Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by knitwit45 »

Got the email, but the files won't play....PHOOEY! And I had the aspirin bottle at the ready! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by Professional Tourist »

movieman1957 wrote:I don't know if I can link or post the recordings from my computer. I know I have sent them as an attachment as an email. It's lovely of you all to ask.

I am not aware of any webcasts of the services but I'll check.
When I want to share a non-image file such as an MP3, generally what I'll do is upload it to a free FTP service like SendSpace, and then post the link.

SendSpace is very easy to use, and the free service will host your files for thirty days before purging them, longer if people are continuing to download them. :)
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by movieman1957 »

Thanks. I'll check it out.

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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by knitwit45 »

Chris sent me a file with his music on it, and let me tell ALL of you...this is one talented guy! Thanks for sharing,Chris, I know you'll knock everyone's socks off for your Christmas program!
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by charliechaplinfan »

We put the Christmas tree up yesterday, hubby and I are still recovering :roll:. It's one of my favorite traditions of Christmas, I've collecting so many lovely ornaments over the years and usually it's a really nice experience. This year though, it was hell, I think because we chose to do it differently, usually we put the tree up (it has to be assembled, it's colour coded and to do it properly it takes time and care) and fix the lights. This year we decided to get them involved in the whole process, we forgot kids can't wait when they really want to do something. The branches got mixed up, decorations were going on before it was built and then they ran out of steam and started falling out. When it was up and we eventually started loading the decorations it was such a hodge podge of everything just heaped on, I felt that we'd end up taking everything off and starting again but gradually it came together after 3 long hours. Despite everything the kids loved dressing the tree and with rearranging it looks lovely.
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by knitwit45 »

Alison, the first time we had an artificial tree, my dad put it up while we all watched, fuming because it was "fake". He kept assuring us it was going to be GORGEOUS, but he started getting nervous when he realized the tree was so small and bare. When it was up, it looked like something that had survived a natural disaster...We all felt so sorry for Dad, we just picked up all the ornaments and started loading the tree. He kept saying, "Well, maybe a few more foil icicles will help" Mother, bless her, just looked at him and said "there aren't enough icicles in Alaska to cover this thing up!" Over the years, it became a family saying when faced with some minor disaster...."maybe a few more icicles??"

Hey, folks, share some of your funniest memories of Christmas or Thanksgiving.
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by charliechaplinfan »

Well this isn't really the theme of the thread but it had my hubby laughing. I'm taking the kids to church tonight and JOe being 4 likes to take a toy to keep him occupied, he only comes out of the house carrying a large bright red pitchfork which is part of his Hallowe'en devil costume. He went back in the house very quickly and found something else. How to get excommunicated without even trying.
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by movieman1957 »


We got our fake tree about 1988. After having had a real tree fall over and die on us we picked needles until sometime in the spring. We certainly got our money's worth and it still looks good.

(Thank you for your very nice compliment.)

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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by moira finnie »

charliechaplinfan wrote:Well this isn't really the theme of the thread but it had my hubby laughing. I'm taking the kids to church tonight and JOe being 4 likes to take a toy to keep him occupied, he only comes out of the house carrying a large bright red pitchfork which is part of his Hallowe'en devil costume. He went back in the house very quickly and found something else. How to get excommunicated without even trying.
Every time you mention your Joe, his antics are priceless. This one, however shows the makings of an iconoclast or a comedian. I'm not sure which has the upper hand in his developing personality. You gave me a great laugh. Thanks.
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I dread to think what he's telling them at school :roll: . I did join in one school activity and that was walking the little children up to church and as we passed the graveyard he told everyone his father was dead. I was cross at that one, fancy saying that, he certainly doesn't engage his brain before he speaks.

He does make me smile. He's very good at pointing out the obvious, like when someone is fat or bald, I know he's going to say it, I used to dread meeting anyone very overweight when we went out because he would always point it out in a very loud voice as if I hadn't noticed. He once told a lady when we were shopping that she'd never lose weight if she bought the chocolates she was holding in her hand.

He's was very quick to talk but didn't completely understand what he was saying when he was very small he'd announce what colour bra I was wearing that day by saying 'Mummy has pink/white/black boobs today' I tried to avoid this one by not getting dressed in front of him but it only changed what he was saying to 'what colour are your boobs today Mummy?'. How do you tell a 2 year old that that's something that shouldn't be mentioned in the supermarket.

The most embarrased I have ever been was when I took him for his swimming lessons last year, it was just before he was 3 because he was still in nappies. At our local pool we have cubicles and as I'm getting him undressed, he's so excited at the prospect of going swimming, he grabs hold of the tags at both sides of his nappy and pulls the nappy completely away from his body, flinging a dollop of poo under the cubicle door and into the adjoining cubicle were a lady was getting changed. 'That's my poo, it's gone under the door' says Joe thinking it's hilarious. That was something the lady in the next cubicle wasn't counting on getting for free that day.

I hope no one thinks these stories are off colour but as I tell them I'm laughing, they may have been embarrasing at the time but if they'd have happened to anyone else I'd have been tickled pink.
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by moira finnie »

Okay, Alison, that's enough!! I laughed so hard over his pride in his flying poo that I think I nearly snapped a stitch, darn it. Sorry if anyone is offended, but I think he's pretty funny. Don't tell him that though or his artlessness might fade from his observations, losing some of that naughty spontaneity. :lol:
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by mrsl »

You're probably all going to think we were terrible parents, but honestly, nobody even considered this could happen. One Christmas day just as dinner ended, some Carolers came to the door so everybody went to the front foyer to listen to them. While all the adults were there, my 4 year old daughter, went around to all the partially full wine glasses and emptied them. Nobody could figure out why she was laughing so much at everything later, but when she fell asleep and we couldn't wake her to go home, we finally understood what we hadn't wanted to admit to when we were clearing the table of so many empty glasses when some of us knew we had left wine in them.

Another time, my second daughter was only 7 weeks old on Christmas, and at Grandmas house after dinner, around 4:00 p.m. we laid her down on the bed to nap. Having another place to go, we took off around 6:00 p.m. and were half-way there, before we realized we had left the baby sleeping. When we returned, nobody had even noticed her still there sleeping.

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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by charliechaplinfan »

I watched both of their Christmas performances this morning, they were both very good, Libby is very serious and does her absolute best and Joe is such the showman, he was just loving the limelight. I've been baking like mad and selling homemade cakes after the Christmas shows at school, no one has ever done this before, I raised £190 (about $350) in one morning, 4 more performances to go, so I've baked some more.

Sorry about that stitch Moira. When Joe grows up I'll have lots to tell his friends, not that I'm that kind of mother of course.
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by rohanaka »

Just wanted to take this opportunity to say, best wishes Ms. CCFan (and to everyone else) for a VERY merry Christmas and God' richest blessings to one and all in the New Year.
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Re: Christmas, Thanksgiving and other festivals

Post by Professional Tourist »

Last edited by Professional Tourist on January 9th, 2011, 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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