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Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 2:47 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I am so sorry to hear about these very serious and painful bobos.....Yikes. I know it is painful! Please take care!

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 4:31 pm
by moira finnie
Otterhere! Great to hear from you, though I'm sorry about your toe too. I used to go white water rafting on the mighty Saco River in Maine in the Fall and Spring. All I remember about it was a blur of fun--wet fun, but fun.

The toe only hurts when I make the mistake of pressing it against anything like a shoe. Barefoot is the way to go...except that's what I was on Saturday too. Thanks for the sympathy, all.

Watch out for those area rugs. They're vicious.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 5:34 pm
by knitwit45
Dear Klutz, er Moira....

Actually, I am very very sorry for your pain and trouble. I have never (so far) broken a toe, but I sure have banged them up before. Very painful, indeed.

Well, this will be a great excuse to a.) not do housework b.) not cook, c.) watch lots of movies (talk about the perfect month to have to watch TCM!) d.) make your family wait on you.


Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 5:48 pm
by moira finnie
Thanks, Nan, but I'm not really well-suited temperamentally to having my family dance attendance on me nor "eating chocolate bon-bons while a cabana boy wafts a zephyr my way with an ostrich plume," especially since I found a 75% off sale at my local greenhouse just before this happened. I found two hydrangeas, some succulents, and flowers for about $20 and am dying to plant these outside. Other than that, this is a pretty good excuse to read and write more...and you know I'll be watching more movies whenever I can.

The soft cast and bandage encasing the hurt paw wasn't too bad. The orthopedic doc got a big charge out of the "interesting" way that the bones split off and the configuration of my feet in general, so I guess my day is a good one if I entertained someone.

It was great to read your other report that the weather has finally taken a break in Kansas. Hope it holds for you guys. You've earned a respite.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 5:53 pm
by knitwit45
Thanks, Nan, but I'm not really well-suited temperamentally to having my family dance attendance on me nor "eating chocolate bon-bons while a cabana boy wafts a zephyr my way with an ostrich plume," especially since I found a 75% off sale at my local greenhouse just before this happened. I found two hydrangeas, some succulents, and flowers for about $20 and am dying to plant these outside. Other than that, this is a pretty good excuse to read and write more...and you know I'll be watching more movies whenever I can.
OK, Missy (in my best Mother voice), lets be clear on this....

you are supposed to keep weight off your foot, and ice it....this does NOT translate to working in the garden. Put the plants in a shady spot, keep them watered, and they will be happy to wait for you.
you do so much for your family, maybe they would like to take care of you for a change.....

Ok, back to just my regular doofus persona.... :lol:

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 7:44 pm
by movieman1957
Chocolate helps. It won;t help your toe but it will do the rest of you some good.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 8:19 pm
by knitwit45
Well, Chocolate IS a food the very top and most important spot on the pyramid! :lol: :lol:

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 12:15 am
by rohanaka
Oh me, Miss Finnie. So very sorry to hear of your mishap. WIll hope for a very speedy recovery.

My husband has a "joke" about rugs.. the kind that you put out here and there.. and even the larger area rug kind. If they are too small to call "carpet" and not installed, as far as he is concerned they are all "throw rugs" and as he always likes to say: "There's a REASON they call them "throw" rugs." (because they "throw" you when you trip over them. ha)

We've been married over 19 years and I have YET to keep a rug in place at the front door for more than a week (so if you ever come to my house.. wipe your feet on the mat OUTSIDE or y ou might not get the chance to inside, ha) or in my kitchen in front of the sink. He is forever moving them. I don't even THINK of trying to keep one anywhere else. ha. (except the bathroom, because.he WILL leave that one alone. Maybe he feels they at least stay in place better than a bath towel or mat)

But the first time one of the other little rugs gets moved or needs adjusting, he picks it up and hides it somewhere.. ha. I find it.. a few days later.. and put it back. and then he hides it again. Whenever he gets too GOOD at hiding them, I wait a while.. and then eventually go buy a new one, and the fun starts all over.

