Bad Movies You Love

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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by Bronxgirl48 »

kingrat wrote:For the French auteurists, it's more of a love/love relationship with Hollywood, if they can pick their faves. Glamor from afar. The way Hollywood in the classic era saw France.

Vera Cruz doesn't have an ax to grind the way some of the later revisionist westerns did. A good story, well-made.

I will check out VERA CRUZ on the strength of your comments. And I believe you're absolutely right about French auteurists, now that I really think about it.
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by ChiO »

His (Robert Aldrich) films can be volatile, complex, audacious and maddening...but always interesting.
That is from my opening post, October 1, "The October Schedule for TCM" thread. Given the discussion of Aldrich generally and THE LEGEND OF LYLAH CLARE specifically, I at least got some of it right.

And, yes, I like Aldrich and, yes, he is an auteur, and, yes, I like THE LEGEND OF LYLAH CLARE. Love/hate relationship with Hollywood? He certainly does vent on Tinsel Town in THE BIG KNIFE, WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE?, THE LEGEND OF LYLAH CLARE and, in a fashion, KISS ME DEADLY. Looking over his resume, however, one could make a claim that his overarching preoccupation is with decadence (decay and disorder) and betrayal, and that Hollywood is a metaphor for the theme(s). Given his long association with Hollywood (according to IMDb, 21 films on which he was Assistant Director, including THE STORY OF G.I. JOE, BODY AND SOUL, FORCE OF EVIL, CAUGHT, M, THE PROWLER and LIMELIGHT), one can assume he had some basis for his view. Add to that his association with the directors of the aforementioned films -- Wellman, Rossen, Polonsky, Ophuls, Losey, and Chaplin, each an independent-minded and spirited filmmaker -- and his own proclivity for independence and filmmaker freedom (Aldrich was reportedly proud that the Kefauver Commission named KISS ME DEADLY as the number one threat to America) and one can see the development of a pattern (or, if not, it's easy to manufacture one).

What would be interesting to consider is how American directors (especially those who were independent-minded and repeatedly trying to buck the Production Code) who were embedded, in a general sense, in the Hollywood industry in the '40s, '50s and early-'60s, might have altered their approach to filmmaking when the greater freedoms were unleashed in the late-'60s. Aldrich and Preminger immediately come to mind. Did they "over-"react? Were they abusers of the freedom? Were they past their prime anyway?
For the French auteurists, it's more of a love/love relationship with Hollywood, if they can pick their faves.
And who among us does not want to pick their faves?
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by ChiO »

It was more rhetorical than a real question, but it is one that might be worth discussion.

I was trying to convey the former -- how they reacted to the greater freedom -- rather than the latter. The latter would likely be purely speculative. It is hard enough to evaluate what happened (the greater freedoms being only a part of the equation; there are also age, experience, currency in the community, opportunity, changing tastes, etc.); impossible to evaluate what didn't -- and couldn't -- happen.
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by moira finnie »


Two Weeks in Another Town (1962) is to producer John Houseman, director Vincente Minnelli and actor Kirk Douglas' earlier film, The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) what a hot dog with everything is to a cordon bleu meal, and it is being aired on TCM at 4 AM (ET) on Sunday, Dec. 16th.

I really like this movie, based on one of Irwin Shaw's many novels about Americans amid the Eurotrash in the decade after the immediate postwar period when things really started to spin out of control ethically, artistically, and literally, based on several whirling scenes in this flick. At the height of his post-Spartacus power, Kirk Douglas plays "Jack Andrus" a former big movie star in the biz. We know he was on the A list once since Minnelli inserts an actual clip from the earlier gem, The Bad and the Beautiful into the action, giving this movie one of those metatexts that film theorists swoon for. There's only one problem: Jack is only just coming out of his shell after a whale of a nervous collapse caused him to tumble from the top of the heap. Now, the doctors think his touch of manic-depression, murderous rages, alcoholism and occasional hallucinations have all been ironed out, along with the kinks in his famous ego. He's ready for the world again. But is the world ready for him? The answer seems to be "maybe not."

His ol' pal director Maurice Kruger (Edward G. Robinson) throws him a bone from Rome, asking him to join him there for a possible job on his most recent international epic. That movie, it turns out, is in trouble, thanks to hissy fits among the cast, foul-ups among a non-English speaking crew, a shady producer, and an understandably tired director (Robinson). Waiting for his flight toward a fresh start, Jack is accosted by a former business associate (George McCready), who rebuffs the actor's greeting with the news that Jack was an arrogant crud when he was on top, except now he can tell him what he thinks. Slap! After a flight that allowed him to brood about his past once more, Jack arrives on the Roman film set to see two stars feigning passion during a scene--only to end it with more hearty slaps. Oh, so it's going to be that kind of picture.

Above: Edward G. Robinson rollicking along the royal road to ruin with Rosanna Schiaffino in Two Weeks in Another Town (1962).

The stressed-out Kruger keeps trying to keep up a brave front, but the veteran director is either beset by schlocky Italian producers (think Dino De Laurentiis without the occasional moments of class), or an American reporter (played by the ever-sleazy James Gregory) whose idea of integrity is to tell Kruger that "he used to tell the public the truth," but now "he lies to himself, which is worse." At home things are even more ulcer-inducing. When Kruger comes home ten minutes late to his wife (Claire Trevor, who seems to play all her scenes at mach speed), the harridan reminds him that she has a vault full of evidence of adultery against him, and she'll use it one of these days. Not surprisingly, the poor schmo has a heart attack, just to get a night's rest. Fortunately, Jack is suddenly the unlikely party to pull his ailing mentor's chestnuts out of the fire, though he expected "a chance to live again" by acting aka "making love to the camera," not helping with dubbing. Ah, but Fate is not done toying with Mr. Intensity Kirk Douglas.

If you are into drinking games, every time a scene in this baroque movie reminds you of La Dolce Vita you could down a shot in honor of Fellini (these "where have I seen this before?" moments include numerous decadent parties, strolls down the Via Veneto, rambling speeches about the emptiness of all that glitters). Despite its derivative nature and knowing its bad for you, it is delicious fun...especially when Cyd Charisse is around as Kirk's castrating ex-wife.

Above: Cyd Charisse and Kirk Douglas on a ride down memory lane in Two Weeks in Another Town (1962).

Don't go for a car ride with this twosome, especially if you remember Lana Turner's epic meltdown behind the wheel in TBATB. Cyd's character, most generously described as "a professional beauty," seems to embody every aspect of womankind that justifiably frightens the menfolk, though she probably has her reasons for being a manipulative succubus who haunts Kirk's feverish dreams. Cyd is beautifully dressed by Walter Plunkett, but her character's motivation is as blurry as the vaseline-smeared medium shots she appears in throughout much of the movie, perhaps reflecting her former husband's distorted perception of her?

Above: The elegant Cyd Charisse in full plumage as "Carlotta," the succubus/ex-wife of Kirk Douglas' character. For those unfamiliar with this term: "Succubus [suhk-yuh-buh s]: In myths and folklore going back to ancient Greece, a succubus (plural succubi) was a female demon or supernatural entity that appears in men's dreams. She takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, draining them of their life force and souls, usually through sexual intercourse. The male counterpart is the incubus."

Rosanna Schiaffino also appears as an Italian star with a foul temperament and small brain who only responds best when kicked in the backside. The stunning Daliah Lavi also appears as a compliant innocent (earthy variety), though she receives not ONE real close-up in this film. Her character has the spine of generous, sexually alluring jellyfish, aiding the needy men around her with helpings of her "don't worry, be happy" warmth. Unfortunately, one suspects that her character has the intellect of a jellyfish too. However, she is the balm for Kirk's washed-up actor soul as he tries to cope with all the demands of assuming a mantle of God's gift to the cinema, even though he is still recovering from a mental breakdown.

Above: Kirk Douglas contemplating a life in the movies in Two Weeks in Another Town (1962).

There are lots of good elements here--the satire on Hollywood's then-novel shift to Rome, Edward G. Robinson is rather touching as a fading creative figure, an over-wound Claire Trevor as a harpie who could have made one of Strindberg's more demonic married women look like a turtle dove by comparison, Kirk's exposition of his fragile psyche and shaky driving skills, and George Hamilton's bad boy interpretation of a James Deanish sort. I like to think that George drew his "crazy, mixed up kid" bit from his study of George Peppard in his more sullen, Methody funks on the set of Home From the Hill (1960). As one wag pointed out in an IMDb review, George Hamilton struggles boyishly to convey anguish, but at this point in his career, he doesn't even seem capable of playing a bad actor.

Above: George Hamilton acting out (or is it up?) as "Davey Drew," bad boy actor in
Two Weeks in Another Town (1962).

Speaking of bad actors, I love Kirk in this movie. He is NOT a bad actor, but he plays one very, very well. I've always admired the way that Douglas appears to have had a "take no prisoners" approach to his roles. Despite what I suspect were often good intentions, his spectacular, larger-than-life presence sometimes overwhelms his actor's belief in being true to his character's nature, despite his valiant efforts to tamp down his inner grandstander. Despite this career-long inner struggle, Douglas seems to have chosen roles often for their ability to dramatize something about human nature, whether or not that makes his character appear dislikable or admirable. Alas, his character in this film, as written in the Charles Schnee script, makes the most abrupt transitions between moods (Were there some studio cuts in this one?). He spouts off in one scene like someone who still has scorch marks from his last shock treatment, and in the next he is coolly taking the helm of a "major motion picture," albeit without realizing that his best efforts are likely to bring out the knives among his Hollywood colleagues (particularly Claire Trevor, who doesn't seem to have any redeeming features here, including restraint). Good thing that the stalwart character actor Vito Scotti is on hand to translate and goose a scene along with his gift for miming exasperation and a desire to please.

Above: Claire Trevor & Edward G. Robinson as longtime marrieds in Two Weeks in Another Town (1962).

On the upside, this movie is photographed in Rome in rich color by Milton Krasner (All About Eve, Three Coins in the Fountain, A Certain Smile) and features Minnelli's usual wealth of expressionistic touches with color, lush settings and gliding camera movement. Too bad Vincente seemed to be going through a rough patch when he made this one. His usual compassion for female characters is largely absent. Also, the film, which has a lush score courtesy of composer David Raksin (Laura, The Bad and the Beautiful), almost cries out for an operatic score worthy of a Verdi to accompany the dramatic arias of the characters. Despite the film's foibles and missteps, there are very erudite cinephiles who regard Two Weeks in Another Town as a worthy companion piece to Godard's Contempt, Fellini's 8 1/2, and other navel-gazing movies about movies. I just ain't one of those who thinks the problems of these people are worth telling. But they are fun--as long as it isn't happening to you.
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by mrsl »

Ahhhh, Welcome to the Holiday season. Since the day after Thanksgiving I have watched and DVR'd all of the movies being shown on Lifetime and ABC Family Channel, as well as any that show up in the regular lineup of Showtime and HBO. For the umpteenth time I watched Remember The Night, although that definitely does NOT belong in this 'bad movie' thread. It's just an example of what a nut I am about Christmas movies. I even accepted the commercials in It's a Wonderful Life, although I cheated and DVR'd it and fast forwarded through commercials. I admit many of the holiday movies made are certainly not "A" list, but they all end with such happy and hopeful messages, I can't help but love them.

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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by RedRiver »

Kirk was nothing if not intense. This lovably bad movie sounds fun. I don't think I've ever heard of it.
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by Sue Sue Applegate »

Moira, thanks for that delicious report on Two Weeks in Another Town!
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by CineMaven »

[u]MOIRA[/u] [u]FINNIE[/u] wrote:Two Weeks in Another Town (1962), is to producer John Houseman, director Vincente Minnelli and actor Kirk Douglas' earlier film, The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) what a hot dog with everything is to a cordon bleu meal, and it is being aired on TCM at 4 AM (ET) on Sunday, Dec. 16th.
When you can make a reader laugh out loud from the very FIRST sentence of an know you've got your hooks in 'em. Dang it, I missed the movie. But your article was a real treat Moira! You are peerless when it comes to making bad movies zzzzzing!
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by Bronxgirl48 »

moira, I could KICK myself for failing to record TWO WEEKS IN ANOTHER TOWN. :cry: :cry:

Mama mia! The party guests actually do look authentically Fellini-esque. But poor Kirk, oy, lol.

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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by moira finnie »

If my riff on Two Weeks in Another Town (1962) gave anyone something to smile about in the last few days, nothing could give me more joy in this week leading up to Christmas. If you can't get enough of this stuff, you might want to visit the TCM Video Room to see a series of delightful scenes from this frothy comedy serious work of art here.

If anyone is interested, a new MOD DVD of this movie is available on sale for $9.95 right now, and is also available on Amazon for $2.99 as a rental and $9.99 as a download.

Bronxie--some of the Italian actors in Two Weeks were also in La Dolce Vita, notably Mino Doro. I figure they were giving the cast and crew some notes on how to look decadent, Italian-style.
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by MissGoddess »


I saw this movie several years ago, once was enough. Your review was much more fun!

a manipulative succubus

golly, i have no idea what that word is but if it's anything like it sounds...i get the picture! :D
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by moira finnie »

MissGoddess wrote: I saw this movie several years ago, once was enough. Your review was much more fun!
I'm glad you enjoyed it, Miss G--but that reminds me--we ought to take a look at Once Is Not Enough (1975) in this thread someday.
MissGoddess wrote:
a manipulative succubus
golly, i have no idea what that word is but if it's anything like it sounds...i get the picture! :D
Succubus [suhk-yuh-buh s]: In myths and folklore going back to ancient Greece, a succubus (plural succubi) was a female demon or supernatural entity that appears in men's dreams. She takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, draining them of their life force and souls, usually through sexual intercourse. The male counterpart is the incubus.
Oh, I think we've all met them in some form, particularly in rather misogynistic movies.

Above: Little known fact--succubi could also drain the life force from the male of the species via the least in this movie! :wink:
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by MissGoddess »

Ha! Some men might define that as: Ex-Wife. :D

Have I see Once Is Not Enough? It sounds familiar...
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Re: Bad Movies You Love

Post by Sue Sue Applegate »

Or incubus as ex-husband.....

I don't think I could sit through Once Is Not Enough again, but would love to read a Moira "Play-by-Play."
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