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Posted: July 29th, 2007, 12:13 am
by ken123
When I first heard that JFK was shot I was going from 7th period Algebra to 8th period English, two students were talking about it on the stairway, a few minutes latter we heard, in the English Class, that he was dead. I didn't ( and don't ) believe that it was a lone gunman. The first question to be asked about JFK's murder is " Who gained " ? :cry:

Where were you?

Posted: July 29th, 2007, 1:09 am
by Moraldo Rubini
mrsl wrote:It's odd how each generation seems to have somebody. Ask anyone born after 1940 where they were the day that JFK was shot, and they will tell you in detail. ...
Well, anyone born between 1940 and 1957 anyway. In the 1980's this was a test question of mine: "Where were you when Kennedy was shot?" The answer would either respond to 1) the death of JFK; or 2) the death of Bobby Kennedy; or 3) a shocked and disbelieveing response of "Kennedy was shot!?" -- and then I knew the response was in reference to the MTV VJ.

Posted: July 29th, 2007, 1:18 am
by ken123
I was watching the NBC coverage of the 1968 California Democratic Presidential Primary when the anchors, I don't remember who, quickly shifted to Richard Valarieany ( the spelling is wrong) who was in the lobby of the Hotel where the Kennedy Election Night HQ were, and you could see people running in the backround, from the RFK Ballroom, the news reporter said that he didn't think that anything had happened, I said to myself " he hopes nothing has happened ", I ran downstairs and told my mother to turn the TV back, she had just turned it off after watching RFK's victory speech ( it was after 2am Chicago time ) and I was sure Nixon had a hand, and I still do. :cry:

"The lunatics are on the grass"

Posted: July 29th, 2007, 5:11 am
by Rainee
As someone who has a "Prune Bush" sticker on my car I'll throw in my 2 cents on the disgrace that is in Washington. And I watch Keith Olbermann every night.

My father was an Army guy, enlisted in Korea (wounded 2x) and an officer in Viet Nam. He was an honorable man, your word was your bond. He was against the war in Viet Nam but felt the "boys" needed and deserved the best care and rehab that could be obtained. He would see nothing honorable in our government and the care the soldiers get would break his heart. I am convinced that my father would risk court marshall over having to salute Bush, he would have no respect for him and I'm sure he would refuse.

Cheney has no interest in seeing the war end, he's making far too much money and God knows it's hard to get by on that first billion. Bush can't form a sentence without a script, in really big letters and easy words. The lies started before 9/11 and just keep on coming. If you disagree with his pretzel logic you are un-informed, un-patriotic, and un-American. You are against the troops because you don't believe his lies. Liberty, freedom, security and the Constitution are in every speech. He hides behind the flag at every opportunity. And he lies and lies and lies some more. He won't have his precious children enlist but our children are disposable. He didn't even do his share so why should his daughters. And the Pat Tillman death is stranger than any fiction. He was killed in the middle of weapons fire by 3 shots to the forehead in a 2 inch diameter grouping??? At 30 feet??? This is a Twilight Zone episode.

He has left us vulnerable to any little disaster. New Orleans was a crime and a shame. He didn't have the gonads to send help, of course who would he have sent, they are all in Iraq. We spend obscene amounts of money every day in Iraq and our people have no health care. Our schools are a shame. The repurcussions of this "war" will be with us for decades. The entire world has lost faith and trust of us. He can't be bothered to attend any funerals and doesn't want the photos of flag draped caskets returning, he's a coward and doesn't want to face his "mistakes". I can not recall more instances of high ranking officers resigning and speaking against a sitting president as we have seen in the last few years.

And as far as Rudy Guiliani is concerned, he did nothing heroic or extra-ordinary on 9/11, he did his job, that's all.

Sorry about the venom, nothing gets me worked up as much as the lunatics.

Posted: July 29th, 2007, 9:41 am
by traceyk
I finally got to watch the entire "Hijacking Catastrophe" and the clip of the plane going into the World Trade Center struck me as odd. I can't remember--who filmed that first plane going into the side of the World Trade Center? I know by the time the second one went down, the news people were there. But who filmed that first one?

Posted: July 29th, 2007, 10:01 am
by traceyk
Hey did anybody go to Bill Maher's site and check out his editorials? This one is right on target (except for trivializing Foley's possible predatory sexual habits): ... index.html

I don't know which of you all out there can get WLW radio station, but there used to be a series of skits featuring a character called Earl Pitts. and as old Earl used to say, "Wake up Umerrica!"

Posted: July 29th, 2007, 12:27 pm
by patful
Wow, there's so much anger! I got over mine after symbolically burning my voter registration card following the 2004 election, and now just sit on the sidelines watching America reap its reward for 2000 and the re-election. For those who say Bush didn't really win either race, it should not have even been close enough for one or two states to make a difference. Do I see any viable candidates who would actually make any noticable difference in our government? A big "NO!".

Posted: July 29th, 2007, 7:37 pm
by Dewey1960
Reiko: Thanks for your passionate and articulate assessment. They are words that everyone should take to heart. It seems to be the way more and more people are thinking, every day.

TraceyK: I'm glad you had a chance to watch HIJACKING CATASTROPHE in its entirety! I feel that of all the films that came out over the past few years about the Bush administration, including Michael Moore's film, it's the most powerful and cogent. Despite the fact that the film is now three years old it has never been more needed to be seen than now. I hope others seek it out.