I never spend very much on the new ones, because I KNOW they will disappears sooner or later, but HEY, I gotta keep trying. What can I say.. it is a game of strategy... even more fun than CHECKERS! :lol: And of course.. after I buy a new one.. the old ones always turn up SOONER or later.. but it might be YEARS before I find his "stash" ha. I use the old ones like new ones when I find them, sometimes (because I don't think we've EVER worn one out. ha. I once sold a stack of them in a garage sale just to get rid of a few.

I bet when we are old and fogeyish someday.. I'll use it to hold over his head. "Just THINK of how much more money we could have had to retire on in our "twilight years.. if ONLY I hadn't spent it all on THROW rugs".

And then, of course, he'll turn to me and say.. "You know.. there's a REASON they call them THROW rugs." :roll:

Take good care of that toe!! I like the suggestions you have gotten so far.. lots of reading, movies. (Oh yeah.. and chocolate too!)

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 2:41 pm
by JackFavell
Moira, so sorry to hear about your attack rug. perhaps a place at the front door will keep you safe at night. Hope you feel better soon! :D

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 3:38 pm
by Rita Hayworth
kingrat wrote:Moira, in my sternest doctor voice I prescribe: 1) reading 2) writing 3) watching movies. Rest is allowed. It might even be a good thing.
movieman1957 wrote:Chocolate helps. It won;t help your toe but it will do the rest of you some good.
Take the advice of these members are telling what to do ... :)

It's happen to me once too. I hate those too.

Moira ... you gave a good idea ... Avatar Notes ... I'm going to start doing that every Friday for my Rita Hayworth Picture of the Week.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 4:02 pm
by moira finnie
Thanks to all those who want me to "veg out." All I can say is that I gave it a shot for today, though this better get interesting soon.
kingme wrote:Moira ... you gave a good idea ... Avatar Notes ... I'm going to start doing that every Friday for my Rita Hayworth Picture of the Week.
Oh, well, I just added those notes in the signature line because I tend to pick fairly obscure people for my avatars. If your beautiful Rita avatars are not easily identifiable I think people need to see more studio era movies. Have fun, kingme.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: October 3rd, 2012, 3:03 pm
by JackFavell
I just wanted to post something of concern to those of us who suffer from MIGRAINE.

For the last 2 weeks or maybe three, I have been suffering from migraines - every day, all day with no relent. My headache meds don't even touch the pain. I thought it was my allergy medication, and even tried to go off of it for a day or so, with even worse results. I was ready to kill myself a couple days ago. I thought maybe I was having a stroke or something life threatening.

Well, today, I went out for my usual walk and started feeling better. I spent all morning and afternoon relieved that the pain and dizziness and nausea were clearing up. I went to get a snack. RAISINS have been my choice of snack for afternoons when it's too early to make dinner. Well, I ate some gloden raisins, and lo and behold, my neck started to hurt, my head felt like it was too heavy to hold up, and my migraine symptoms returned again. I looked at the ingredients, and this particular brand, CHAMPION, has listed under the ingredients list this disclaimer:


Well, I did a little search on SULFUR DIOXIDE and found out that it's not only a toxic gas, but that it's what wine has added to it - in other words, it's the SULFITES contained in wine that cause people like me to have headaches and other health problems. I realized that how I feel is exactly like a hangover.

This just pisses me off no end (sorry for the language, but that's how I feel and no other words feel as good to write)! My god, I have been crying with pain for 2 freaking weeks, and it was because this company wanted to keep their golden raisins yellow? Sheesh.


Re: The whiny thread

Posted: October 3rd, 2012, 3:34 pm
by knitwit45
Oh,Jacks,how awful. My sweet mother suffered with migraine, also. I hope you find relief soon. We'll keep the lights down low, and if I see Ben, I'll send him over to rub your neck.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: October 3rd, 2012, 3:36 pm
by JackFavell
That would be like heaven on earth! :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thanks for the sympathy, knitty. I really just want others to be careful... apparently apricots and other dried fruit are also dusted with the stuff.

I thought your avatar was the great Gladys! I love your quote from her even more than the picture.