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Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 10:46 am
by movieman1957
A big SSO Happy Birthday to CharlieT. I hope it is a great one. Have fun.

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 10:58 am
by knitwit45
And on Valentine's Day, too! Happy Birthday Charlie! :D :D :D

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 11:06 am
by feaito
Happy birthday Charlie T!!

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 4:09 pm
by moira finnie
Dear CharlieT, have a happy one, and enjoy this message from two grateful authors delivered especially for you from another century!

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 14th, 2011, 11:29 pm
by CharlieT
Thanks to all. It was a much better one than last year. I'm getting a little grief from old classmates for hitting the big 60, but I guess I'm a little guilty of giving it to them, too. An older friend told me wait until I hit 70. I told her that I'm looking forward to it. :D

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 12:46 pm
by movieman1957
I posted it in the wrong thread but this is where I wanted to wish our new member "Kingme" a very happy birthday.

Have a great day.

(I guess birthday wishes are fine for repeating.)

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 1:24 pm
by feaito
Happy birthday Kingme! :D

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 2:28 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Happy birthdaty Kingme, I hope it's a good one, I've just checked out your recipe on our comfort food thread, I hope someone is making it for you.

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 4:07 pm
by moira finnie

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 6:12 pm
by klondike
Happy Birthday indeed, Kingme!
Have a super one!
(And Moira, thank you, on behalf of everyone @ SSO with a Y chromosome!)

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 6:26 pm
by CharlieT
Felicitations on your natal anniversary, oh royal one! (Happy Birthday, kingme.)

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 10:46 pm
by Rita Hayworth
Thanks for all the greetings - I sure like the Rita Hayworth - I also collect souvenirs - I have a 8x11 glossy of that same picture that was posted earlier. I got up around 6am did a quick glance at your website to check out the Gunsmoke/Bonanza - to see whether anyone did follow up or not and left.

I was gone pretty much the day (had dinner with my family - had Spaghetti, Salad, the works - and dessert.

My girlfriend is taking me out tomorrow for dinner and she taking me to a Steakhouse to get a big fat Porterhouse Steak and all the trimmings - she out of town on business; i'm 52 today and been retired for 2 years.

I will tell a little bit of myself

I'm a big Rita Hayworth fan - I seen 30 out of 61 films of her lifetime
Big Western fan - Silverado, True Grit I and True Grit 2010, and pretty much all the John Waynes, and among others. I like pretty much all Westerns.
Big War Movie fan - I love Patton, Saving Private Ryan - Tom Hanks was unreal in this movie, To Hell and Back, and I must have seen pretty much every War Movie ever made.

I average about 20 movies a week - since I was 21 - must have watched over 33,000 movies in my lifetime

I worked at Boeing for 21 years, before I worked at Boeing - I went to Boeing Trade School for 1 year - so I can be gainfully employed there.

I worked on the 777 Flight Control Panel Section, did computing work for the birth of the 787, and also did some computer design work on the 737-700 plane - helped designed the seats (all done by computer CAD-CAM) - Retired form Boeing in 2007.

Retirement is Great.

I live in Seattle and I visited Victoria BC - over 130 trips in my lifetime and I been pretty much 2/3 of the globe, been in China, Europe. Hawaii, and pretty much over 45 states in good ole USA.

I'm also a rabid SCI-FI fan as well - and I haven't had the time to explore that aspects of SSO yet. There is so much to learn here and I only grabbed the tip of the iceberg.

My favorite Comedy movie is Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, all the Pink Panther, and love the silent classics of Laurel and Hardy and I adore Buster Keaton. He's a legend.

I love all movies - I know I'm just starting out ... but rest assured I will try my best to learn much as possible and be a gracious contributor - because I travel a lot and meet interesting people.

I met those three ladies that worked on Cover Girl set - new thread coming out in March after St. Patrick Day
I met an aide to General Patton
Met Adam West, Burt Ward, Yvonne Craig - at least 4 times in my life and got autographs from them
Met the FEARSOME FOURSOME - i MET 2/3 OF THE CAST MEMBERS IN BATMAN 1966 FILM and got their autographs as well
Met many other famous people as well, I even shake hands with Antonio Bandaras when he was taking a break from one of his ZORRO films and got his autograph as well. I ran into him by mistake.

List goes on and on

I travel extensively in my lifetime and I'm on my 6th Passport. I visited Europe in 1994 - for the 50th Anniversary of D-Day and I spent the whole summer there. I spent 3 weeks in London, Paris, and 1 week in Frankfurt, Holland, and pretty much everything in between - and in 2000 spent 8 weeks in China - that was a trip - my Mom took 2000 pictures and I walked 1 mile of the Great Wall of China.

Well, in closing ... thanks for the kind greetings - I'm 52 now ... a pretty soon I'll be able to get Senior Citizen's discount.

That's Porterhouse Steak is going taste good tomorrow, my girlfriend and i been together since 1988 and we like being single and and we both value our independence. Her name is Sandy West - she loves movies also and she and I pretty much love the same thing. She does Business Consulting work for various companies and will be retiring at the end of this year. She's 50.
She hates computers. I do all the computer work for her.

Thanks for all your friendship and goodwill.

I'm going to be watching Von Ryan's Express on RETRO tonight starring Frank Sinatra and Trevor Howard - a 1965 classic.

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 11:56 pm
by movieman1957
May I live vicariously through you?

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 18th, 2011, 7:45 am
by klondike
movieman1957 wrote:May I live vicariously through you?
I think George Clooney already does. :?

Re: Someone's having a birthday!

Posted: February 18th, 2011, 11:19 am
by Lzcutter

Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Enjoy that porterhouse steak! (I'm having steak tomorrow evening to celebrate my belated birthday with MrC).

In the meantime, Rita sends her best as well:
