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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 4th, 2011, 6:23 pm
by moira finnie
Please be safe Ark and Sue Sue and everybody. We like having you guys around.

We have icy winds, and seem to live in tundra-land now, but at least the sun came out for awhile today. Wish we could bottle this up in small doses for July and August, huh?

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 10:50 am
by charliechaplinfan
We British are meant to be obsessed with the weather but I keep forgetting to check out this thread then when I do I feel so bad for you all struggling to maintain normal daily life.

Hope everyone's heating stays on, hope everyone has enough to eat and drink, hope no one gets snowed in for too long but mostly I hope Spring is just around the corner for us all.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 11:20 am
by knitwit45
Hope everyone's heating stays on, hope everyone has enough to eat and drink, hope no one gets snowed in for too long but mostly I hope Spring is just around the corner for us all.

AMEN!!!!! :D

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 1:11 pm
by klondike
charliechaplinfan wrote:We British are meant to be obsessed with the weather . . .
Alison, that reminded me of that great line from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, when Connery, as the expatriate Quatermain, upon agreeing to return to London, is warned to "Pack for an English Summer . . "
And so, of course, the next scene shows a mackintoshed Sean exiting a hack on Downing Street, amidst a torrential downpour.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 5th, 2011, 3:05 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Yes, that's an English Summer, English Summers are torrential rain interspersed with spots of sunshine, I discovered Irish Summers were just torrential rain.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 1:23 am
by Birdy
Is everyone here and accounted for? Internet has been sporadic. We were right on the ice line; a couple of hours north of here they got 2 feet of snow and we got several inches of ice. Most of the area was without power. Most for 8 - 12 hours; some for up to 48 hours. Amazingly, we were one of the few who never lost it. The lights kept surging and every once in a while they would shut off momentarily. The wind just howled and the trees made some really creepy noises. It was sure nerve racking but can't complain since we were so lucky. We closed the library for 2 days and left early on the 3rd. Today, 5 inches of ice on top of the skating rink. The highways had been melted and scraped down to clear so this snow won't matter much but town streets and county roads are just terrible. Not to mention most parking lots, sidewalks, etc. I am sure stepping carefully after my broken arm last year. There have been hundreds of people at the hosp. with fall injuries this week.

On the upshot, I got to watch lots of great old movies and it was a great excuse to bake a few food I shouldn't be eating. But, you know, it warms the kitchen and the heart!

Wishing you all sunny skies!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 10:03 am
by knitwit45
Hi Birdy! It's so good to see you here, I've been hoping (and praying) you and family are ok. Ice storms are really nerve racking, aren't they? We had a doozy 10 or so years ago. I remember driving home just before the storm hit (we had quite a bit of warning, thank goodness). I could see the storm coming in my rear view mirror, it was really creepy. I was blessed with a warm house, a GARAGE, and power shut off for only 4 hours. A friend injured her back when she tried to open her garage door, others had nasty bumps and bruises from slips, slides and falls. Please, please be careful. Did you say you got 5 more inches of ice???? should we send you movies? Milk? Chocolate?????

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 1:56 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Keep well everyone, I've never known the power bring shut off here, sounds like it's routine for you. Take care Nancy, hope your friends are OK.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 2:18 pm
by Birdy
No, the 5" was snow...on top of the existing skating rink. You can see patches of our road today, so there must be some meltdown. I'm staying in!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 3:30 pm
by JackFavell
I can relate to the ice situation - our mailman fell under a parked car the other day and had to be helped out from under, he couldn't get back out, it was so slippery! Our front walk has been a skating rink for a week or so now, and we keep trying to chop it up, but it's too hard. I didn't have sand, and salt wouldn't work when it's that deep, it would only have melted and frozen even worse.

Finally today the sun came out and it's forty degrees, the ice rink turned into a lake! We were able to chop through to the stones in our sidewalk. Everything looks weird, seeing the ground in a few places again seems odd.

Please be careful everyone who is dealing with ice!

It's a good excuse to stay in and make Superbowl snacks...

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 3:44 pm
by knitwit45
Just heard about another woman I know, went out to her car (after a big melt) and thought the spot by the door was just water....WRONG! She fell so hard, flat on her back, she had to have 8 stitches in her scalp. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!!!!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 9th, 2011, 11:20 am
by knitwit45
Another 4 or 5 inches of snow overnight....5 degrees today, and 50 by the weekend....Are we in a sci-fi movie???? :roll: :shock: :roll: Hope everyone is warm and safe. Sounds like the South got hit again..Paula, you ok??

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 9th, 2011, 11:26 am
by klondike
Hey, Nancy, we got up to five degrees just yesterday . . but we're back to hangin' at zero today! :?

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 9th, 2011, 11:30 am
by knitwit45
Yeah, our high was 8 yesterday, dropped to minus 2 last night with a windchill of minus 21. We're havin' a heat wave!!!! Are your crews out? What a frightening, challenging job. Hope they all stay safe.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: February 9th, 2011, 11:49 am
by klondike
Och aye, they are out every day, all over two states, flaggin' their collective butt off, and this time of year, dodging skidding drivers to boot!
But ya know, it all goes back to the Flagger's Credo:
"Don't ya feel sorry for the folks who work indoors?"
( . . . there's just a lot less black humor to it in July 8) . . )