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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 6:27 pm
by klondike
Shades of Buffalo Jones!
You Kansans really are Jayhawks in Jeopardy with those frozen carbunkles shootin' down from the sky!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 7:50 pm
by knitwit45
Since I grew up in this area, I've seen hailstones all my life, but I have NEVER seen anything like the ones in the photo.
creepy!!!! :shock: :shock:

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 10:28 pm
by Birdy
Knitty, thanks for keeping those over there! We had a beautiful 82 degree day Sunday, but extreme winds. (Like I'm telling you anything.) Now back to chilly and rainy. At least it's not freezy, which it was exactly 1 week ago. That's the medwest for you!

Keep an eye out for hailstones. And houses.
I'm sorry, I just can't resist.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 10:43 pm
by knitwit45

I swear I saw her go by on a bicycle.....

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 7:36 am
by JackFavell

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 22nd, 2011, 9:47 am
by knitwit45
wowsers, 11:30 pm in a storm shelter with a lot of very wet, very nervous people...and dogs....what a fun way to end the week (at least it wasn't the end of the world :shock: :shock: :shock: ) When the sirens go off, they mean business. I usually get my 'go' bag ready around the 25th of March. Only had to use it 3 times in the past 8 years. Hope this time was the last. Reading, KS, where the tornadoes did the most damage, is only 1 hour away from here.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 22nd, 2011, 9:55 am
by JackFavell
knitty! That is too scary! I'm glad you are OK.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 22nd, 2011, 10:06 am
by feaito
Knitty I'm glad to read you are fine. Hope all will go back to normal soon. Take care!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 9:16 am
by JackFavell
Knitty -

it sounds like the weather got even worse last night.... I am thinking of you...

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 10:21 am
by moira finnie
Thanks for checking in, Knitty. I've been thinking of you this morning when hearing the news about Kansas and Missouri's tornadoes. I hope things go better in the immediate future.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 5:31 pm
by knitwit45
Poor Joplin. The headline in the KC Star this morning was JOPLIN SHREDDED. The city is about 2-2/12 hours due south of here.

Mother Nature sure has been cranky, lately.. :shock: :cry:

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 6:01 pm
by JackFavell
Again, I'm glad you are OK.

I feel terrible for them in Joplin. Seeing the devastation, it's huge. You can hear the shake in the voices of residents who made it through the storm.

We used to drive right through Joplin every year from Oklahoma to Illinois or back from Illinois to Oklahoma. We always stopped there because the people were so nice, and my dad knew a guy who had a nearby barn stuffed to the rafters with used books.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 6:15 pm
by knitwit45
one report was that xrays and medical records from St. John's Hospital were found SEVENTY miles away. The reports now have a death toll at 116...and counting... This is the ninth deadliest tornado in the history of the country, I believe.

It has never stopped raining there, and no end in sight for the immediate future. Please pray for all the people who are there trying to help. They are battling downed power lines, ruptured gas lines, fires and lack of communications towers.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 6:25 pm
by JackFavell
I'm definitely sending out prayers for the workers and the people who still might be trapped.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 6:25 pm
by moira finnie
Did anyone see the video on the news of some people clinging together in the back of a Seven-Eleven? All you see was the semi-darkness and hear the understandably frightened voices of these poor people saying "Hey, you known what? I love everybody" and "God in heaven, help us." It was heartrending, but that little group of people made it through okay. Makes everyday problems seem pretty small, doesn't it?