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Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 6:59 am
by knitwit45
Uncle Stevie, I am sorry for your friends, but happy to hear that you and all your family are safe.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 12:23 pm
by moira finnie
I will keep your friends in my thoughts, Uncle Stevie. Thanks, Chris for the update on Christy. I hope that the forecast for a bit of rain brings Texas some relief. If only we could figure out a way to get some of the over-abundance of the wet stuff to them from the East just now.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 12:39 pm
by Rita Hayworth
To all members of SSO that been affected by all forms of weather ... floodings, winds, and everything else in between ... I will be thinking of you. Keep us informed. Thanks.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 1:32 pm
by RedRiver
I've never texted. Doesn't interest me. Once my much younger brother said, "Hey, I texted you. Did you get it?" You're kidding!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 8:09 pm
by Lzcutter

Glad to hear that you and yours are okay. When MrCutter and I heard about the power outage last night, we thought of you.

I talked to Christy (SueSue) last week and she was doing fine.

MrCutter and I were visiting friends in Huntsville, Alabama for a long holiday weekend. It started raining last Saturday night and was still raining when we boarded our flight for the City of Angels on Tuesday evening.

It's been a hot week in the City of Angels with temps in the Valley clocking in at triple digits. Luckily, it is supposed to cool off by 20 degrees or more by tomorrow.

Here in the City by the Bay, we are having another cool and clammy summer.

The fog is rolling in as I speak.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 10th, 2011, 5:00 pm
by RedRiver
In the city by the river, we're having barbecue. Life In Kentucky!

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 10th, 2011, 11:59 pm
by Uncle Stevie
My friends lost the use of their house for three months. The foundation must be rebuilt and strengthened. All furniture on the first floor and basement must be replaced. Insurance will pay for some of it. They bounced from rental to relative's for living but with two children and two dogs it was impossible. Fortunately his wife's company found a furnished rental for them to live in until they can get back into their home. It is a tragic loss but somehow they will survive. I am best friends with their parents and have known him since birth. It tears at my heart. They have my moral support but unfortunately I am not in a position to contribute financially.

The worst part of this storm, Irene, is that many hundreds of homes and families in the region are in a similar plight. Everyone living close to the Passaic River in New Jersey was affected. I grew up in the City of Passaic. I pray for them often.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 13th, 2011, 7:55 am
by JackFavell
Uncle Stevie I am so sorry for your friends. Fire and water damage are so hard to come back from, but it is possible. It just takes time. It's heartbreaking to deal with the loss on an everyday basis, but at least they are alright. Thank goodness for the wife's company. I hope they have as good an insurance company.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: September 13th, 2011, 8:38 am
by movieman1957
So many of these losses won't be covered unless they have a flood policy. Too many of them won't.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 3:49 am
by Fossy
Normally the "wet' here is from December to March. Until yesterday there has been only one wet day since the rain stopped on March 15. But yesterday (Tues 18th) the skies opened. Here we have only had 294 mm (about 12 ins ) since yesterday. The Boulders, just south of here has recorded 665mm (about 26ins). To the north, Daintree recorded about the same It is only 6pm (Wed) and rain is still falling so I suppose these figures will increase.
And the worst part of it? Bowls was called off.

A 6:30 pm news update--Heavy rain is expected till Friday. This is the wettest October on record. As usual the highway is cut.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 4:05 am
by Fossy
Thursday PM and still it rains. Three days of heavy rain. The Boulders has recorded 847 mm (33.34inches) in three days. The weather bureau says that this is not an early start to the wet season.

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 7:03 am
by JackFavell
Oh my gosh, Fossy! I hope you are not flooding - is your home safe?

Re: 'Round the World Weather Report

Posted: October 21st, 2011, 5:24 pm
by Fossy
All is well, Thank you for asking.