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Posted: October 31st, 2008, 12:25 am
by mrsl

Obama is for change. Change from Bush's mistakes, change from the government looking over each citizens shoulder, and change from wondering where our next paycheck is coming from, or if it is coming.

Long ago, before this site was started and we all wrote on TCM, someone asked if anyone knew of anybody who might be a better president than Dubya (George Bush in case you didn't know). I wrote that I had been watching this guy here in Illinois since he ran for Senator. He seemed to be pretty decent, a good orator, and very much for the people. I felt at the time, he was probably a little too inexperienced, but would maybe be ready around 2012. Surprise for me when he announced running now. But if you listened, and watched him during the democratic debates among all 14 candidates, he stood out with an exciting authority and command of issues. I liked the way he tried to stick to discussing issues with McCain like Social Security, the war in Iraq, the economy, global warming and so many other things when McCain only wanted to talk about what a great prisoner of war he had been. I'm grateful to him for being so, but that was a long time ago and in the vernacular - "What have you done for me lately Bud?" I hate the way McCain keeps mis-quoting Obama about taxes, saying Obama wants to raise them, when people who have seen his plan have all agreed he does not, yet McCain hangs on like a child to a toy he won't give up. Also his and Palins' Joe the plumber, and being mavericks and all that other foolishness is getting more and more boring, while again, Obama keeps talking about the U.S. issues and what has to be done to fix things, but he has not put himself on a deadline, he doesn't promise to fix things in the first year or two, he is honest and says it will take time, but during that time he will make it as easy as possible for us. In other words - he is not a liar, and is not feeding us lies.

Finally, the thing that really got me on his side was his acceptance speech for the candidacy from which the title of this thread is taken. He listed all that needs to be done but in 8 years nobody tried to do it, then he said very clearly and loudly . . . Enough . . . then he went on to say his campaign would be run on the issues affecting the U.S. and its citizens, as it has been done. :lol:

Therefore, I am a huge Obama supporter.


Posted: October 31st, 2008, 3:06 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Thanks Anne, it's nice to hear it from the people that matter, political pundits have their own agenda sometimes. This thread shows how it affects the people not the corporations, the world markets or other countries but what it means to the everyday American man and woman.

Today I was watching a programme were the talking heads were defending George W some even going as far as to say that history will treat him with more respect.

The thrust of the argument was that he showed decisive leadership when 9/11 happened, he didn't invade Afghanistan immediately but waited, the same with Iraq. From the English point of view I felt we were completely manipulated by our government into going to war. Evidence was manipulated leading to an academic commiting suicide after his words were turned into an argument for war. (this is a very basic summary) I've never thought that history will treat Bush and Blair favoriably for the Iraq war but perhaps, who knows........

Posted: November 1st, 2008, 4:55 pm
by silentscreen
I have the feeling that Obama will be the first African American president. I get emails from the McCain camp, and there seems to be a growing desperation there. Let's hope that his followers have been correct and that he really does bring good change. Not all change is good, but for the sake of my country, I hope that it is. Otherwise, it's very possible that we will cease to be a super power. I worry for my son and grandchildren though. This worry has more to do with the way the government in this country has acted in the last several years than with any one man. It's much more complicated than that, and it's naive to think otherwise.

Posted: November 1st, 2008, 5:41 pm
by CoffeeDan
MichiganJ wrote:In fact, confessed-drug-addict Rush Limbaugh labeled Hilary and the entire feminist movement, “femin-nazis”, and, while I can’t say for sure, i don’t think it was a term of endearment.
Not true. Here's how Rush defines the term "feminazi" in his book The Way Things Ought To Be:

"Feminazi: Widely misunderstood by most to mean 'feminist.' Not so, boobala. A Feminazi is a feminist to whom the most important thing in life is ensuring that as many abortions as possible occur. There are fewer than twenty-five known Feminazis in the United States."

A very small percentage of the feminist movement, to be sure. But such people do exist.

Ever since I started listening to Rush's show circa 1992, I've found that the more a person dislikes Rush, the less he has actually heard of Rush's radio show. I still can't account for this phenomenon, except that Rush is one of the few remaining "long form" broadcasters, meaning that he can often expound on a subject for the entire three hours of his show, and sometimes over several days. While that trait is admirable, it also means that more of his material can be pulled out of context by less dedicated listeners. And I say that as a guy who set out to debunk Rush, but found out that that he really does his homework -- and he's almost the exact opposite of how his critics paint him.

Posted: November 1st, 2008, 6:34 pm
by MichiganJ
In an effort to educate myself on the conservative philosophy, I actually have read one or two of Rush’s “books”. A couple of O’Reilly’s, too (please, don’t make me read Ann Coulter). And I would periodically listen to good ol’ Rush, back in the early days (before he became a confessed drug-addict). You know, back when he had the “caller abortion”, where, instead of simply hanging up on a caller he’d play the sound effects cart with the vacuum cleaner sounds followed by a toilet flush. The funny never stopped.

While he may have defined his “feminazi” term in his book as you describe, on the radio, at least during the Clinton administration, he referred to Hilary (actually it was never “Hilary” but “Mrs. Bill Clinton”) and her “ilk” (which, I may have mistakenly taken to mean “feminists”, but I don’t think so) as feminazis. Rush’s exact definition doesn’t matter, though, because the word, as used by everyone else, pretty much means “feminist”, just not the Sarah Palin kind.

The Rush Limbaugh Show is NOT categorized as a news show, but rather as “entertainment”, which means he doesn’t have to speak the truth, or even try to, about anything (which he does very well. Abu Ghraib was exactly like a college frat party!--Yes, I listened to about an hour of his diatribe on the pyramid; it was all I could stand). He can pontificate all he wants about whatever he wants, gets paid handsomely (no question, under Obama [or "Osama" as Rush comedically calls him], Rush will be paying more taxes) and Rush does it well, with lots of fair, unbiased, non-sexist, vitriol for us all to enjoy.

Posted: November 1st, 2008, 7:05 pm
by moira finnie
A certain someone sent me this video which made me laugh so much I did I spit take with my morning tea. See if it might make you smile.
"CNNBC Mocku-Video"

Posted: November 1st, 2008, 8:53 pm
by silentscreen
:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh moira, how could you! You have made my evening.

Posted: November 1st, 2008, 10:46 pm
by mrsl
For Shame Moira, get your lazy butt up and go vote on Tuesday. You're an intelligent, articulate person, and we expect more from you. I've always been proud to know you, don't make me hang my head in shame. :!: :!:

Great piece, I especially liked the older lady :!:


Posted: November 2nd, 2008, 11:09 am
by klondike
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Oh, Moira, you poor thing! You must feel like you're in the village pillory with Hester Prynne!

Say . . . :roll: . . . you don't suppose PBS would launch a similiar accusation campaign against Yours Truly, for having watched their fine public broadcasting stations for over 40 years, in 5 different states, and never contributing one red cent . . do ya?!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:
Don't laugh . . I've had nightmares about this! :cry:
Sitting down, channel-surfing, tuning into one of their eternally resurgent Fund Drives, and then hearing my name lambasted for terminal, heartless cheapness, as the Guy Who's Never Pledged a Dime! My supposed hypocrisy dragged around our Satellite Nation like a Hector of weasel-fingered consumer-kyping, as they stand there in their Sag Harbor weekend power-suits, oozing with ivy-league schadenfreud.
But wait, I'm not just a greedy, grasping glutton . . every passing season, I say unto them, with great & sincere gravity: "Thanks for all the Free TV!" . . :o . . and I really mean it!
Ohhhh, the Frugality . . !
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Posted: November 2nd, 2008, 8:13 pm
by mrsl
HHHHmmmmmmmm, verrrry interrrresting :!:


Posted: November 3rd, 2008, 12:36 am
by melwalton

I liked that< " moira s always seemed so normal' ... mel

Posted: November 3rd, 2008, 5:18 pm
by jdb1
There are news reports on the Net now that Sen. Obama's grandmother passed away earlier today. I can't even imagine what will be going through his mind tomorrow. Talk about stress.

Well, he's made "Toot" proud so far, hasn't he?

Posted: November 3rd, 2008, 5:58 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Poor Grandma, usually you hear of someone staying alive just to hear the news they've always been waiting for, perhaps she knows something.

I can't believe, after we've spent all this time talking about it that your election day is finally here. In 36 hours from now we'll probably know the answer. Were the pundits right? Who called it the best?

Well, I hope for us all that the best man wins and I hope that man has the inner strength and vision to help lead us out of the mess we seem to have become mired in. I hope that America looks back on this moment with a pride in what it stands for in the world.

Posted: November 3rd, 2008, 10:20 pm
by mrsl
Keith Ulberman pretty much backed me up tonight. His final 5 minutes when he usually does his 'letter from the editor', he gathered up all the 'oops' things that McCain has done in the past year as far as forgetting names, naming the wrong places, using the wrong phrases, or mis-quoting, etc. I said last week that I wondered if McCain was losing it because the night before he had said or done some stupid thing, which was about the fifth stupid thing of the week, and I wondered if he could have had some sort of minor mental thing in the past few months. I know I did, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, but then I'm not running for Potus either. Good lord please don't elect another Dubya and leave us looking like a country of prime idiots.


Posted: November 4th, 2008, 8:39 am
by movieman1957
Too bad he didn't have ten minutes as he could have run some of Biden's offerings.