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Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 2:22 pm
by charliechaplinfan
That's a real good point of a kindle that the classic books are relatively cheap. The kindle touch has only just launched over here, I know that I'm quite happy to spend time reading the kindle at night and let Chris chose the TV programmes, he's not a big reader like me although I think he wouldn't mind a kindle with added extras, he wouldn't shell out for an ipad as they're quite expensive over here and he wouldn't use it enough.

It's truly broadened my horizons in terms of what I read. I agree about biographies and history books, so many have agendas, still if you download a book and don't like the slan you can return within 7 days and be reimbursed.

Does have a daily kindle book deal? I've got some really good books from there, books I might not have otherwise have thought of buying, I perhaps buy 2 a month and at 99p they're a steal. The book I'm reading at the moment has really resonated with me as I'm sure it would with many women it's called 'Can Any Mother Help Me?' the title of a letter sent into a woman and baby magazine in the early thirties, from there developed a correspondence magazine with 30 regular correspondents, mostly from middle class backgrounds, the criteria for joining was that they could bring something new to the group so there was a wide variety of backgrounds and a high level of writing. The magazine would circulate from one member to another and each member was encouraged to write articles on both personal subjects and other things that took their interest. Some of the articles were personal, about bringing up children, married life, childbirth, illnesses etc. All of the women had given up work because of the marriage bar that existed which meant that married women could not remain in the workplace causing much frustration to these very erudite women. I'm almost at the end and the magazine is winding up because of death and illnesses of the members. Thankfully, many of the articles were saved and the author did her thesis on the magazine and developed it into a book. What struck me is that it's similar to the friendships that have grown up on this site and the ability to write about what is troubling us and to discuss with people who are far away, that's available to us instantly, for these women they had to wait for the magazine to come around to them but they benefited tremendously from having other women to confide in, it's a history that is more candid than anything that my grandmother would ever have admitted to, like sex lives, childbirth and loneliness and the writing is so personal and candid. Here is the link should anyone want to investigate more

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 2:38 pm
by RedRiver
I like THE MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR AT STYLES. It prominetly features Poirot's friend Hastings, a character I enjoy.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 2:56 pm
by JackFavell
Oh my! That sounds so good! Thanks for the link. My luck it won't be available over here.

Red, I'm glad Hastings shows up in other books.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 5:45 pm
by knitwit45
JackFavell wrote:I have to admit, when Andrew pulls out his Kindle Touch at night, and I have my regular kindle, and my daughter is on her laptop, I wonder what the world is coming to.... luckily we still talk to one another occasionally. :shock:
As long as it isn't by EMAIL...... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 6:28 pm
by JackFavell
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 2:46 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I hope it is available, I really enjoyed the book and it has 25 5 star reviews which is tremendous.

Chris and I sometimes communicate by text during the day there being no conversation that Joe won't volunteer his opinion on.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 8:12 pm
by JackFavell
I'm done with Agatha at Styles. Aside from two indelicate racial slurs, I enjoyed it very much. Hastings is a great character, and I don't know how Agatha could come up with such an intricate plot for her very first story.

I've now read the first glorious chapter of Alan Mowbray's Up from Central Park, and I already believe that it will go right up there alongside Harpo Speaks and Groucho and Me, my favorite autobiographies. Thanks Moira, for the tip. It's a wonderful book.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 8:39 pm
by RedRiver
That was fast! It takes me a couple of weeks to read even a mystery. I only read on my days off. But Poirot wastes no time. Dame Christie is nothing if not fast paced! I have A MURDER IS ANNOUNCED out from the library. Better get started. That one's due back in four days!

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 9:02 pm
by JackFavell
I read a little here and a little there, then today, I was terrible, I did nothing - just sat and read and finished it up in a few hours. Ugh, I hate myself for not doing any of the things I was supposed to do though.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 9:33 pm
by Lzcutter
I just finished Hollywood Hills and was wondering when Wambaugh would be releasing a new book. The good news, it's out. Harbor Nocturne is the latest book and the best news, it has some of the characters from his Hollywood Station series!

Hollywood Nate, Flotsam and Jetsam, Brittany Small and more!

Color me happy!

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 21st, 2012, 11:46 am
by charliechaplinfan
I bought my father in law some Lord Peter Wimsey stories last Christmas and he wasn't at all impressed, it seems he couldn't get past some of the racial slurs and language although I don't have the same problem, one has to put it into context with the times. If anything I find it an eyeopener.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 21st, 2012, 12:56 pm
by feaito
I began to read Irene Mayer Selznick's "A Private View" which Christine recommended to me.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 21st, 2012, 3:06 pm
by JackFavell
Yes, the first Wmsey book is not as good as the rest, as I recall, and has several racial comments, but some of them can be taken with a grain of salt because of the character making them- Lord Peter's mother, who is a bit of a caricature of upper class foolishness. She's bright in some ways and very foolish when it comes to the way she sees her own set. But I was surprised at one extremely strong slur that came out of nowhere in Sayers first book. Agatha fares no better.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 2:46 pm
by charliechaplinfan
I'm sure Agatha Christie is just as bad, I have her on my wishlist, the list that will last me until the next millenium. Next time I buy for Chris's dad I'll chose something more up to date.

Irene's memoirs are really good Fernando, you'll enjoy them.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 2:56 pm
by feaito
Thanks Alison :)