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Posted: April 13th, 2010, 2:41 pm
by mongoII
Under the Influence

Gordon MacRae

Paul Newman

Gail Russell


Posted: April 13th, 2010, 3:27 pm
by klondike
Well, at least they all had this going for them: none of 'em were ex-cops!
Take it from one who knows - there's very little that sets-off law enforcement worse than a former "badge" who's drunk & disorderly . .
Let's just say it tends to make those who are doing the charging prone to over expressing themselves.
:? :? :? :?


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 8:14 am
by mongoII

JULIE CHRISTIE is 69 today

KENNETH MARS is 74 today

SHANI WALLIS is 77 today


GLORIA JEAN is 84 today

AUDREY LONG is 88 today

MARY HEALY is 92 today

ROD STEIGER (1925 - 2002)

VALERIE HOBSON (1917 - 1998)

RICHARD HART (1915 - 1951)

JOHN HUBBARD (1914 - 1988)

JOHN HOWARD (1913 - 1995)

JOHN GIELGUD (1904 - 2000)

LEE TRACY (1898 - 1968)

JAMES STEPHENSON (1889 - 1941)


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 11:02 am
by jdb1
I didn't know Mary Healy was still living; I do hope she's in good health.

She and her husband, Peter Lind Hayes, had one of those husband-and-wife daytime TV shows so popular in the 1950s. I was very young, but I do remember liking to watch Hayes and Healy -- they had a very nice way of talking to each other and to the audience that was apparently very appealing to children as well.


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 12:28 pm
by klondike
Ah, Julie . . sweet Julie Christie . .
To look at her on screen, anywhere, be it in Dr. Zhivago with Omar Shariff, or in Troy with Brad Pitt, is, for me, to be 12 years old again, and anxiously guessing & questing after all things hormonal.
And to this day, whenever I see an attractive woman in a turtleneck sweater, a hidden prism somewhere north of my reptilian lobe ripples with warm, pulsing light, and deep within my mind I hear the whispering echo of - Julie, Julie, Julie . . :|


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 12:37 pm
by mrsl

Too bad Steve McQueen is dead because you could have discussed with him the fact that the lady did not believe in using any kind of underarm deodorant, and love scenes were not especially fun to do.


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 12:39 pm
by ken123
jdb1 wrote:I didn't know Mary Healy was still living; I do hope she's in good health.

She and her husband, Peter Lind Hayes, had one of those husband-and-wife daytime TV shows so popular in the 1950s. I was very young, but I do remember liking to watch Hayes and Healy -- they had a very nice way of talking to each other and to the audience that was apparently very appealing to children as well.
I watched it fairly often, I liked it. I think it was on ABC and was 2 hours every weekday. :D


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 12:53 pm
by jdb1
Only thing is, Ken, that when I was little, I think I confused Peter Lind Hayes with David Wayne. I do remember Mrs. & Mrs. Hayes singing on their show. And I remember the Mrs.' crinoline-expanded dresses, too.

The two can be seen in The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. Looking at her photo now, I 'm thinking that Healy looks sort of like Lurene Tuttle.


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 1:34 pm
by ken123
THe main thing that I remember about the program was the banter between Mr Hayes & Ms Healey. Mr Healey had an " intellectual humor ", for the lack of a better term. IMHO this program would not last in todays TV environment. Back in the day I would not have known who David Wayne was, in the 60's I discovered him in Adams Rib.


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 2:00 pm
by mongoII
Look who's here:



Posted: April 14th, 2010, 2:11 pm
by mongoII


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 3:00 pm
by jdb1
Wow, Joe, I love that photo of Danny Kaye! Kind of makes me think of how he might look as Lilliom, or as Billy Bigelow in Carousel. Would have done well in The Threepenny Opera, too.

No matter how much I hear and read about Kaye's failures as a human being, I have never gotten over my childhood adoration of him. It's really hard to even describe the adulation he inspired among us Brooklyn kids back in the day (he was, indeed, very good with children, and it's not a coincidence that he was a celebrity representative for UNICEF).

Thanks for posting it.


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 3:42 pm
by JackFavell

I feel the same way about him. Thanks for putting it so eloquently.


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 6:15 pm
by mongoII
It's my pleasure, Judith. However I can't imagine that Danny Kaye had failures as a human being since I always held him high as a human being. What could it be that I don't know about him?
I recall a wonderful show called "Brooklyn Bridge", and in one episode the family was going to the movies to see a Danny Kaye film and they were tickled pink.


Posted: April 14th, 2010, 6:37 pm
by knitwit45
I had a mad crush on Danny Kaye most of my childhood and teen years (still makes me smile when I see him) One of the funniest things I ever heard was the conversation between Kaye and Bing Crosby in White Christmas, when they are discussing how much it's going to cost to move the show to the Inn. "Wow!"What's Wow???" "Right between 'ouch' and 'boing!'" "WOW!"