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Posted: May 12th, 2010, 7:38 pm
by jdb1
ken123 wrote:
jdb1 wrote:Always interesting what we see in our stars, Anne.

To me Lansbury has always looked like a snarky pug dog. Not a face I'd ever call beautiful. Not a performer I've ever felt any warmth from.
My late wife adored Angela, my mother didnt like her at all because MsLansbury played so many tramps, the other woman, saloon girls or variations, the music hall singer in The Picture of Dorian Gray, but when my mother found out about MsLs sons drugg addict and her efforts to have him rehabitlated she became a new fan. Both of them loved Murder, She Wrote. Me a fan, of sorts. Her father was Labor Party leader in the uk, before WW2.
That's all very nice that she's such a humanitarian, but I'm talking about Lansbury the actress, and I've never cared for her in that capacity. There were plenty of other actresses who played bad women, and I enjoy their performances. I have always found Lansbury unappetizing in apperance, and nothing she does in her roles mitigates that aversion for me. I do not believe a word she says onscreen, and I couldn't abide that clumsily arch, self-congratulatory TV show of hers, either. All I see from her is show-offy preening, not acting. I think she sings like a squawking chicken, too. I can't see what all the adulation is about. Is it because she's old? Old is definitely in these days -- just ask the 20-somethings who think they invented Betty White.

One positive thing I can say for Lansbury is that she is not show-offy about her good works, and practices her altruism with a minimum of fuss and publicity. That's rare these days.


Posted: May 12th, 2010, 10:05 pm
by mongoII
Lon Chaney concocting yet another face of horror


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 7:57 am
by mongoII

SENTA BERGER is 69 today

HARVEY KEITEL is 71 today

ZOHRA LAMPERT is 73 today

RAFAEL CAMPOS (1936 - 1985)

BEA ARTHUR (1922 - 2009)

HELEN CRAIG (1912 - 1986)

ROBERT MIDDLETON (1911 - 1977)


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 8:11 am
by ChiO
That sweet angelic face without a care in the world -- that's just how I always think of Harvey Keitel.


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 8:17 am
by jdb1
ChiO wrote:That sweet angelic face without a care in the world -- that's just how I always think of Harvey Keitel.
Just goes to show what a skillful actor can do.

I was at the circus years ago with my daughter, and Keitel and his daughter were sitting nearby. Dozens of young hopefuls came up to him to introduce themselves and meet the great man, and he was extremely nice and extremely patient with all of them. The funny thing was that when they offered their hands to him and said their names, he would respond "Hello, I'm Harvey . . . . . Keitel." As if we didn't know.

(Remember K-Tel Records and their strident TV commercials for compilations of all sorts? Remember Second City's SCTV? Remember Dave Thomas as the smarmy pitchman for those parody commercials -- "Harvey K-Tel?" Oh, to be immortalized in such a way!)


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 8:36 am
by klondike
jdb1 wrote: (Remember K-Tel Records and their strident TV commercials for compilations of all sorts? Remember Second City's SCTV? Remember Dave Thomas as the smarmy pitchman for those parody commercials -- "Harvey K-Tel?" Oh, to be immortalized in such a way!)
And speaking of Dave Thomas & immortality - I remember him as a guest on Letterman in the mid-90's {with the host chortling on & on about "The meeting of the Great Comic Daves!"}, and how he joked at one point that he (Thomas) was then - "finally" - so famous that only half the fans he met in public places told him how much they adored the Wendy's 99-Cent Menu.


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 11:41 am
by mongoII
Movie star Betty Grable signs autographs while on the go


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 11:51 am
by klondike
Wowzers! Dig that cool-beans jacket the school kid's wearing!
Get me one of those in a 44 Burly, and a vacuum-bottle of Irish coffee, and I could entertain the bunnies up the ski lodge all o' Friday night!
8) :wink: 8) :wink: 8)


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 2:32 pm
by mongoII
Sammy Davis Jr. & James Dean cutting up
on the town in 1955


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 5:11 pm
by mrsl

I fully understand your aversion to Ms. Lansbury. It's equal to my feelings about Marlin Brando and Orson Welles. No matter what they do, nothing changes my opinion of either of them. The key word there is opinion. We all have our own regarding taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch. Sometimes we do change for one reason or another and that is completely up to our own sensibilities. So, anyway, tell me how you really feel about Angela Lansbury.


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 8:52 pm
by mongoII
Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood when love was in bloom


Posted: May 13th, 2010, 9:04 pm
by feaito
They were a handsome couple indeed!


Posted: May 14th, 2010, 12:04 am
by pvitari
These aren't candids... they're ads for TV shows. Perhaps there should be another thread for magazines or ads or something? I can move these over there. But for now I'll put them here. To start at the beginning, I am a big fan of the late David Carradine. Two treasures I got from ebay were ads for television shows -- one a two-page spread from the Hollywood Reporter for Carradine's mid-sixties western series Shane (yes, based on the movie and it wasn't half bad though it certainly made some big changes from the original storyline), and the second was to promote his appearance on a John Denver special which was to promote his musical film, A Country Mile, which he directed but never was released. (I'm still wondering if A Country Mile is sitting in some film cans on a dusty shelf somewhere, and if it could be retrieved as I suspect there is some interesting footage there.) To continue the story, a couple of years ago David (who was a fine musician) and the band he frequently played with, The Cosmic Rescue Team, appeared at the Iridium Club in Manhattan, and I got on a plane and attended both sets of the concert with some friends of mine who are also hard-core Carradine fans. After the show he hung out for a while and I got him to autograph these two ads. Yes, I lugged them to New York, protected in layers of plastic and cardboard. :) He seemed rather impressed with these two pieces of memorabilia -- they represented a youth long gone. Once I returned home, I had them matted and framed and they are now hanging on a wall and they look very handsome indeed.

I like collecting old ads -- they're a window into what appealed to people once upon a time and sometimes, like that Shane ad, can be quite beautiful. I have some doozies with Charles Farrell -- especially a Mobil Oil one where he asks Ginger Rogers if she can drive him somewhere for his job but turns out her car needs oil, so they get it filled with Mobil Oil, and thank goodness because now that he got the big order, it's "wedding bells." :)

People think of Carradine and kung fu and martial arts, but actually he made a lot of Westerns, frequently wore Western garb, and was a superb rider who once had a small ranch with horses (till he lost it in a divorce). One of his granddaughters is an equestrian who often appears at horse shows to display her riding skills.




Posted: May 14th, 2010, 2:36 am
by srowley75
jdb1 wrote: That's all very nice that she's such a humanitarian, but I'm talking about Lansbury the actress, and I've never cared for her in that capacity. There were plenty of other actresses who played bad women, and I enjoy their performances. I have always found Lansbury unappetizing in apperance, and nothing she does in her roles mitigates that aversion for me. I do not believe a word she says onscreen, and I couldn't abide that clumsily arch, self-congratulatory TV show of hers, either. All I see from her is show-offy preening, not acting. I think she sings like a squawking chicken, too. I can't see what all the adulation is about. Is it because she's old? Old is definitely in these days -- just ask the 20-somethings who think they invented Betty White.
Perhaps it is Lansbury's longevity that's brought her a greater level of respect from critics and peers than she might've had if she hadn't stuck around in show business for so long - after all, she very rarely played lead roles in films. Alternately, it could also be the fact that she's found success (i.e., popularity) in several different venues: film, theatre, television. Whatever the case,I like her despite that she seemed to have found her niche playing kindly maiden-aunt sorts in those Disney films and in Murder She Wrote. I much prefer those films in which she was "evil Angela" - Gaslight, Manchurian Candidate, World of Henry Orient. After hearing Bea Arthur talk about the real Lansbury in her one-woman show, she sounded a bit like George in Killing of Sister George.

That aside, do 20-somethings really act as though they're responsible for Betty White? Good Lord. Ironic as the youth obsession in Hollywood over the last 20 or so years has reportedly been fueled by the assumption that the majority of the viewing audience is comprised of 18-35 year olds.


Posted: May 14th, 2010, 8:34 am
by mongoII
Pivitari, sounds like a good idea. Why not begin a thread of your own? I'll contribute since during my research I come across many ads.

Scrowley, good logic regarding the wonderful Angela Lansbury.