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Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: April 27th, 2011, 8:10 am
by charliechaplinfan
It sounds yummy! My hair is shoulder length and has a natural wave, I think the curlier hair is the more tendency to dryness, For my hair I probably use approx 10 to 15 ml about a tablespoonful, I just sit in front of the telly, put a couple of drops of essential oil, rosemary usually because it's brilliant for hair and scalp and them some almond oil or avocado oil and rub it in concentrating on trying to get to the scalp and then smoothing it down the hair. I wrap my head in a towel and leave the treatment on for 1 hour. I don't keep the towel on that long, just initially because it annoys the heck out of me. Another good natural product is coconut oil, it's thicker, to use this as it comes as a hard cream, melt in a ban marie and add drops of your essential oil then apply the melted oil to your hair, wrap again in a towel and leave for up to two hours, the oil will cool again and make your hair harden, this isn't a problem unless someone calls around unexpectedly. You might need more than one shampoo application to get rid of the residue. These remedies are both cheap, coconut oil should be either a health food shop staple or a Indian shop purchase as coconut oil is what Indian women wear on their hair.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: April 27th, 2011, 8:30 am
by JackFavell
We already have the coconut oil and the almond oil, plus different flavors, though I don't think I have Rosemary yet.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: April 27th, 2011, 2:00 pm
by charliechaplinfan
The rosemary just enhances, it's very good for scalps and hair, the almond oil or coconut oil will soften your hair by themselves.

Does anyone here use facial scrubs/exfoliators? I know you can make these with porridge but this isn't one I've tried I can see me blocking up the plug hole if I resort to using porridge as a treatment. Instead I use a really cheap exfoliator made by cyclax, I use it either in the bath or in the shower, approx 3 times a week, using too often is not good. I've never had any problems with exfoliators, I'm lucky skin wise, touch wood against break outs. It does seem to refresh the skin.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: April 27th, 2011, 3:36 pm
by JackFavell
I do use alpha hydrox skin lotion, and I have extremely sensitive skin. It works great for me, but they say to do a patch test first to make sure it won't hurt or burn your skin. My skin was getting a kind of grey tone to it due to aging, but the AH works to keep my skin young and moist, fresh looking and clear of any breakouts. It's also modestly priced. It's not a natural product, but they say it's made with fruit acids. I love the stuff, but have to be careful in summer to make sure I use a strong sunscreen, as AH makes the skin easily sunburn.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 26th, 2011, 12:40 pm
by Rita Hayworth

I have a history of dry cracked heels all my life because for over 25 years - I was on my feet at work more than 8-10 hours at a time for the better part of the day at work. However, I went to a beauty shop store in my hometown and I was the only Man in the store surrounding by over dozen of women and they all look at me in sheer puzzlement. I was warmly received by a salesclerk and told her about my dry cracked heels. She listened to my problem and went back and got her boss involved because I was a Man that requires special attention to this problem - I was wearing sandals that day so that they can get a better grip & come up a good solution to this problem. They told me to come back 2-3 weeks later to see whether its works or not.

Note: I've gotten so busy in the past few months that I forgot to mention my outcome to this problem of mine.

That day I brought 3 bars of Lavender Foot Soap at $1.25 a bar ($3.75 total) & 1 jar of Geranium Foot Cream at $2.00 that she advises me to put on every time I take a shower or bath. She told me to apply a pea-size portion on my feet and one jar should last for one month. So, she got me on a program of where she sends me the 3 bars of soap & cream for $6.50 on a monthly basis to keep my heels from getting cracked again.

Two Weeks Later, I went back to that Beauty Shop and they were amazed the difference and told me to keep my regime of using the Lavender Foot Soap & Geranium Foot Cream on a daily basis. I'm :D about this :!:

So, my problem is solved!

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 26th, 2011, 12:59 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Brilliant, I'm all for cheap and natural remedies.

When Libby had a verruca the treatments seemed so cruel, to file awaythe skin on her foot and apply a lotion, for three weeks no difference, I switched to tea tree and lavender oil and it soon cleared up. Same thing with a fungal nail infection I got, no treatment worked but the lavender oil worked really quickly.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 26th, 2011, 1:47 pm
by Rita Hayworth
charliechaplinfan wrote:Brilliant, I'm all for cheap and natural remedies.
I couldn't agree with you more! Thanks for the help in this matter!

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 26th, 2011, 5:39 pm
by JackFavell
I swear by tea tree oil soap - I use a mild hard milled kind every day on my face, after I had a skin infection on my chin after working in a restaurant in my early twenties. It;s the only thing that prevented the infection from coming back.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 27th, 2011, 3:11 pm
by charliechaplinfan
My natural impulse is to go to the chemist if anything crops up I'm not sure of although I don't know why tea tree and lavender often work better and quicker.

I've treated my hair tonight to coconut oil rubbed into it with a little rosemary and orange in it. it took me years to find a cheap brand and then I discovered it in the Indian delicatessen, their ladies use coconut oil on their hair to give it that lovely sheen. My hair is really thick and it leaves my hair really soft but keeps all the life in it. To think I used to spend a fortune on shampoos and conditioners when I was young.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 27th, 2011, 3:57 pm
by JackFavell
I used coconut shampoo from lush and loved it, but when I tried the oil, but the oil was very smelly and had chunks in it that were difficult to I don't use it anymore. Maybe the Indian brand is better.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 28th, 2011, 1:17 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Maybe it might have to do with the heat, it's been hot over here for a couple of days so the oil just melted straight into my hand and was easy to rub into my hair but I do remember in the past I've melted it in a bain maire and then rubbed it into my hair and it has stiffened, it's not the look you want if someoe knocks on the door, but it does come out under a hot shower, my tip is to use half your normal shampoo but shampoo twice and that always takes it out. My 200ml pot cost 99p, I don't know how this would compare with Lush. i still haven't looked on there, yet. I think I know that once I'm on there my credit card will hurt.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 28th, 2011, 4:43 pm
by JackFavell
LUSH is very expensive but it works well.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 29th, 2011, 1:10 pm
by charliechaplinfan
My resolve is weakening. I can't weaken just yet, Chris has bought me a dishwasher, I've never had one and always resisted but I am struggling doing everything that needs to be done around the house, this will take one more task off me. I seem to sepnd my life stood at the sink washing dishes. I'm a very lucky lady.

Re: How to use natural products as beauty remedies and to soothe

Posted: June 29th, 2011, 1:19 pm
by JackFavell
congratulations! A dishwasher is great... it saves a lot of time, and the newer ones are really much quieter.