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Posted: September 1st, 2008, 2:02 pm
by inglis
I am a Canadian but I have always had an interest in American politic's. I watched the convention.I liked Michelle's speech and his on the Thursday was very powerful . I liked what he had to say and he seems very refreshing after seeing George Bush talk over the years .I am in no position to judge however as to who would make the next President of your Country . We are ourselves heading for the polls soon as well to vote for a new Prime Minister.

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 2:05 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I admit I'm surprised at both choices for vice president. Maybe it's too simplistic but why didn't Obama pick Hillary, surely between them they'd be unstoppable or would Hillary not want to accept the place of Vice President? McCain's choice is plain strange to me, does anyone think she's a good choice.

Stuart, you did get me right, I am a Conservative voter, even if for the past 11 years it's got me nowhere. It seems I've motivated more by abhorrence of the Labour party and desire to cast a vote against them than the belief that the Conservatives would get in. Now I think they are very electable. I look forward to the day we are rid of the Labour government, hopefully for a good and long time.

The Conservatives have better ideas about getting people into work and being proud to earn an honest living instead of accepting state handouts (I know there is a need for a benefits system for people who are unable to work or carers) A similar thing with obesity, which is getting a huge (excuse the pun) problem here, people need help and reeducation but at the end of the day it's down to the individual, they have to be willing to invest their energies in losing that weight. I suppose what I'm trying to say is more of a dig at society at large, instead of saying it's not my fault perhaps they should look at seeing how they can help themselves.

It seems I'm becoming an old curmudgeon :roll:


Posted: September 1st, 2008, 2:17 pm
by inglis
Just from watching news reports and hearing other people opinons. I wonder if Obama might have wanted someone who was not of the Clinton years and was Bill Clinton a factor in him not wanting Hilliary as a running mate .Far be it for me to assume anything about that choice . You would know better than me most of you here .

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 4:26 pm
by bryce
charliechaplinfan wrote:MAybe it's too somplistic but why didn't Obama pick Hillary, surely between them they'd be unstoppable or would Hillary not want to accept the place of Vice President?
I'm still surprised by all the support Hillary gets. She played horribly dirty, was vicious and nasty for the entire primary run and did her best to sabotage the Democrats chances to win by threatening to go independent, trying to invalidate two states' votes, etcetera. She is a politician, through and through, cares about no one but herself, and is a dyed in the wool socialist. I'm fairly sure she has permanently damaged her relations with her party and there was no way Obama would have chosen her after the way she played. It would have also fiercely divided his supporters should he have chosen Hillary. It would also have given given McCain and the Republicans all the ammunition they needed to destroy Obama's campaign without coming out looking too much like politicians. Her politics and attitude still haven't matured since she was first in the oval office years ago and it shows.

I also resent the notion that this election is monumental simply because race and gender are involved. Let's elect an honest human being to the office, now that would be monumental.

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 6:01 pm
by jdb1
Ah, my friend Bryce. You have such very strong opinions -- good for you. Actually, I agree in essence, if not in style, with some of what you've said about the nature of politics and politicians.

However, as our blessed current administration (oh, did I say "blessed?" I meant "benighted.") has said "It is what it is." I submit that there aren't many saintly, blameless politicians. I laugh to myself at the Obama suporters who try to paint him as outside the system, whatever that means. No politician in these times gets elected without playing the game, including St. Barry (who, by the way, I intend to vote for). As for "Bam," as our newspapers have taken to calling him, being no Abraham Lincoln - well, Abe wasn't really "Abraham Lincoln" until he was tested by crisis, no matter how smart and effective he might have been before he came to the White House. He was, after all, an even more obscure politician then than Obama is now.

Saints rarely go into politics, and if they do, they rarely get elected. It's a dirty business, and will remain so until someone, someone, can effect a major overhaul. I don't think it's going to happen in any of our lifetimes. In this life, the trick is to seem blameless, even if you are not.

Politicians love power, and they have great big egos. I don't want any wussy men or women running things for me - I want movers and shakers. What I prefer are those who demonstrate a knowledge of, and an interest, in governing, not just an interest in being the chief hall monitor and getting all the perks. In my view, what we've got now is an adminstration of reaction, not of action. I'm happy to hear a man or women who wants more from the presidency than to show up his (or her) father and his brothers.

I agree that Hilary Clinton is a woman of overweaning[sp?] ambition, but I don't think she would be bad for this country; I'm just not sure she'd be great. I'm happy to have her continue as our senator; there aren't nearly enough smart people running things.

Also, I do agree with the question about Obama's safety. It's a concern that will unfortunately be much more on people's minds than it would with any other candidate in the race, and I'm wondering if the choice of Sen. Biden wasn't motivated, in part, by that worry.

So tell me -- if Gov. Palin is such a devout and fundamental Christian, how come she's so proud of her unwed, pregnant daughter. How come 17-year-old Bristol ("Bristol???") isn't labeled a sinner and condemned to Everlasting Hell? Oh -- wait -- now I remember -- the Republican credo: some are more equal than others.

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 6:55 pm
by Mr. O'Brady
So tell me -- if Gov. Palin is such a devout and fundamental Christian, how come she's so proud of her unwed, pregnant daughter. How come 17-year-old Bristol ("Bristol???") isn't labeled a sinner and condemned to Everlasting Hell?

Even if said tongue-in-cheek, that was brutal. Even if you don't agree with her views, to take such glee in a family's troubles is wrong on every level. I left my church years ago after the pastor held a public meeting to shame his pregnant 18-year-old daughter, so I'm happy to see that Palin embraces her daughter.

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:46 pm
by ken123
If one of Obama's daughters were pregnant and unmarried the press would force him off the ticket.


Posted: September 1st, 2008, 9:36 pm
by melwalton
Judy, Judy.
a teenage girl gets pregnant and is condemned to hell fire? I was shocked, coming from someone as sen sible as you. I must've misread it.
All this poltiical talk reminde of Lyndon Johnson's comment about being a great statesman, ''First, you gotta get elected'.
I think Hillary would have gotten more electoral votes. Obama didn;t do really well in the big states, the ones with the big electoral votes (California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, michigan) in the primaries.
Your state has produced some good politicians ( is that possible/) FDR, LaGuardia, Dewey, Lehman. And some real foul balls, Jazz Walker. .... mel


Posted: September 1st, 2008, 10:34 pm
by knitwit45
This was not written by me, but I think those of us who are Christians can relate to the misunderstandings held by non-Christians. I humbly submit the following:

Christianity understood...

The next time someone says............."I thought you were supposed to be
a Christian," keep this in mind.

When I say, "I am a Christian"... I'm not shouting, "I'm clean living!"
I'm whispering, "I was lost; now I'm found and forgiven."

When I say "I am a Christian"... I don't speak of this with pride. I'm
confessing that I stumble,
and need CHRIST to be my guide.

When I say, "I am a Christian"... I'm not trying to be strong. I'm
professing that I'm weak
, and need HIS strength to carry on.

When I say, "I am a Christian"... I'm not bragging of success. I'm
admitting I have failed,
and need God to clean my mess.

When I say, "I am a Christian"... I'm not claiming to be perfect, my
flaws are far too visible
; but God believes I am worth it.

When I say, "I am a Christian"... I still feel the sting of pain, I have
my share of heartaches,
and so I call upon His name.

When I say, "I am a Christian"... I'm not holier than thou. I'm just a
simple sinner, who received God's good Grace, somehow.

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 8:48 am
by movieman1957
Most of us being parents I think we understand that try as hard as we might ultimately the child, no matter the age, has to take some responsibility for their own actions. You can't sit on them all day. You can't follow them everywhere. You have to hope that what you tried so hard to instill in them stuck. For a moment it didn't.

I think they are proud that their daughter didn't sneak off and have an abortion. Proud that she is facing up to her repsonsibility. Even with a life altering issue like this she is still their daughter and good for them for helping her get through it.

It is something I worry about with my children. Did what I told them sink in? I can only hope.

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 9:58 am
by moira finnie
My political and ethical views are only my own, but I'd appreciate it if every person posting here would please consider how they would feel if they were 17 years old and in the position of the Palin girl. She's already behind the eight ball and subject to vituperative pressures from all sides. Let's lay off her situation, please.

pot stirred

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 1:21 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Bryce I think we posted about the same time last night so I missed replying to your post. All you say about in your post is true and I for one am not proud.

Everything in the public sector it seems is about targets, education, the health service, policing. It's all about hitting numbers set down by the powers that be. If they decide it's CCTV or speed cameras, it's ludicross.

The shooting of Jean Paul Menezes is appalling, shameful and when the full facts came out, there was no excuse. He hadn't even acted like a terrorist, like we all thought he must have. The behaviour of all the top brass turns my stomach.

I disagree with you very strongly about Mrs Thatcher, she pulled this country out of the mire of the seventies, out the time of strikes and unions holding businesses to ransom. It's true that she wasn't perfect but someone here said they would rather be ruled by a mover or shaker and that she certainly was. It wasn't the power she craved but the real desire to make a differene and to implement ewhat she belieed on.

I have no love of the Labour Party but I do appreciate people with true socialist ideals wanting to create a society that is more equal for everybody. I just don't think human nature will ever let it be so.

I haven't heard much about McCains running mate but it all sounds pretty unpleasant with her daughter being brought into it. I always feel that when women get into politics they get a rougher ride. Perhaps it's the penance they pay for not staying and tending home.


Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 2:09 pm
by melwalton
In a recent post I named some good politicians ( oxymoron? ) from Ny and omitted Teddy ( an unforgivable gaffe ), .... mel



Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 2:22 pm
by melwalton
Sounds nineteenth century, Charlie. I tell my wife a woman's place is in the kitchen and she says, EATING. ,,,, mel


Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 4:24 pm
by mrsl
I cannot believe this malarky that is going on about Palins daughter. A few years ago, it was discovered that Cheney's daughter is gay. That info ultimately left her open to months and months of being the butt of every comedian's joke, from comedy club nobodies, to Jay Leno. Trust me, I have no feeling at all for Cheney, he should have been questioned for shooting that guy, and for the incorrect info about Iraq and Katrina, and so many other things, but his daughter should have been left alone. When Chelsea Clinton got a little too drunk while being a regular college kid, she also became a joke item. This attack on the families is disgusting. All the idiots who think their lives would be ruined if single sex marriages were allowed are the ones who should be joked about, not the partners. I'm sure we would have a really long line if everybody who has been p.g. before marriage stood next to each other, and I would be in that line. The only relevant thing to be discussed in any campaign whether for president or dog catcher is his/her ability to do the job. His/Her sexual orientation is unimportant, children are unimportant, wives or husbands, religion, ethnic background and nationality - none are important to elections.

The Presidential promise is to preserve the union and protect the Constitution as well as the people of the United States. It doesn't ask him or her to decide who should marry who, or if certain prayers should be said in school, or what a woman should do when her body is traumatized. If that sort of thing becomes part of the presidency, we are asking for a different form of government, not a democratic one.
