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Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 12:14 am
by knitwit45
Chris, I think this "contest" will be a LOT of fun...but you're going to have to dodge a lot of air bullets.....pilgrim.......

Posted: February 3rd, 2008, 12:31 am
by ken123
I was sure :roll: surprised when I counted up the films and found that John Ford led the directors with seven nominations ! But where is Two Rode Together ? :wink:

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 11:08 am
by cinemalover
Grab the next stage and get on over to the Bestavorite Western Ever thread! The polls are open!

The big question? Can anything derail the express train to the top that is The Searchers?!

Posted: February 9th, 2008, 11:49 am
by Ann Harding
I thought you might be interested to see a list of favourite westerns made in the 70s by French film critics. They had to choose a list of 10 westerns. I counted all their votes and the top list reads this way (a lot of titles are joint winners):
  • 1. Johnny Guitar - Rio Bravo (14 votes)
    2. The Big Sky - Man Without a Star (10 votes)
    3. My Darling Clementine - Rancho Notorious - The Naked Spur (9 votes)
    4. Left-Handed Gun - The Searchers (8 votes)
    5. Duel in The Sun - Guns in The Afternoon - Run of The Arrow - Red River - Silver Lode (6 votes)
    6. Seven Men from Now - Wagon Master - Man of The West - The Hanging Tree (5 votes)
    7. The Last Hunt - Man From Laramie - Colorado Territory - The Far Country - The Unforgiven - Western Union - Heller in Pink Tights (4 votes)
    8. The Plainsman - Winchester 73 - They Died With Their Boots On - Gunfight at OK Corral - Vera Cruz - River of No Return - Warlock - The Last Frontier - The Last Wagon (3 votes)
    9. Stagecoach - Backlash - The Outlaw - Billy The Kid - Two Rode Together - Magnificent Seven - Wichita - The Wonderful Country - Commanche Station - Tenessee's Partner (2 votes)
I suppose the list would be very different if made nowadays. But, their choices are interesting. What do you think?

Posted: February 9th, 2008, 6:15 pm
by mrsl
Hi Ann:

Are you saying that Rio Bravo and Johnny Guitar gained the most votes from French critics?

Now, that would amaze me. I greatly enjoy Rio Bravo but have no use at all for Johnny Guitar, but even so, those two movies are not nearly as impressive as many others would be.


Posted: February 9th, 2008, 6:39 pm
by Dewey1960
Hi Christine (AnnHarding):
What a fascinating list! I'm not too surprised to see the magnificent and challenging JOHNNY GUITAR at the very top. The French have always managed to see the brilliance of Nicholas Ray in ways that Americans have not. It's a shame that short-sightedness has prevented so many from enjoyng this seriously misunderstood classic. Thanks again for posting that list!

Posted: February 9th, 2008, 6:44 pm
by movieman1957
"The Last Hunt" was a new western for me about two years ago. At the time I thought it pretty good. Good performances, especially for Granger, and I guess the uneasy feel of a real Buffalo kill. It also had an interesting ending.

I saw it about two months ago and I didn't like it as much. Maybe Robert Taylor pressed too hard. The story seemed slower and didn't enjoy it as much.

I did enjoy another viewing of "The Law and Jake Wade" but I think that had more to do with Widmark.

The Westerns channel is showing Glenn Ford spotlight soon and part of it will be the almost forgotten "The Man From The Alamo."

Posted: February 9th, 2008, 11:56 pm
by MissGoddess
Ann Harding wrote:I thought you might be interested to see a list of favourite westerns made in the 70s by French film critics. They had to choose a list of 10 westerns. I counted all their votes and the top list reads this way (a lot of titles are joint winners):
  • 1. Johnny Guitar - Rio Bravo
    2. The Big Sky - Man Without a Star
    3. My Darling Clementine - Rancho Notorious - The Naked Spur
    4. Left-Handed Gun - The Searchers
    5. Duel in The Sun - Guns in The Afternoon - Run of The Arrow - Red River - Silver Lode
    6. Seven Men from Now - Wagon Master - Man of The West - The Hanging Tree
    7. The Last Hunt - Man From Laramie - Colorado Territory - The Far Country - The Unforgiven - Western Union - Heller in Pink Tights
    8. The Plainsman - Winchester 73 - They Died With Their Boots On - Gunfight at OK Corral - Vera Cruz - River of No Return - Warlock - The Last Frontier - The Last Wagon
    9. Stagecoach - Backlash - The Outlaw - Billy The Kid - Two Rode Together - Magnificent Seven - Wichita - The Wonderful Country - Commanche Station - Tenessee's Partner
I suppose the list would be very different if made nowadays. But, their choices are interesting. What do you think?
It does my heart good, Ann, to see so many Gary Cooper movies on that list. That's one BIG difference.

Posted: February 10th, 2008, 3:48 am
by Ann Harding
You're right Dewey! Nicholas Ray has always been a favourite in France. Several books have been written about him by French authors. The best one by Bernard Eisenschitz has been translated in English:
Personaly, I really love Johnny Guitar. It's completely OTT like a flamboyant melodrama with women wearing the pants.:mrgreen: The artificiality of the sets combined with Republic's strange Trucolor gives it a slight surreal feel that I enjoy. You can even see a parabol of McCarthysm in the script.

Regarding Brooks and The Last Hunt, it's a film that I particularly like as well. Richard Brooks always liked to tackle difficult issues. The killing of buffaloes to starve the Indians is shown here in a totally unvarnished way. Robert Taylor plays a totally evil character and I find him excellent.

Posted: February 10th, 2008, 8:52 am
by ChiO
A wise wise people, the French, at least in the '70s. Two Allan Dwan movies (one with Ronald Reagan, no less), a Samuel Fuller film (though not FORTY GUNS :? ), RANCHO NOTORIOUS and THE NAKED SPUR at #3, and the great JOHNNY GUITAR at the top. Nicely done!

Posted: February 10th, 2008, 9:01 am
by Mr. Arkadin
Indeed. The Big Sky is a great film and narrowly missed my list. The cinematography is perhaps the best of any western. It also has one of the all time great drinking songs.

Posted: February 10th, 2008, 9:09 am
by Ann Harding
I suppose we have to consider availability of pictures when we look at such a list. In the 70s, there weren't any VHS or DVD around. To see westerns, we had to go to the cinema or watch what was on TV. So overall, these guys looked like they were really curious and looked for lesser known pictures.
Forty Guns is mentioned but it got only one vote. :wink:

Here is the list of the other westerns mentioned which got only one vote:

Lonely Are the Braves - Shane - The Tin Star - Jesse James - Buffalo Bill - Bend of The River - Broken Arrow - The Iron Horse - One Eyed Jake - The Singer Not The Song - Dallas - Yellow Sky - Westward The Women - Major Dundee - Rio Conchos - The Indian Fighter - The King and Four Queens - Silver River - The Horse Soldiers - Run For Cover - Yellowstone Kelly - The Law and Jake Wade - The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw - Pursued - Forty guns - The Lone Rangers - Unconquered - Distant Trumpet - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

I modified my earlier list to include the number of votes. :wink:

Posted: February 10th, 2008, 1:25 pm
by CharlieT
I find it hard to believe that The Oxbow Incident, She Wore A Yellow Ribbon and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance couldn't even garner one vote.

Oh, well. That's the French for you. :?

Posted: February 16th, 2008, 3:15 am
by cinemalover
Round Three finishes with 7 clear cut winners...and another tie. We'll have a special vote on Monday to determine the last participant in Round Three.