube Video that really cracked me up. This is so hilarious ... I guaranteed you will be laughing silly after watching it.

I did ... :lol: :lol: :lol: and more :lol: :!:

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: April 28th, 2012, 8:40 pm
by MissGoddess
For Wendy, who I know is a fan of Franchot Tone. Wen, I'm not sure if you've seen JIGSAW (1949) before, if not, it's a nifty little drama I think you'll enjoy. And it boasts a very interesting cast if you look carefully. :wink:


Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: April 28th, 2012, 8:57 pm
by JackFavell
The truth is I don't know if I've seen it before! Sometimes I forget titles lately. I wait expectantly to see a movie I know I've never seen, only to realize I watched it last year sometime.

I am going to watch it, hopefully tomorrow sometime. You are right - I always liked Franchot Tone on a light level, but I am appreciating his darker side more and more lately....he blew me away in Phantom Lady, and since then I've decided he's a lot more interesting than I ever gave him credit for. Thanks for the youtube link!

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 10:47 pm
by MissGoddess
I'm thrilled to find that someone uploaded Gary Cooper's last film and his only real "thriller", The Naked Edge (1961), co-starring Deborah Kerr. Directed by Michael Anderson (Logan's Run, The Dam Busters, The Wreck of the Mary Deare) with a screenplay by Joseph Stephano (Psycho), it's the closest we've got to seeing Coop in a Hitchcockian setting.


Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 11:11 am
by RedRiver
I should give NAKED EDGE another try. I didn't like it as a kid. Found it kind of dry. But when you're expecting Wild Bill Hickock...

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 12:32 pm
by JackFavell
I found a copy this morning of the original Playhouse 90 version of The Days of Wine and Roses.

As good as the movie is, I find this TV version to be better in all ways. It's raw, incredibly powerful, and makes me connect in a way the movie never has. It also has some of the most impressive acting I've ever seen, it's like a primer on how to act for the camera. To this day, I don't know where performances like these come from, they are so far above anything before or since. Starring Cliff Robertson, Piper Laurie and Charles Bickford who are all beyond superb, beyond description. Marc Lawrence also makes an appearance, and you'll probably recognize Malcolm Atterbury as well.

Jack Gould of the NY Times wrote in 1958 when the show aired:

It was a brilliant and compelling work... Mr. Miller's dialogue was especially fine, natural, vivid and understated. Miss Laurie's performance was enough to make the flesh crawl, yet it also always elicited deep sympathy. Her interpretation of the young wife just a shade this side of delirium tremens--the flighty dancing around the room, her weakness of character and moments of anxiety and her charm when she was sober--was a superlative accomplishment. Miss Laurie is moving into the forefront of our most gifted young actresses. Mr. Robertson achieved first-rate contrast between the sober man fighting to hold on and the hopeless drunk whose only courage came from the bottle. His scene in the greenhouse, where he tried to find the bottle that he had hidden in the flower pot, was particularly good... John Frankenheimer's direction was magnificent. His every touch implemented the emotional suspense but he never let the proceedings get out of hand or merely become sensational.

I saw this when I was in college on late night TV and never forgot the emotion of it, the bitter, uncompromising screenplay by J.P. Miller. It's directed by John Frankenheimer and I think it's his best work with actors. Remember, this was LIVE TV. Of all the teleplays Playhouse 90 did, I think this one is the best of the best - possibly the very best teleplay ever made. Judge for yourself! Here is the link to watch the teleplay:

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 1:27 pm
by RedRiver
I'd love to see this play. I've enjoyed other TV originals: MARTY, REQUIEM FOR A HEAVYWEIGHT, BANG THE DRUM SLOWLY. As you say, Wendy, there's a raw energy that goes right to the heart. So often, I've heard it's possible to rehearse too much. That you can get so polished you lose the inspiration. In live TV, that probably wasn't a concern.

By all accounts, this was a thrilling aspect of television's Golden Age. By your account, DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES is one of the better examples.

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: May 30th, 2012, 1:35 pm
by JackFavell
Red, as far as I'm concerned, this one is right up there with those others you mentioned. It haunted me for years after seeing it. I hope you like it! I don't know if you noticed the link I posted above, to a website called Podcast People, where you can watch it.

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: June 3rd, 2012, 4:49 pm
by MissGoddess
Here's a little movie I never heard of which I stumbled upon at YouTube. It's sort of like a pre-cursor to The Three Faces of Eve. Phillys Calvert is really excellent in the lead role. Stewart Granger has a supporting part, looking very gangly and young. The ending made me cry, I admit.

Madonna of the 7 Moons (1945)

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: June 3rd, 2012, 5:04 pm
by Jezebel38
MissGoddess wrote:Here's a little movie I never heard of which I stumbled upon at YouTube.
OMG - I finally get the chance to see this! Thanks so much for finding and posting MissG; this had played TWICE on the big screen at The Stanford Theatre in Palo Alto (my home away from home)over the past few years and both times I couldn't make it. I'd better watch this pronto, before it gets pulled. :D

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: June 3rd, 2012, 7:03 pm
by MissGoddess
Let me know what you think of it, Jez!