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Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 11:23 pm
by MissGoddess
Before I get too deep into the film itself, let me just say you fulfilled all my expectations for your poise and incredible fluency in speaking about film, so that was no surprise. You looked smashing...that blue with your beautiful hair! You speak so well and so comfortably up there with Bob that I insist you should be on there regularly!

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 11:25 pm
by Lzcutter

You look so beautiful!!! I love your jacket!! And that blue with your skin color and hair, a perfect choice!!!

And lastly, you picked a movie even Robert O hasn't seen!!

You go, girl!!!!

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 11:30 pm
by CineMaven
I watched your intro on TCM just now Moira. Wow! What a great job!!! You looked so self-assured sitting in the big red chair...taught Robert a thing or two, as well. Congratulations! :-)

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 11:34 pm
by rohanaka
Just wanted to pop in to say congrats to you, Ms. Finnie!! It was a very nice treat to see you there with our beloved Mr. O!! Well done, young lady!! You looked right at home!!

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 11:37 pm
by movieman1957

I'm just sick that I was so distracted today I missed your intro. Not surprisingly it seems to be a smashing success.

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 11:45 pm
by moira finnie
Not bad for someone who was in intensive care a month before!

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: November 30th, 2012, 11:51 pm
by knitwit45
Lovely, Miss Moira!!! Your film family are all so proud of you!! You now officially have a "posse". Actually, for those of us who read all your blogs, your posse just expanded by many more. Great job!

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: December 1st, 2012, 12:08 am
by Sue Sue Applegate
Absolument magnifique, Madamoiselle Moira! You're presence has recently graced us here in Texas, and you were fabulous. I think you need to be in the red chair more often!

Who else but Jean Gabin can say "J'suis fatigue" (I'm tired!) with such depth?

And the little secretary with the velvet skirt and the floppy bow! How adorable! And the girlfriend in the fancy suite had on a dress much like one Myrna Loy wore in one of The Thin Man movies.

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: December 1st, 2012, 12:18 am
by moira finnie
Sue Sue Applegate wrote:Who else but Jean Gabin can say "J'suis fatigue" (I'm tired!) with such depth?
No one. I am enjoying this movie a great deal again. My favorite parts are the voice-overs when Max kicks himself for worrying about that dumb bell Riton. He even intrudes on his thoughts when the poor guy is trying to distract himself with his mistress!

FYI: the lady who runs the restaurant where Max and his minions hang out is Gaby Basset. She was the first Mme. Gabin. The marriage ended long ago in the '30s, but he and Gaby appeared together in 10 movies (mostly in the '50s). I believe they remained friendly. In Touchez Pas... she is one of the few characters Gabin's Max trusts.

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: December 1st, 2012, 12:24 am
by Sue Sue Applegate
Gaby Basset and Jean Gabin had chemistry in that scene that really connected. And is sounded like Gabin had metal tips on his heels so that his steps clicked more on the pavement. I think that increases the tension.

And I loved that scene with the voiceover!

Touchez Pas au Grisbi is such an excellent choice!

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: December 1st, 2012, 12:28 am
by Lzcutter
Her character reminded me of Panama in *The Roaring Twenties*.

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: December 1st, 2012, 12:34 am
by moira finnie
Lzcutter wrote:Her character reminded me of Panama in *The Roaring Twenties*.
Yeah! Except she doesn't moon over the guys. She probably knows too much about all of them to expend her emotions too wastefully on their fates--though you know she cares about them ferociously.

One of the things that I find so interesting about this film is that the almost primal atmosphere--with no acknowledgement of right, wrong or the law might reflect everything these people have been through as criminals, but also what the French experienced as a result of the Nazi occupation. How can "the rules of society" mean much when you have seen the police as your invaders' servants? Isn't it better to invest yourself emotionally in simple survival or loyalty to those who are next to you, rather than concern yourself with society at large?

Christy, I think you are right about the clicking heels. The sound in this movie is really sharp--music, the clicking of the elevator, the lame orchestra in the nightclub, and incidental sounds of shoes on gravel, doors opening and closing, and...uh oh, guns are being loaded. :shock:

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: December 1st, 2012, 12:56 am
by Sue Sue Applegate
I love how Gabin was so secure in himself and his character that he wasn't afraid to be seen with a woman who is taller than he is! No wonder Marlene chased all over a war-ravaged Europe looking for him.

Perfect fashion colors! The Queen of TCM Technicolor!!!

That was one of those movies that makes me nostalgic when it's over. Any more Jean Gabin selections to suggest?

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: December 1st, 2012, 12:57 am
by Western Guy
Hi Moira -

Sounds like I missed a terrific show and intro. Glad all went well, though. Yep, the print I just watched of CROSS OF LORRAINE was darn near pristine. If it is from the Warner Archives it definitely is a DVD to get.

Forgot what a great film it is. Knockout cast (you're right: a different sort of role for Gene but he does a terrific job), with a rousing climax that you can't help cheering. It's a film I want to add to my collection.

Re: Soon to be playing- Our own MoiraFinnie

Posted: December 1st, 2012, 1:05 am
by Rita Hayworth
You were wonderful, Moira ... You have a great speaking voice and I enjoyed hearing about your experience growing up in films watching foreign films in sub-titles and so forth ... you and I have one additional thing in common. I need sub-titles to understand foreign films and I understand your choice of Touchez Pas Au Grisbi ... and I enjoyed it so much.

Congratulations on meeting Robert Osborne and you were poised and with grace and elegance ... I'm so proud of you! :D :D :D