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Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: April 29th, 2012, 5:18 pm
by CineMaven
As a woman who is childless...let me ask you two Moms something. Do you wish you had sons? Is it fun raising Little Women? And did you bug your Moms for stuff when you were little girls? They're learning HOW to be women from you both.

I say hock all your jewelry and come out to Hollywood next year. I can pix three in a room at the Roosevelt.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: April 29th, 2012, 5:44 pm
by JackFavell
Alison has one of each.

I do NOT wish I had a son. I knew I was having a girl for years before I had her. It would be nice to have a boy, I don't have anything against them, but I feel unsuited to the task. I grew up mostly with my mom, and my sister, so I just have a very female slant on things.

As for hocking all my jewelry, that would put about $65.27 in my pocket. I am accepting donations..... :D

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: April 29th, 2012, 6:31 pm
by movieman1957
If I may interject...

As a father of a son and daughter they are (mine at least) wonderfully different. For some reason neither used to bug us for things. We lived sparingly and they understood that at a very young age. Once when Maureen was 5 or 6 I had to buy tires for the car and she offered to give me her money, about $20, for the tires. Ian loved whatever you got him and when he did want something he would ask. He wouldn't beg or nag or make a big deal. If we told him that it wasn't the right time or we didn't have the money he understood and said nothing more about it.

Ian & Maureen never really fought. Things were generally pretty calm.

Now, back to the ladies.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: April 29th, 2012, 7:00 pm
by CineMaven
Thanxx MM'57. Siblings who don't fight. You're a lucky man!!

Years before, JackaaaAaay? Whoa!! Okay I'll kick in:


This is a good start. With this 75 bucks, you can buy a nice cocktail at the Roosevelt's lounge.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: April 30th, 2012, 12:49 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I knew Libby was a girl before she was born, intuition not technology, I didn't want to know with either, I knew Joe was a boy in the same way. When I was having Joe I wasn't bothered whether he was a boy or a girl although I couldn't imagine being the mother of a boy, I was geared up for girls. Having a boy is totally different, they are certainly like chalk and cheese both in personality and gender, they either get on very well and very loudly or they squabble, loudly. Joe who is nearly 3 years younger usually takes charge, he's the leader to an extent, Libby just knows it's easier that way but she will tell him no, that's usually when they squabble. Joe is loud and loving, determined, helpful, outgoing, generous all in a big way, can't entertain himself and he's very tactile, he hugs a lot and he loves women and can wind them around his little finger and he likes to be mates with men. Libby being older is sensible, has a tendency to shyness, intelligent, a big reader, can entertain herself, has her own style, won't come openly for a hug but will want one when they are being given out, she's brilliant to talk too and retains everything you tell her.

Having both and if I had to make a decision about only having children of one sex I really couldn't answer because this way I think I have the best of both. It makes us a very balanced family, we even have a boy and a girl cat for them.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: April 30th, 2012, 3:08 pm
by JackFavell
It sounds such a happy household, Alison! Wonderful.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: April 30th, 2012, 3:46 pm
by charliechaplinfan
They've kept me remarkably sane over the past year or so, when I'm feeling really bad they're the reason I have to get out of bed when I'm bad. We manage, we have a routine and bless them, they are getting more adept at helping which is no bad thing. My mother taught me only to iron and being a typical child I didn't push her to teach me more, I'm hoping to stand my kids on their feet a bit more. They are lovely, Joe's nearly 7 and he's still my baby although I'd never tell him but he's growing so quickly and Libby at nearly 10 and into fashion, hairstyles and the internet, oh boy time goes too fast.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: April 30th, 2012, 5:25 pm
by Rita Hayworth
charliechaplinfan wrote:They've kept me remarkably sane over the past year or so, when I'm feeling really bad they're the reason I have to get out of bed when I'm bad. We manage, we have a routine and bless them, they are getting more adept at helping which is no bad thing. My mother taught me only to iron and being a typical child I didn't push her to teach me more, I'm hoping to stand my kids on their feet a bit more. They are lovely, Joe's nearly 7 and he's still my baby although I'd never tell him but he's growing so quickly and Libby at nearly 10 and into fashion, hairstyles and the internet, oh boy time goes too fast.
I'm single, never married ... but, I have many nieces and nephews and boy time does go too fast ... I remembered them being born and growing up and now half of them already married and one of my nephew already have two children of their own ... that's makes me a Great-Uncle to them. I do babysit with them on an occasional notice ... now and then ... now I get to have the joy of watching them grow up.

One of my brothers, older one ... he will be expecting twins in July ... one boy and one girl ... what so odd about this I will have another niece and nephew that are younger than my grand niece and grand nephew. My brother is young at heart and loves kids ... so he is excited so are we.

I love kids and watching them growing up is a joy to me.

So, enjoy them while you can Allison and before you know it ... Libby might become a mother someday and you will become a Grandmother and same goes to Joe. Times goes fast and believe me ... I been there. I have so many nieces and nephews and its getting harder and harder to keep track of them all. I'm retired, and I have a monthly planner and I have all their birthdays on it and every 10-15 days I have to go out and buy a birthday card and mail it to them.

They are special to me ... and Libby and Joe are special to you Allison!

I wished time can slow down so that we can enjoy them as kids.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 4:11 am
by charliechaplinfan
I'm glad you've got all those nephews and nieces, my kids are the only ones in the family, so they get spoiled, we've still got lots of Easter eggs to get through. I expect grandchildren, the kids know Mum wants to be a grandma one day,so no pressure on them, hopefully it'll happen but I've been hanging around waiting to be an Auntie for a long time but our brothers are not child people. Children and animals simplify life. Sometimes I feel nostalgic for when they were tiny but not often, they give me something to smile about everyday.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 6:44 am
by JackFavell
That's sweet, Kingme!

I only get nostalgic when we go clothes shopping. Alice is getting to that point where I am an embarrassment, and so if I pick something out to show her, she gets this look on her face... the "eye roll" look, without actually rolling her eyes... it's kind of funny. The blank stare as if to say, "Oh, mom, that is the most hideous thing in the world". Though occasionally I will pick out something so sensational, she has to acknowledge it... the love of clothes wins out over any rebellion fomenting in her soul.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 6:58 am
by Rita Hayworth
Thanks for your comments CCFan and Jack Favell!

I can see where you are both coming from ... I hear these stories all the time in the past!

:) :) :)

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 12:20 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Libby's not quite got to that point with her clothes although she can be quite wacky and has a distinct style but I can tell that we will part on style sometime soon.

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: May 2nd, 2012, 2:47 pm
by feaito
Welcome back Moira :D

Re: The Good News Thread

Posted: May 2nd, 2012, 5:12 pm
by JackFavell
What? Oh goodness! I am so glad you are back, Moira! Feel better!