The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by CineMaven »

I can only quote the great Stymie:

"Dem cats can talk!!" WoW!!

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Rita Hayworth
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Thank you for sharing this with us Masha! :)
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by MissGoddess »

that video was SO funny, T! I have to share it with my mother. my kits used to "nom" and growl at meal time when they were little.

masha, what a lovely tribute video---my favorite picture was of the two sleeping in their little beds or sleeping bags. too cute!!
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by tinker »

Cats and books go together. I'm a librarian so I know :)

These are some rules for library cats.
Dewey's Job Description

1. Reducing stress for all humans who pay attention to him.
2. Sitting by the front door every morning at 9:00 am to greet the public as they enter the library.
3. Sampling all boxes that enter the library for security problems and comfort level.
4. Attending all meetings in the Round Room as official library ambassador.
5. Providing comic relief for staff and visitors whenever possible.
6. Climbing in book bags and briefcases while patrons are studying or trying to retrieve needed papers underneath him.
7. Generating free national and worldwide publicity for Spencer Public Library. (This entails sitting still for photographs, smiling for the camera, and generally being cute.)
8. Working toward status as world's most finicky cat by refusing all but the most expensive, delectable foods — and even turning up his nose at those most of the time.

In addition, Dewey produced some rules for library cats:

1. STAFF: If you are feeling particularly lonely and wanting more attention from the staff, sit on whatever papers, project, or computer they happen to be working on at the time - but sit with your back to the person and act aloof, so as not to appear too needy. Also, for maximum effect, be sure to continually rub against the leg of the staff person who is wearing dark brown, blue, or black.

2. PATRONS: No matter how long the patron plans on staying at the library, climb into their briefcase or book-bag for a long, comfortable sleep until they must dump you out on the table in order to leave.

3. LADDERS: Never miss an opportunity to climb on ladders. It does not matter which human is on the ladder. It only matters that you get to the top and stay there.

4. CLOSING TIME: Wait until 10 minutes before closing time to get up from your nap. Just as the staff is getting ready to turn out the lights and lock the door, do all your cutest tricks in an effort to get them to stay and play with you. (Although this doesn't work very often, sometimes they can't resist giving in to one short game of hide-and-seek.)

5. BOXES: Your humans must realise that all boxes which enter the library are yours. It doesn't matter how large, how small, or how full the box should be — it is yours! If you cannot fit your entire body into the box, then use whatever part of your body fits to assume ownership for naptime. (I have used one or two paws, my head, or even just my tail to gain entry, and each works equally well for a truly restful sleep.)

6. MEETINGS: No matter the group, timing, or subject matter, if there is a meeting scheduled in the meeting room — you have an obligation to attend. If they have shut you out by closing the door, cry pitifully until they let you in or until someone opens the door to use the restroom or get a drink of water. After you gain entry, be sure to go around the room and greet each attendee. If there is a film showing or a slide show, climb on any table close to the screen, settle in and watch the film to conclusion. As the credits roll, feign extreme boredom and leave the meeting before it concludes.

And remember the library cat's golden rule for all time:
"Never forget, nor let humans forget, that you own the joint!"

[b]But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams[/b]. (William Butler Yeats )
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Thanks for sharing this Tinker! :)
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by MissGoddess »

Masha those videos were wonderful! I love the cleverness of the Adoption video, especially.

And I think every library should have a cat! Here in New York, I have only seen the the two in front of the main one on Fifth Avenue. :D
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by CineMaven »

Was that little kitty hypnotized? Or just a determined little thing? Cute.

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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by MissGoddess »

Lol! Yes, you do need a thick skin to live with them. It helps to be a George Sanders fan. :D
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by Rita Hayworth »

Thanks for posting this darling little kitty kat - Masha! :)
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by MissGoddess »

So cute!!!
"There's only one thing that can kill the movies, and that's education."
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Re: The Domestic CAT: Feline at its finest!

Post by Rita Hayworth »

MissGoddess wrote:So cute!!!

That's goes double for me too!
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