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Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 7th, 2009, 7:40 am
by feaito
Happy Bithday Agnes, the unforgettable Endora of my childhood, my favorite character from any TV Series when I was a kid.

Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 7th, 2009, 9:03 pm
by CineMaven
I just watched TCM's airing of OUR VINE HAS TENDER GRAPES" this past Sunday morning. I must confess...I didn't do it for the great Moorhead, but for the almost-forgotten FRANCES GIFFORD. (She was lovely in this and very believable starring opposite James Craig who I have a very soft spot for).

Agnes was Edward G. Robinson's wife and again gives a measured heartfelt performance. She is utterly incredible that she can be this sweet country woman...and then the vindictive harpy in "DARK PASSAGE" which aired last week in honour of Bogart being the Star of the Month. Her Madge Rapf, is my favorite performance of hers.

TCM????? What about giving AGGIE a place in the sun???

Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 7th, 2009, 9:27 pm
by Birdy
Love the coffee ad - What a dame!
Happiest Birthday wishes, wherever you are, Aggie.

Re: Agnes Moorehead

Posted: December 7th, 2009, 9:50 pm
by Professional Tourist

Re: Agnes Moorehead

Posted: December 13th, 2009, 7:12 pm
by Professional Tourist

Re: Agnes Moorehead

Posted: December 20th, 2009, 11:28 am
by Professional Tourist

Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 20th, 2009, 2:16 pm
by JackFavell
PT- I loved your words about Brunain Our Vines Have Tender Grapes. I find her very interesting and a little bit heartbreaking.

I see Bruna as a very typical midwestern woman. My mother started life on a farm in Iowa, with her four sisters. I always chalked up her aloofness to being orphaned at age five, and sent to live with a nearby family, but now I am not so sure. Maybe it had more to do with midwestern stoicism. My mother and I were very close, but there was always something in her that was held back, hidden, waiting, very much like Bruna. It was not longing, it was not anything tangible. I feel that it was simply character. A feeling of This is how it is done.

I know that she had a strong sense of what was to be shared and what was not. She rarely cried, that I ever saw, and she rarely came and asked me anything about myself. I always came to her and poured out my heart to her. She would listen, then ask me if I could think of something good in whatever situation I was dealing with. That was about the extent of our relationship. Her job was to teach me to see the good things in life and to realize what was important. Having manners, being tolerant, those were the important things, and anything else was not spoken about. Her real life was something not really divulged to me. It never seemed strange or cold to me, in fact, my mother was a warm person in most respects, but with a cold center. She didn't pal around with us, and that was OK. It wasn't her place to do that.

There is something about the work ethic in midwestern families that prevents a mother from having time to really be "buddies" with her children. I find that in our family, I am the forceful one, and my husband is the one who is lackadaisical and more of a "friend" with our daughter. He wanders through every once in a while and says, "She's getting spoiled." and then it's up to me to do something about it. He could say go to bed to her ten times in a row and she would never hear him, but when I say it, I mean it and she trots off obediently. Someone has to make sure that she learns manners, and how to take care of herself... and it's me. Many times I have a hard time breaking out of that persona and just having fun. I have so much sympathy for Bruna and also for Katie in A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. As my daughter grows older, I find it hard not to see that she needs to break away, and I don't want to be so nurturing that I never let her make that break....I find myself backing off a little. It's a very hard line to draw, wanting to be loved, and wanting what's best for your kids. I still don't think I get it right most of the time. Most of the time, a mother is a rather overlooked creature. Everything goes to your husband or your kids and there is very little left over for you.

Anyway, maybe this is all too personal, and I am sorry if it is. I just wanted to write an appreciation of your words on Bruna, because those things you wrote about are very subtle, and I was struck with them too. Her behavior is so very familiar to me.

Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 20th, 2009, 2:34 pm
by CineMaven
"...It's a very hard line to draw, wanting to be loved, and wanting what's best for your kids.
I still don't think I get it right most of the time. Most of the time, a mother is a rather over-
looked creature. Everything goes to your husband or your kids and there is very little left
over for you."

WoW Jackaaaay!!!! I hope these Message Boards serve as a place for you to express your love of
movies. A wonderfully genuine and emotional post.

Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 20th, 2009, 2:48 pm
by JackFavell
Hey Mave! Thank GOODNESS for the message boards.... I would have lost my mind without them. I mean, literally, because after I had Alice, my brain turned to mush. The boards are a great place for me to stretch my brain and do some mental calisthenics. :D

Re: Agnes Moorehead

Posted: December 20th, 2009, 3:42 pm
by Professional Tourist

Re: Agnes Moorehead

Posted: December 28th, 2009, 2:52 pm
by Professional Tourist

Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 29th, 2009, 5:59 pm
by Vecchiolarry

My only concern is that Sunday is not the last day of the week but the first.
This calendar would confuse me, so I wouldn't buy it...

Otherwise, I like the photos of her, especially February, as that's my birthday and that's how I remember her always looking...


Re: Agnes Moorehead

Posted: December 29th, 2009, 6:13 pm
by Professional Tourist

Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 30th, 2009, 12:46 pm
by Birdy
To JF - were we separated at birth? I think that's why I find Vines so painful. But you know me, I don't much like serious movies anyway. Except I do enjoy a good pre-code suicide from time to time!

Re: Aggie's Place -- Open 24 Hours

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 10:39 pm
by JackFavell
Ha! Birdy, we probably were separated at birth- I would not be surprised! Nice to know I have another sister... :D