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Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: February 19th, 2011, 3:58 pm
by Rita Hayworth

Many years ago - I watched a film Thank You Lucky Stars - It has all the big guns in this movie
Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, E. Flynn, Diana Shores, and the list goes on and on.

This picture of Ann Sheridan in this movie - is very unreal of her. I'm a big fan of her too.

Back in those days - Women were Women and Men were Men


This is my favorite Ann Sheridan picture in a swimsuit - taken around the early 40's ... loved the
colorful swimsuits back into days - I loved everything in RETRO ... Isn't she lovely.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: February 21st, 2011, 2:18 pm
by CineMaven
Loved the Ann Sheridan references, Moira. Thank you (I'm a fan of "Nora Prentiss"). I'll bet she and Barbara Stan-
wyck were two of the most relaxed actresses on a set in Hollywood. Down-to-earth, an easy laugh, made the boys feel comfortable. Left the 'diva' at the studio entrance. She's a pal.

Oh yeah...she had a bit of "oomph" too. HA!!! Who says it had to be corseted? That voice...that laugh...can't corset that! 8)

Ann Sheridan...very under-rated.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 10:47 am
by intothenitrate
When this thread was initially posted, I went through my collection to see what films I had with Ms. Sheridan in them. (Not counting the hand- and butt-double credits), I only came up with Angels with Dirty Faces and It All Came True. She doesn't have a lot to do in the former, but is very well showcased in the latter. She gets what I think is a very poignant introduction in her opening exchange with Una O'Connor who plays her mother:

[O'Connor] "You don't look like a good girl. You don't talk like a good girl. You don't act like a good girl."
[Sheridan] "But I am a good girl...technically."

I'm looking forward to seeing more of her work.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 2:48 pm
by moira finnie
intothenitrate wrote:When this thread was initially posted, I went through my collection to see what films I had with Ms. Sheridan in them. (Not counting the hand- and butt-double credits), I only came up with Angels with Dirty Faces and It All Came True. She doesn't have a lot to do in the former, but is very well showcased in the latter. She gets what I think is a very poignant introduction in her opening exchange with Una O'Connor who plays her mother:

[O'Connor] "You don't look like a good girl. You don't talk like a good girl. You don't act like a good girl."
[Sheridan] "But I am a good girl...technically."

I'm looking forward to seeing more of her work.
I love that exchange! You can almost hear Sheridan's throaty voice saying "technically" with a salty inflection. Without TCM I would never have seen It All Came True (1940), a little movie rife with splendid character actors (O'Connor, Zasu Pitts, Felix Bressart, Grant Mitchell) who were so good that even tough guy Bogie laughed spontaneously.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 7:25 pm
by JackFavell
I was wracking my brains to figure out what movie It All Came True was in this conversation.... now I know - it's the one where Bogie laughs! Thanks, I really have to try and remember the name of that unknown gem!

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: February 25th, 2011, 9:19 pm
by Rita Hayworth

My favorite movie of Ann Sheridan when she co-starred with Cary Grant in

I Was a Male War Bride - came out in 1949.

They were great in this movie, I love the romantic hardships, the craziness, the screwball, the humor, and most importantly the way they tried their best to make the impossible to happen - to get married.

She and Cary Grant were unbelievable.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 2:52 pm
by mrsl
I can't add much to what everyone else has said about Ms. Sheridan, but I do think she was one of the best things ever to come out on a silver screen. You can take your Rita Haworths, Hedy Lamarrs, and Greta Garbos and put them in a bag and let them float away in a balloon because none of them had the sparkle that Ann had. She didn't like the nickname of oomph girl but she couldn't help living up to it. She was just the best!!!

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 7:08 pm
by Rita Hayworth
mrsl wrote:.
I can't add much to what everyone else has said about Ms. Sheridan, but I do think she was one of the best things ever to come out on a silver screen. You can take your Rita Haworths, Hedy Lamarrs, and Greta Garbos and put them in a bag and let them float away in a balloon because none of them had the sparkle that Ann had. She didn't like the nickname of oomph girl but she couldn't help living up to it. She was just the best!!!
mrsl - I know what you mean - Ann has a very sparkling personality that's many stars of her days and today do not have. I know what you mean about Rita Hayworth, Hedy Lamarrs, and Greta Garbos - because they different kind of appeal. They are all gorgeous, glamorous, and quite frankly have powerful sex appeal. But, Ann is also a favorite of mine; because she has definite charm of her own mrsl; and her charm is her personality, charisma, she commands presence, and have the smile that melts your heart. That's why I said in my earlier posts - that actress like Ann do command a sense of COMMAND PRESENCE - That's is what ANN SHERIDAN has - that my dear Rita, Hedy, and Greta lacks. I find her alluring and she holds her own. That picture that I shared (the bikini one) shows how pretty she really is ... and she shows a different kind of sex appeal. That's why she is called the OOMPH GIRL for nothing. I know that she didn't like the nickname - but you are right, but she couldn't help living up to it.

Back in those days, MEN were MEN and WOMEN were WOMEN ... In the Male War Bride with Cary Grant - my heart was beating when she wore that sexy nightgown - all the women, including her has beauty, charm, dynamite personality (she is the BEST there were), and frankly when she wore that nightgown - she is so lovely to look at.

I love all actresses back in those wonderous days of Hollywood - I often go to Movie Maiden web-site to remind myself of all the beautiful actresses, stars like Betty Grable, Gene Tierney, Elisabeth Taylor, and list goes on, and on, and on, that WOMEN of those days kept their appearances up ... my beloved Rita - spends a good hour a day making sure she doesn't go out in public in proper fashion.

Ann Sheridan did the same ... I remember one time that she always bring a pair of nylon stockings (after WWII) with her in case she has a run in her nylons. Many females stars do the same ... because THEY all care about their appearances.

Ann Sheridan is one of those ACTRESS - that cared about it all the time ...

That's why I admired her for that.

She simply is one dazzling dame with a sparkling personality that is SECOND to NONE.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: October 25th, 2011, 12:22 am
by Mr. Arkadin
We're getting two OOP Sheridan films on Wednesday with Mystery House and Footloose Heiress, both 1937 films. Nothing deep here, but if you're an Anne fan, they're fun flicks:



For those who need a little Christmas, hold on to your hats--Good Sam (1948) is coming in December!


Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: October 25th, 2011, 12:49 am
by Rita Hayworth
Thanks for sharing this info. Mr. Ark

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: November 26th, 2011, 4:25 pm
by CineMaven
Just perusing YouTube and found:



Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 4:55 pm
by RedRiver
GOOD SAM is a cute little Christmas story. It's not Frank Capra. It's not Charles Dickens. But it's well meaning family entertainment, with a fine cast. Worth watching this holiday season.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: March 9th, 2012, 9:33 pm
by Rita Hayworth
kingme wrote:Image

My favorite movie of Ann Sheridan when she co-starred with Cary Grant in

I Was a Male War Bride - came out in 1949.

They were great in this movie, I love the romantic hardships, the craziness, the screwball, the humor, and most importantly the way they tried their best to make the impossible to happen - to get married.

She and Cary Grant were unbelievable.
This is really funny folks ... quoting myself here ... but this movie will be showing on TCM following Sunday on Prime Time 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific. I'm looking forward to it.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: March 11th, 2012, 8:04 pm
by moira finnie
At 10 PM ET another Ann Sheridan comedy, George Washington Slept Here (1942) is being aired. It's a delight with Jack Benny as her husband in this perennial story of a couple looking for that idyllic spot in the country---until the bills and comic complications start rolling in. Percy Kilbride is also on hand as a country handyman.

Re: Ann Sheridan

Posted: March 12th, 2012, 8:08 am
by JackFavell
Percy is a hoot!

I watch this movie every time it's on. As a New Englander with an old home myself, I find it hilarious. Ann is lovely as a pre- Mrs. Blandings with a yen for a beautiful (in her eyes only) money pit of a colonial house. The movie boasts a swell supporting cast, including Kilbride, who shines, I think this is his best role; Hattie McDaniel, staunch and strong as usual (what any movie family would do without her, I don't know - they'd probably sink under the burdens of actual work); Charles Dingle as the snooty neighbor; Toto (Terry) gives his/her usual fine performance; plus another great performance from Charles Coburn as the couple's rich uncle Stanley. Douglas Croft is particularly effective as bratty nephew Raymond. I find the letter from Washington quite moving, without in the least disrupting the comedy action of the movie.