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Re: Who Are Your Screen Parents?

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 4:00 pm
by mongoII
from IMDb:
Gorgeous Theresa Harris, with a luminous shade of brown, appeared with more stars of the Golden Era of Hollywood then almost anyone. She graced the screen with her magnetic presence and made a lot of "dull" movies worthwhile, always stealing scenes from the top stars of the day every chance she got. Although stereotyped by only receiving maid roles, Theresa stepped outside the stereotype any chance she got, to show she was glamorous, classy, beautiful and a true actress. While she often played maids, she always showed dignity, grace and was respected.


Re: Who Are Your Screen Parents?

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 4:03 pm
by ken123
Thanks a ton. Seeing Ms Harris always makes for a great day ! :D

Re: Who Are Your Screen Parents?

Posted: December 18th, 2010, 5:09 pm
by CineMaven

Thank you for the pix of Theresa Harris ( Jackaaaaaay I think you filled me in a bit on Theresa's life in a past post).

How...HOW did Theresa Harris keep on doin' what she did when it was so hard for African-American actresses? I'm grateful she did. She was a cutie pie. And her presence and perseverance made a statement.

Re: Who Are Your Screen Parents?

Posted: December 19th, 2010, 12:57 am
by Birdy
My actual parents screen lookalikes: Andy Griffith and Helen Crump. (Andy Griffith and Aneta Corsaut). May parents are totally a 50s couple and their look hasn't changed since! My brother looks like Matt Damon and my sister looks like a redheaded Nicole Kidman. Me? I'm the brunette of the bunch and my mother says I look just like Sophia Loren. HAHA I wouldn't pick any other stars to be my parents...who could be better than Andy and Helen? "Awww, shucks, Paw."

Re: Who Are Your Screen Parents?

Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 1:31 pm
by Rita Hayworth

FATHER: Cary Grant
MOTHER: Elisabeth Taylor

BROTHERS: Gregory Peck, Bob Hope, and Fred Astaire
SISTERS: Rita Hayworth, Jane Russell, and Gene Tierney

These among my favorite actors and actresses that I love the most during the 40's.