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Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 1:04 am
by mrsl
What a shocker it was to see Mrs. Patmore appear as Snow White's nanny tonight on Once Upon a Time. For those who don't know it, Once Upon a Time is a cleverly written show that connects 'ye olde days' in olde England and today's Storeybrook, Maine, USA. I believe it's clever because of the way the writers come up with perfectly plausible explanations of all the bedtime fairytales we knew and loved as kids. I guess this is my personal favorite dirty little secret. I love this show and have not missed an episode from Day 1. Snow White and Prince Charming are the parents of Emma, Sheriff of Storeybrook, who had a baby but gave it up for adoption to the rich witch who lives in town. Her mother (Cora) is the witch who poisoned Snow White with the apple, and Little Red Riding Hood is a good friend of Snow White's in Storeybrook. Oh, and the 7 dwarfs are around still watching out for SW, while Cora is still around coaching her daughter in the ways of black magic. Also, Captain Hook is there causing some real problems, along with a giant (from Jack's beanstalk town), who was captured by Cora and reduced to normal size . . . . . . let me catch my breath. Are you still with me?

Anyway, this show is filled with today's character actors who you may or may not have noticed in the background on several shows like The Closer, The Good Wife, and cops at accident scenes. There's no telling what their names are and they're not in the show long enough to catch it in the credits. But before I saw her face, I recognized Mrs. Patmore's voice - it's kind of unique. Too bad she ends up being thrown out of a second floor window, but i guess that's the way the ball bounces. The series is filmed at Fort Langley Community Hall in British Columbia, which I'm sure someone else can say where that is, because I haven't got the foggiest idea. Of course the show uses American as well as British actors because of the fairytale locations, and the present day locations. However, after seeing Mrs. Patmore, I wonder if I've missed any other British actors who might have appeared, but I wasn't yet aware of them.

I'm so used to watching Downton Abbey on Sunday night, I was kind of lost as to what to watch. I went back to The Good Wife, and the Mentalist, but the evening seemed to be missing something. Then on top of it all, I've gotten into the habit of watching three other British shows which I thoroughly enjoyed but they too, are missing. Does anyone here watch Doc Martin, Death in Paradise, or DSI Banks ?

Doc Martin is a weird (that's the only word I can think of to describe him), doctor in a very small rural seaside town. He's a good doctor but extremely abrupt and not at all endearing. His girlfriend just had a baby and he acts like the child messes his diaper just to cause Doc dismay. He's not a very attractive man physically, but it seems all the women his age around town have an eye for him. The show is quirky and the characters are also quirky and good for a few good giggles as well as belly laughs each week.

Death in Paradise is a detective sent by the home office for a "short" time to a tropical island where he lives in fear of snakes, bugs, and all sorts of non-human things. He's also a very stern, and non-humorous guy who refuses to wear island clothing and sweats it out in a suit and tie every day, praying to be called back to the home office, he's not in exile, it's just that a detective was needed on the island, and he was stuck.

DSI Banks is a chief detective in a small town just outside of London I believe. He's another rather stern guy, but enjoys a night on the town occasionally like the others in the cast, but his old partner (a lady I really liked), left to have a baby and naturally everyone thinks the baby is his (but it's not). Now he has a new partner who didn't crack so much as a smile until her third week on the show. In fact she took notes when he gave her tips on how to get along with the folks in the precinct house. I think the letters stand for Detective Security Inspector, but I'm not sure of the S. All the others are just plain DS, with no I, but they never explain it.

Does anyone watch these shows? and are they still playing in Britain? and what is the correct word to use English/England, or British/Britain? I seriously want to know, because I've heard both, and wonder if one is more proper than the other.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 9:09 am
by JackFavell

I have watched Once Upon a Time ever since the beginning too, mainly for Robert Carlyle, who plays Mr. Gold. He's a WONDERFUL actor who keeps this show interesting, he's always changing it up and pulls every storyline off flawlessly. He breaks my heart and at the same time can be just as rotten as can be. People might remember him as the lead in THE FULL MONTY.

I've seen a couple of eps of Doc Martin, and liked it, but never really knew when it was on so I didn't keep up. He's quite the character!

