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Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: October 3rd, 2009, 7:37 pm
by rohanaka
YOU gals are cracking me up!! ha

PS.. Hiya neighbor Nancy... thanks for the offer to help me w/ BOGIE. ha.. I need all the help I can get. If you hear a loud cry of despair coming from the east side of the state line... you will know it is me... ha. :D

OH.... good gravy. My year is turning into one big "Humphry Bogart Film Fest"! Ha. First it was Miss Goddess and To Have and Have Not (which I gotta confess... I REALLY liked) And I still have to watch In a Lonely Place (because I DID promise Ms Cutter, and the other Gloria lovers that I would try) And now Casablanca... three Bogie movies in one year????? How will I ever survive??? ha. OH... the sacrifices I make for you folks :D

And to think... it was all this chat about sweet little Claude Rains that got me into this mess.. ha. Thank goodness HE was NOT in The African Queen too... ha.. (Gulp... Or was he???? HA!! Having never seen THAT one either... I have NO idea if he is in that movie or NOT.. yikes! I need to quit while I'm ahead..ha.) :lol:

Ok... enough BOGIE...

Let's try and get the thread back on topic where it belongs... Claude Rains rocks! :D (note to self... check IMDB to look up the cast of The African Queen.. did I mention... GULP??) ha.

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: October 3rd, 2009, 8:08 pm
by CineMaven
Hi there Ro...

Look, before we get back onto the masterful Claude Rains can you just point me to (cite the page) why you dislike of Humphrey Bogart in the first place?? (If it was "The African Queen" I wouldn't blame ya. I dislike that movie.

Why don't you like Humphrey Bogart? Maybe you oughta watch "Dark Passage." We don't actually see Bogie until about 45 minutes into the movie. And that other great character actor, Agnes Moorhead is fantastic in this.

A whole!

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: October 3rd, 2009, 9:56 pm
by rohanaka
CineMaven wrote:Why don't you like Humphrey Bogart?

Ha.. NOW you've gone and done it..ha. I am cornered... I am suddenly having a flashback to the time I was 18 years old and my Grandma asked me why I did not like TOMATOES.. ha. (And the reason for my distaste for Bogart is VERY similar... and EQUALLY as embarrassing...ha.

(Oh.. forgive me, Ms Finnie for this interruption of your thread)

When I was younger, I made up my mind I did NOT like tomatoes... mainly because of the way they looked. I would EAT almost anything made out tomatoes.. (tomato sauce, soup, ketchup, etc) but I would not TOUCH a raw tomato w/ a ten foot pole. Once when I was in high school I even LIED to the post commanding general's wife (we lived on an army post) at a Red Cross Volunteer Luncheon. I was there representing YOUTH volunteers, and as I was carefully removing the tomato from my club sandwich I smiled politley and said, "Excuse me.. I'm allergic" HA!! But the truth was... I just did not WANT to even THINK about eating a slice of raw tomato....

So one day, (I was 18 yrs old by now) my Grandma tells me she is going to make BLT's for lunch.. and I say "Oh just give me a B and and L but leave off the T" and she comes back w/ "WHAT? You don't want tomato?" and I said, "No, I don't really like them". And she gives me the KILLER of all comebacks: "Well.. YOU'VE never tried them, have you?" UGH... HOW can you lie to your GRANDMA?? So she MADE me try that awful looking red slimy sliced up THING... and... I LOVED it. Fresh sliced, vine ripe tomatoes are among the BEST foods God ever created… OH, to think of all those wasted years… ha.

So.. what does this have to do with why I don't like Humphrey Bogart?? OH.. I just can't bare the thought of having to admit this... ha.. I NEVER liked the way he LOOKED (or sounded) when I was a kid.. so I decided I did not like HIM as an actor.. ha. And I have more or less avoided him ALL my life. (Sound familiar??) (OH.. and I am way, SO way much older than 18 now...ha... talk about wasted YEARS!!! I know... SHAMEFUL isn't it?????????????) :oops:

I have watched To Have and Have Not.. loved it. Sabrina... REALLY liked it a lot... and Dark Victory (admittedly.. he has a very small part, but I though he did OK) OH… and I forgot.. I DID see him in ONE more movie this year too… The Oklahoma Kid… and I LOVED to hate him in that one.. he was a VERY good bad guy… So I actually HAVE liked him in EVERY movie I have ever seen, (all 4 of them, ha.) But I just can’t seem to escape those childhood “prejudices”.

OH boy, I can hear you already… You are going to tell me I just need to think of him as that TOMATO I always neglected.. and the next time I see him in a movie… I need to leave him ON the sandwich and ENJOY… ha.

Alas… my ONE confession (about Casablanca) has left me feeling so… emotionally EXPOSED now.. ha. You have just heard one of my BEST kept “why I don’t like_____” secrets…ha. Oh the shame…

I think I need a BLT…

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Claude Rains Thread (again, Miss Finnie, you have my apologies) :)

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: October 3rd, 2009, 10:14 pm
by MissGoddess
Oh, that is the funniest, cutest story, Ro!


Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: October 4th, 2009, 8:59 am
by JackFavell
Oh, Kathy, you were very brave to confess.....

And i hate to do this, but I feel I have to.... and besides I was going to post this at the brunettes thread anyway for Miss G:
(click to enlarge):

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: October 4th, 2009, 6:31 pm
by CineMaven
WoW, that's a great photo of Bogart.

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: October 5th, 2009, 5:49 pm
by rohanaka
Miss G, Ms Favell... too funny... I'll have a BLT with an order of HB on the side... to go. ha. :lol:

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: May 27th, 2012, 7:20 pm
by Jezebel38
Some one over in the "Information Please" thread on the TCM board was asking about a film which sounded intriguing - it was identified as THIS LOVE OF OURS (1945) which stars Merle Oberon and Claude Rains - I've never heard of this film?! A Universal melodrama/soap opera directed by William Dieterle, and posted in parts on Youtube. I thought any fan of Claude Rains might be interested in taking gander at this:


Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: May 27th, 2012, 9:39 pm
by MissGoddess
Thank you, Jezebel! I like both performers very much and I love William Dieterle! I never heard of it either, so it may be an unsuspected gem.

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 12:46 pm
by moira finnie
I really appreciate your reminder of that "lost" Claude Rains movie, Jez. Thanks to you, I wrote a bit about it here after viewing it again last night. Love that Claude!!

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 9:43 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I have always had a healthy appreciation for dear Claude Rains, and I am definitely tickled pink (and some of my other favorite colors like peach and turquoise) that his SOTM is in September, the illustrious month of my heralded birth here in the Lone Star State. :shock:

After reading the biography written by his daughter, I felt an even greater sense of awe at his accomplishments and his range of character roles. Can't wait! Thanks for the in-depth memorandum from the desk somewhere near the Finnie files... :lol:

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 11:51 pm
by Jezebel38
Christy - this was an OLD thread I revived as I thought it was the most appropriate place to post about the film THIS LOVE OF OURS which I found on Youtube. Sorry for the confusion, but Claude was SOTM back in September 2009 when this thread was first started.

Re: Claude Rains in September

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 12:13 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Oh, darn! I thought it was a little too soon to be spolighting him again!

O.K. I'll delete my post, Jezebel38, if you delete yours! :oops:

Re: Claude Rains

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 12:15 pm
by moira finnie
No worries, ladies. I just changed the name of the thread to be just Claude Rains!

Re: Claude Rains

Posted: May 29th, 2012, 6:41 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Thank you, Moira. I am glad. Claude Rains does deserve his very own thread!