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Re: The whiny thread

Posted: January 25th, 2013, 4:49 pm
by RedRiver
With me, it's the parents of my friends. More and more, I see obits for somebody's mother or father. My generation is still pretty vital. But our parents are getting up there.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: January 28th, 2013, 4:11 am
by charliechaplinfan
Me too, Red but even then they are in their 70s, it's not old these days, although my parents would beg to differ, it might not be old but 70 still has it's problems, bad knees, hips, backs they will tell me.

I suppose for everyone we read about that has gone we've got to thank God that by his grace we are here. If I've learnt anything by my young friend's passing is to not put off for tomorrow what I could do today, like getting back in touch and to remember to cherish everyone around me who is special to me.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 4th, 2013, 10:11 pm
by CineMaven
I ran my errands today...very proud of accomplishing my monthly financial tasks.

I went to my favorite diner and had an egg salad sandwich on white toast. Yummmmeeeeeee!

The train station is a few steps from the diner. As I was going down the stairs, the train was in the station, but a flood of people were coming through the turnstyle which prevented people from getting to the train. No biggie...the next one would be along soon.

I swiped my MetroCard, entered the station and sat on one of the benches waiting for the next train, reading the SSO posts on my APPLE iPOD Touch. Not even five minutes, the next train was coming down the tracks. I shoved my iPOD into my coat pocket and ran for the train. Whew! Now, just a ten-minute ride to home. As the train pulled out of the station, I steadied myself with one hand around the pole and with the other, I reached in my pocket for my iPOD Touch to keep reading some posts...


Photos, phone numbers, "Find My iPOD" app initiated.


I almost put my fist through the train window.


...I still want to.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 3:28 am
by The Ingenue
Oh no.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 8:21 am
by knitwit45
Awful! so sorry, T.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 8:31 am
by moira finnie
Oh, Theresa. How dreadful. I did not know that insurance coverage was even available for such a loss. Unrealistic, I suppose, but wouldn't it be wonderful if someone turned it into the Lost & Found?

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 8:51 am
by CineMaven
Knitty, Moira...CarrieLiz, thank you.

I am so out of sorts right now at the loss, my carelessness, I just can't get it together. I hung out with Robert on his birthday. I'm so glad I didn't dilly dally about uploading the photos from my iPOD that I took of him with his daughters. That would have been lost too. Thanks again girls.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 8:57 am
by charliechaplinfan
I'm so sorry Theresa, we carry our lives around in our devices. I hope some kind soul will hand it in. At least I'm grateful that you've remembered your log in details for here, so we can commiserate with you.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 9:10 am
by CineMaven
Thank you Alison. I'm going to be living with this for a long while...I can't stand it. What was ironic was the last foto I took with it was something I was going to post to you and Wendy in the thread where you guys were complaining about things. Saw a cute little cartoon I snapped. Oh well, I guess I'll get over it. I didn't lose an arm or leg. I guess. Thanks.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 9:12 am
by charliechaplinfan
Are you more upset that you lost it or cross at yourself for losing it or a mixture of both? I am sincerely sorry. Any hope some kind soul will find it and hand it in?

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 9:55 am
by Professional Tourist
I'm so sorry you lost your data, CineMaven (next time sync your device with iTunes or iCloud periodically) -- but perhaps there is a silver lining? Now you have an excuse to get yourself an iPad mini! Maybe?

You may want to see if you can perform a remote wipe of the lost device, for privacy and security purposes. Apple tech support may be able to help you with that.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 5th, 2013, 3:45 pm
by JackFavell
Oh that's awful, T! I am so sorry, it's so frustrating and this is a big loss. I'm just glad you are OK and it wasn't something worse. It's just maddening when you think back at the things you did, and want to relive the day over to get it back. I wonder if you oughten't to at least call the station to find out, there might be one person who is honest out there.

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 6th, 2013, 9:00 pm
by CineMaven
[u]charliechaplinfan[/u] wrote:Are you more upset that you lost it or cross at yourself for losing it or a mixture of both? I am sincerely sorry. Any hope some kind soul will find it and hand it in?
Hey there. I'm upset that I lost it...and really really upset at myself for being so careless. I went to the Transit Authority's Lost & Found office today, but they said I'd have to check back with 7 - 10 days after the incident. :evil:
[u]Professional Tourist[/u] wrote:I'm so sorry you lost your data, CineMaven (next time sync your device with iTunes or iCloud periodically) -- but perhaps there is a silver lining? Now you have an excuse to get yourself an iPad mini! Maybe? You may want to see if you can perform a remote wipe of the lost device, for privacy and security purposes. Apple tech support may be able to help you with that.
Thanxxxx P.T. I do have my music and most photos up on my iTunes. I'd love an iPAD mini, but that's too big and bulky for me.
[u]JackFavell[/u] wrote:Oh that's awful, T! I am so sorry, it's so frustrating and this is a big loss. I'm just glad you are OK and it wasn't something worse. It's just maddening when you think back at the things you did, and want to relive the day over to get it back. I wonder if you oughten't to at least call the station to find out, there might be one person who is honest out there.
Hey Wendy. Thank you. I wish I could do a "Groundhog Day." A realllll "do over." It burns my butt, really. Yeah yeah, I'll get over it, but ugh! I treated myself to two movies today to just wallow in mindless violent entertainment: I went to see "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" and "Gangster Squad."

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 1:15 am
by The Ingenue
A hope against hope: could it have slipped into a lining of your coat?

Re: The whiny thread

Posted: February 7th, 2013, 6:21 am
by CineMaven
No ma'am. It didn't.