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Posted: March 4th, 2009, 10:20 am
by movieman1957
I'm surprised the administration is so absorbed with Limbaugh. As far as the stimulus goes very few in the financial world seem to like the plan and I think the comment about failure is that many Republicans had a fundamental difference of opinion on the scope of where and how the governement should be involved. it sets an uncomfortable precedence in their opinion.


Posted: March 4th, 2009, 7:22 pm
by silentscreen
I guess Limbaugh is the choice to replace Bush as the whipping boy. What surprises me is that Democrats even care about what Republicans say. They're in power and they don't need them to get their bills through Congress at this point. They can pretty much do what they want, so why are they giving Limbaugh more visibility? Doesn't make sense to me.One thing for sure is if the economy doesn't turn around, they are going to take the brunt of the blame. Limbaugh is not a politican, he's just a broadcaster.


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 1:59 am
by ken123
The market will continue to slide as long as money is not being spent by the American people. The 1929 crash was made worse by The Frederal Reserve ( NOT a government enity ) diminishing the money supply.Bush was President for eight years following his ( IMHO idiotic ) non regulation ideology, rather than common sense, and the country is going to hell. Limbaugh doesnt real give a hoot except anything but his ego & bank account. This attitude is, IMHO, the country be damned .I scream at the TV screen as the CNBC " reporters " follow the Wall street line, hook, line, & sinker, the same Wall Steeters that have had their way for the better part of the last thirty years, during which the standard of living has fallen, for the vast majority of Americans. Am I the only person who thinks that CNBC's Erin Burnet is an idiot? But I feel that way about Kudlow and others who worship at the altar of free makets and that capitalism is NEVER to be tinkered with.


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 7:28 am
by silentscreen
It's really hard to spend money in the market or any where else right now when you're having to pick up the tab for the uninsured or people who don't have enough insurance. It's not my fault that they don't have enough insurance, but my company based insurance premiums will go up. I'm not allowed to work overtime any more either because of how my company is doing. President Obama's policies don't encourage investment in an already depleted market by the very people who would have the money to invest in that market. It's a catch 22 situation. You can't have the small upper class bearing all the brunt of the taxes. They'll just go hide their money somewhere else, not invest in the U.S.A. That's my opinion any way, and it's being borne out by market performance. I'm not saying that's the only reason the market has gone down, but it could very well be part of the reason. I was hoping President Obama would be a little more centrist in his governing, not use up all his political capital immediately with a far left agenda. In any case, I really hope I'm wrong, because it effects me as well as millions of other Americans.

P.S. Not too thrilled about tax dollars going for abortions either. In this day and age, there is no excuse for an unwanted pregnancy, and those that find themselves in that position should have to pay for their "mistake" themselves.


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 9:40 am
by movieman1957
ken123 wrote:Limbaugh doesnt real give a hoot except anything but his ego & bank account. This attitude is, IMHO, the country be damned .
If that were the case it seems all the more puzzling the administration is worried about him. Clinton tired ot make him the boogeyman in the 90s and it didn't really work. I think the administration would be better off ignoring him.


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 12:32 pm
by ken123
movieman1957 wrote:
ken123 wrote:Limbaugh doesnt real give a hoot except anything but his ego & bank account. This attitude is, IMHO, the country be damned .
If that were the case it seems all the more puzzling the administration is worried about him. Clinton tired ot make him the boogeyman in the 90s and it didn't really work. I think the administration would be better off ignoring him.

The Obama administration isnt worried about him, just look at the polls,this is not 1993 - '94 Limbaugh is now speaking for a much smaller share of the electorate. In a contest bewteen Obama & a Limbaugh led GOP Obama wins hands down. Screaming " socialism " wont work for the GOP who continue to follow Hoover like economics.


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 1:32 pm
by movieman1957
They are to some degree because the administration admitted they have been helping to feed the media discussion about him. And if screaming "socialism" at least gets some attention to what is going on then let them scream.

I see today that some Democrats are balking at some of the tax changes so maybe not everything is "honky donky" in Obamaland.


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 3:05 pm
by charliechaplinfan
The Bank of England has started printing more money or making more money available. How did Britain get to this???? A two word answer - Gordon Brown.

BTW I see he's been speaking to Congress, don't listen to him, he's ruined Britain.

Under the Gordon Brown more money has been given out to women who want to stay at home having babies, not in a normal 'nuclear' family envoiroment, no because these families usually have a two necessary taxable incomes coming in, he's not interested in helping them. If you want a free ticket get pregnant, leave the father, get pregnant again, kick the father out, still want more time out of the workforce, fine, have another baby, we'll pay your rent and taxes and allow you to have as many children as you want providing you're not married to the father or he isn't living with you. Let the children bring one another up and run about like feral children whilst you spend your benefit money or cigarettes and going to the pub.

Sorry everyone, sometimes I just have to let it out.


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 4:47 pm
by ken123
movieman1957 wrote:They are to some degree because the administration admitted they have been helping to feed the media discussion about him. And if screaming "socialism" at least gets some attention to what is going on then let them scream.

I see today that some Democrats are balking at some of the tax changes so maybe not everything is "honky donky" in Obamaland.

Tax the wealty OMG!!! Under that great friend of middle class Ronnnie Reagan Social Security taxes were doubled & unemployment payments were subject to U.S taxes. Both taxes are put on the the lower & middle classes. Rush is right about one thing class warfare is happening in America and its being pushed from the top down. My class is winnging says Warren Buffett Its been that way thru most of the history of the world. Rush is a spokesman - for Mammon & he reaches out to peoples demons, not to mans better instincts.His antiestblishment stance is a hoax!


Posted: March 5th, 2009, 7:52 pm
by silentscreen
Listen "demonizing" goes on by both parties.Trying to assign blame does not help the problem, and We the People will expect solutions, not diversion tactics.May have worked during the election, but not now. Bottom line, if President Obama continues to turn a blind eye to what's happening to Wall Street, the honeymoon will be over, and he will not be re-elected, plus when re-election for Senate seats comes up, more Republicans will be put in. Thus far, I'm very underwhelmed. I'm putting my retirement funds into cash tomorrow. I can't take more of it going up in smoke, I've worked too damned hard. The market fell another 281 points today. Why don't we talk about that instead of Limbaugh?


Posted: March 15th, 2009, 3:41 pm
by ken123
This silly old semi -marxist has lost over 50% in the last year via IRAs, but the American economy is much more than Wall Street & the markets, which has been up 3 days in a row. For most of the last 28 years Wall Steet has had its way with derugulation and now the country is facing the abyss,its time for a new direction. :wink:


Posted: March 15th, 2009, 10:17 pm
by klondike
OK, for all you GOP'ers who've chided me for being Die-hard Democrat, here is ONE Republican that I might consider voting for:



Posted: March 16th, 2009, 12:09 pm
by ken123
Power Lunch is on CNBC right now - what a group of deleted oops! :oops:


Posted: March 24th, 2009, 8:17 pm
by Birdy
re: feral children: see my post under No St. P Day.
It makes me want to go watch a good old pre-code with a little suicide.


Posted: March 25th, 2009, 2:06 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Birdy, I'll go across there now :wink: