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Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: January 31st, 2011, 1:09 pm
by movieman1957
I did a Birthday tribute in one of my programming challenge schedules. I've loved his melodies. I can't say I know much about his early work. I knew he had a jazz group. The John Barry 7, I think it was called. I even remember seeing a video of him singing.

On his album "Moviola" he does a 8 or 9 minute suite of "Somewhere In Time."

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: January 31st, 2011, 1:23 pm
by moira finnie
Chris, did you ever see the documentary on television that was made of Moviola when that first came out? It was great, looking at this music from the early years through the great James Bond themes and on to lush orchestral pieces. There's more about it here, though those Great Performances pieces from as long ago as 1993 are not likely to be shown again, unfortunately.

The Guardian has a bunch of clips from the early Beat Girl days to more recently here

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: January 31st, 2011, 1:51 pm
by movieman1957
No, not that one anyway. We have long loved that album. My daughter used to go to sleep to it. She seldom got beyond "Out of Africa." Frequently I would ask if she wanted to listen to another song. She always wanted that one. I still put it on when I need something calming to listen to.

Thanks for your link. I'll go check it out.

Your link took me to it. It was from "Omnibus."

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: January 31st, 2011, 2:07 pm
by moira finnie
Neat, Chris. Thanks very much for finding that.

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 3:35 pm
by knitwit45
Moraldo posted this on Facebook, he does find the NEATEST videos! This one is "Men in Film". It is fascinating to watch the faces change, each one seems to smile for just a second before coming someone else.


Douglas Fairbanks Sr., Rudolph Valentino, Charlie Chaplin, James Cagney, Spencer Tracy, Fredric March, Errol Flynn, Fred Astaire, Clark Gable, Laurence Olivier, Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart, James Stewart, Tyrone Power, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, Robert Mitchum, John Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Gene Kelly, Burt Lancaster, William Holden, Marlon Brando, James Dean, Rock Hudson, Montgomery Clift, Anthony Quinn, Gregory Peck, Richard Burton, Jack Lemmon, Sean Connery, Sidney Poitier, Charlton Heston, Steve McQueen, Peter O'Toole, Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Roy Scheider, Warren Beatty, Dennis Hopper, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, Harrison Ford, Kevin Kline, Kevin Costner, Michael Douglas, Christopher Walken, Mel Gibson, Sean Penn, John Travolta, Antonio Banderas, Tim Robbins, Samuel L. Jackson, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, George Clooney

Music: Bach's Allemande from Suite for Solo Cello No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1009 performed by Antonio Meneses

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 4:22 pm
by JackFavell
That was cool!

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 12:08 am
by mrsl

That U-Tube thing on men of Hollywood was amazing! Good job, finding it.

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 4:11 pm
by klondike
Watched this one again today on the Fox Movie Channel.
Lotsa fun, but one should space-out viewings to once every couple years, to go on liking it - and never watch it in the same month as Hudson Hawk, or Peter Sellers' Casino Royale . . or you'll risk sensory overload!

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: March 1st, 2011, 4:01 pm
by MissGoddess
moirafinnie wrote:I got out all my John Barry CDs after hearing of his death this morning. The music from Somewhere in Time (borrowed from Rachmaninoff's Rhapsody on a Theme from Paganini) and Out of Africa are playing all day today. I once read an interview with Barry about his poignant and sensitive score for Somewhere in Time and he explained that it really came out of his mourning his parents who had died shortly before he was asked to compose this soundtrack. I love Out of Africa for the majestic sweep of the music and the use of classical and native chants. What a complement to the imagery of this movie. I wish that Barry could have a tribute on TCM like others who have contributed so much on screen.
Beautifully expressed, Moira. Those are my two favorites by Barry. And 007. :D

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: March 4th, 2011, 2:53 pm
by moira finnie
File this application of the theme from the original Cape Fear (1962) under Best Bernard Herrmann Rip-Off of the season (this commercial is showing ALOT during the last month's ramp up to March madness. You will know what I mean if you live with a basketball nut):

Here it is in its "pure" original form:

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: March 4th, 2011, 4:25 pm
by knitwit45
Ms.M, when the blizzard hit on 2/2/11, the stores weren't quite that crazy...but almost. And the streets really did look like that. UGH!!!

Since I'm a 'fraidy-cat, I've never watched Cape Fear. I like my Mitchum on the good side... :oops: :lol:

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: March 4th, 2011, 6:04 pm
by moira finnie
knitwit45 wrote:Ms.M, when the blizzard hit on 2/2/11, the stores weren't quite that crazy...but almost. And the streets really did look like that. UGH!!!
I actually heard a bird chirp this morning (it was a balmy 31 degrees), so maybe he knows something we don't. The only thing worse than the thought of heavily snow laden streets again is the thought of being in a supermarket parking lot just before the snow! Gotta watch out for those milk, juice and bread foragers before a storm. They'd kill ya as soon as glare at you for a loaf of stinkin' Wonder Bread.
knitwit45 wrote:Since I'm a 'fraidy-cat, I've never watched Cape Fear. I like my Mitchum on the good side... :oops: :lol:
I have watched Cape Fear, but I have to look away a lot or cover my eyes. It's just too much, though I can appreciate the storytelling and acting, I prefer Mitchum in The Sundowners or Two for the Seesaw from that period of his career too. Btw, please DO NOT watch the remake of Cape Fear from Scorsese with DeNiro if you can help it, Nancy. It's brutal and makes the J. Lee Thompson version look positively restrained and lyrical by comparison.

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: March 4th, 2011, 6:41 pm
by klondike
knitwit45 wrote: Since I'm a 'fraidy-cat, I've never watched Cape Fear. I like my Mitchum on the good side... :oops: :lol:
And yet - you have seen The Night of the Hunter . . . riiiight ?

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: March 4th, 2011, 7:42 pm
by knitwit45
Yep, and paced back and forth the whole time. Had to fast forward a couple of times..... :oops: :oops: :oops:

Re: YOU Tube'n

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 12:13 pm
by knitwit45
This was just sent to me, I hope you enjoy it...I'm kinda proud of my city...
