Page 188 of 979


Posted: February 12th, 2010, 12:08 pm
by klondike
feaito wrote:I wouldn't think about waxing wouldn't be considered manly in Chile......too metrosexual....
Newsflash for you, 'Nando: it ain't considered very manly in hometown America, either! :?


Posted: February 12th, 2010, 2:58 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Or here, far too metrosexual.

Can't say that picture of Burt Reynolds does much for me.


Posted: February 12th, 2010, 3:19 pm
by mongoII
Clark Gable & Vivien Leigh amongst big wigs and crew on the set of GWTW


Posted: February 12th, 2010, 5:23 pm
by jdb1
feaito wrote:What's wrong with hairy men? What's the issue? :wink: I'm sort of hairy....Thank God my wife likes it. I wouldn't think about waxing wouldn't be considered manly in Chile......too metrosexual....
Hey, Nando, I'm Italian, and I therefore don't see anything wrong with hairy men (as long as they're not in the Missing Link category). It's the lack of visible hair on Reynolds' legs I was taking issue with. His legs look airbrushed, too smooth and, as such, rather too girly to go with the Macho Reynolds image. He looks more like Gidget (Sally Field or otherwise) than Burt Reynolds.

How about that infamous full-frontal (but not really) photo of Reynolds from the old days, Joe. Got that one? Was it Cosmo or Playgirl?


Posted: February 12th, 2010, 5:29 pm
by mongoII
At your service, Judith.



Posted: February 12th, 2010, 6:16 pm
by feaito
jdb1 wrote:
feaito wrote:What's wrong with hairy men? What's the issue? :wink: I'm sort of hairy....Thank God my wife likes it. I wouldn't think about waxing wouldn't be considered manly in Chile......too metrosexual....
Hey, Nando, I'm Italian, and I therefore don't see anything wrong with hairy men (as long as they're not in the Missing Link category). It's the lack of visible hair on Reynolds' legs I was taking issue with. His legs look airbrushed, too smooth and, as such, rather too girly to go with the Macho Reynolds image. He looks more like Gidget (Sally Field or otherwise) than Burt Reynolds.

How about that infamous full-frontal (but not really) photo of Reynolds from the old days, Joe. Got that one? Was it Cosmo or Playgirl?
I understand Judith :wink: ... "The Missing Link" concept made me laugh :lol: ....Besides can you imagine how painful it would be for a man to have his limbs and/or chest waxed or shaved? I know that some guys who participate in sports competitions have to do it, to be faster (swimmers) or to avoid infections when injured (triathletes, bikers)....I even recall that under the Production Code hairy chests were considered rather too sexual and even some producers disliked their leading men being hairy (Zanuck?)...Bill Holden had his hairy chest shaved for his role in "Pic Nic" (1955). I wonder if Messrs. Heston or Lancaster had to ever undergo that treatment? Ouch! I also recall that for a while some actors (during the 1920s and 1930s) had their eyebrows "shaped" or plucked. I read that MGM's make-up department had Bob Taylor's eyebrows "shaped" during the 1930s. Maybe Joe could post pictures here comparing Bob's eyebrows in say "Camille" (1937) and a later film like "Westward the Women" (1951) to see the difference?


Posted: February 12th, 2010, 8:35 pm
by mongoII
At your request, Fernando:

Robert Taylor's eyebrows with Greta Garbo in "Camille"

Robert Taylor's eyebrows in "Westward the Women"


Posted: February 12th, 2010, 8:52 pm
by feaito
In those pictures they look rather similar; don't they? Perhaps in Camille they look more delineated.


Posted: February 13th, 2010, 10:50 am
by mongoII

CAROL LYNLEY is 68 today

BO SVENSON is 69 today

GEORGE SEGAL is 76 today

KIM NOVAK is 77 today

OLIVER REED (1937 - 1999)

SUSAN OLIVER (1932 - 1990)

LYLE BETTGER (1915 - 2003)

JEAN MUIR (1911 - 1996)

JOHN WRAY (1887 - 1940)


Posted: February 13th, 2010, 2:40 pm
by mongoII
Frank Capra going over the script with Claudette Colbert & Clark Gable on
"It Happened One Night"


Posted: February 13th, 2010, 3:18 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I prefer that picture of Burt Reynolds, nothing at all wrong with male body hair. Still, Burt does nothing for me facially.

Still on the subject, it is rare to see a hairy chest on film in the first half of the twentieth century. Into the fifties it was more apparent. I recall John Wayne in The Quiet Man, I seem to recall Brando although I don't think it was Streetcar and Montgomery Clift. Did Gable shave his chest, perish the thought.

To bring tears to all the men reading this thread, there is an intimate service provided by waxers here that, ahem, takes care of the male undercarriage :lol: This knowledge comes from TV :shock:


Posted: February 13th, 2010, 6:17 pm
by knitwit45


Posted: February 13th, 2010, 7:09 pm
by jdb1
mongoII wrote:At your service, Judith.

Thanks. That's more like it -- for me, at least. That girly rear-view photo of Reynolds was giving me the williwaws. I likes a man what looks like a man.

Now -- who remembers, 'cause I don't: At the time this photo was published (I think it was in Cosmopolitan), there was lots of hoo-ha about photos of unclothed men in mainstream publications. It was touted as a women's lib thing, although most women were not all that interested in being swamped with images of naked men on every newsstand, the way the public is innundated with images of naked women. Populist psychologists told us that we women are a tactile, not a visual, branch of the human race when it comes to arousal. Of course, it's all par for the course now, and every "celebrity" has posed, at one time or another, for a magazine cover showing them in various stages of undress, making like they're pulling their pants down.

So -- anyway -- at the time this Reynolds photo was printed, some comedian said "Big deal. What does this picture of Burt Reynolds prove, except that he's left-handed?" Who was it? It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't quite recall. I sort of thought Jackie Mason, but maybe it was someone more "button-down" like Mort Sahl. Anyone?


Posted: February 13th, 2010, 7:15 pm
by knitwit45
I remember he was on Johnny Carson's show, and said it was his ARM covering up his assets, not his HAND....Johnny just about lost it......


Posted: February 14th, 2010, 1:14 am
by ChiO
I'm 99.5% certain the picture was for Playgirl.

I remember, around this time, that Burt was on The Tonight Show and telling Johnny that he didn't understand why so many women seemed to find him attractive. He then followed with, "I mean have you seen that Marlboro guy? I'd switch for him." Johnny lost it. I do believe that "that Marlboro guy" was Tom Selleck.