A lot of the Downton cast do other projects, so leaving is sometimes not a sign of discontent, just getting a bit of work while they are 'hot'. I just saw Quartet and was shocked to see not only Maggie Smith in the movie, but also Sheridan Smith, who is the spitting image of Joanne Frogett - our gal Anna.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: March 4th, 2013, 6:30 pm
by mrsl
I get what you're saying about the actors of DA doing other things when on hiatus, as well as weeks when their character is not necessary to the weekly story. As I said however, I wonder how many of the actors I've missed because I didn't know them at the time.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 3:20 pm
by sandykaypax
Catching up with this thread and chiming in late to the accent talk--

IMO, people from Southern California DEFINITELY have an accent. Years ago, I dated someone who had moved here from Orange County and the accent was there. You can hear it parodied brilliantly in the SNL skit "The Californians" that's been showing up this season. My husband doesn't get the skit at all, but then, he's never met anyone from So Cal. I laugh my head off every time I see it.

Also--I've heard the phrase "you'uns" said in the Pittsburgh area (and maybe it's used in parts of the Midwest), but NO ONE in Northeast Ohio uses that phrase. We say "you guys".

Sandy K

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: April 11th, 2013, 10:48 pm
by mrsl


That's a great list of appealing celebrities, and I agree with every one except Gabby Douglas. I have no idea what she does, or did.

I must be tone deaf when it comes to area dialects. With all the TV I watch, people on the talk shows all sound the same to me. I hear no difference between New York and Los Angeles except maybe Bahston, or Minnesota.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 8:07 am
by feaito
Coté de Pablo?? Wow... That name strikes a chord....She's a Chilean girl (born in Santiago de Chile, the city I live in) and the daughter of a very well known (during the late seventies and early eighties) TV news presenter and hostess: María Olga Fernández, who went to work to Miami and stayed there...Her full name is María José De Pablo Fernández (in Chile we use two surnames: the paternal, first, and the maternal, afterwards). She's pretty and neat, but I'm not very familiar with her, since I usually do not watch tv series.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 9:15 am
by sandykaypax
Anne--probably the reason why you rarely hear regional accents on tv is because in college, if you are in a major that may require you to be on tv (theatre or broadcast journalism) you take voice class which helps you to get rid of the "regionalisms" in your speech. I used to think that I didn't have a Cleveland accent, until it was pointed out to me. Patricia Heaton from The Middle and Everybody Loves Raymond is from the Cleveland area and she has gotten rid of hers. I heard her in an interview once where she talked about funny her family back home sounds now. It's a sort of nasal, flat "a" sound.

Kingrat--one of my best friends from college is originally from Virginia and she grew up saying "y'all". She laughs about making the adjustment when she came to Kent State and hearing everyone say you guys. "Are you guys going to the party tonight?"

as opposed to "Are y'all going to the party tonight?"

I agree that all the celebs on that list are appealing, except for the 2 from NCIS--I'm not familiar with them because I don't watch NCIS. It's funny how Maggie Smith has become so lovable for playing two rather prickly characters--Lady Violet from Downton Abbey and Professor MacGonagle (sp??) from the Harry Potter films.

Sandy K

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 10:04 am
by movieman1957
And of course the plural of "y'all" is " all y'all."

I went to radio school some time ago and that was one of the things some people really had to work on was losing their local accent. (For my money Baltimore accents are among the worst in the USA.) I may have a small one but I worked to keep from getting one in the first place. My parents being from TN also made it easier.

But if you wanted to be a radio announcer you'd better not have an accent or you really limit what you can do.

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: April 24th, 2013, 7:20 am
by moira finnie
A parody stage "sneak peek of season 4" of Downton Abbey has popped up. Enjoy:


Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: April 24th, 2013, 8:25 am
by JackFavell
Deleted. Sorry wrong thread again!

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: April 24th, 2013, 2:11 pm
by sandykaypax
Moira, the Broadway does Downton Abbey clip has been circulating on facebook lately. It's hilarious! Thanks for posting it here.

Sandy K

Re: Downton Abbey

Posted: September 26th, 2013, 10:33 am
by MissGoddess
couldn't resist:
