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Inquiring minds want to know

Posted: September 29th, 2007, 2:03 pm
by mrsl
This is funny, although heartbreakingly stupid. One of the headlines on my Yahoo home page just now was 'danger in energy efficient lightbulbs'. So I clicked onto the story - lo and behold, they went to the trouble of attaching a video of the newscast that explains how dangerous it is to dispose of the lightbulb, and how so many people, although changing over to save energy, do not know how to dispose of them properly, and how the packaging only states to dispose of them by state and local regulations. The only thing the clip DOES NOT SHOW, IS HOW THE HECK TO DO IT!!!! They spend all that time saying how bad it is, but never actually say how to correct the problem!!! WHAT IS THAT ALL ABOUT?? Apparently that mercury inside of the bulb can cause trouble when it gets into the water supply - Well - DUH!!!

This is another of the mindless, examples of how stupid our news media think we are, and how right they are to believe that. How are they giving news info by telling us something is dangerous without telling us how to correct the problem? Some guy said not enough people turn them in for recycling, but fails to say who to call to find out where the recycling places are.

As an aside - many of you have discussed Ken Burns this past week. I say him on this week's Bill Maher show last night, and he seems to have a pretty good head on his shoulders. I'll have to study up more about him.


Posted: September 29th, 2007, 7:47 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Burns was also on Jon Stewart last night, too, Mrsl.

Posted: September 29th, 2007, 8:23 pm
by mrsl
Hi SueSue:

I miss Jon Stewart on Friday nights because I watch Maher instead in case they discuss anything I want to put my 2 cents in about immediately after the show. I'll catch the show on Monday during the repeat at 6:00 here. Thanks for the heads up.


Posted: September 29th, 2007, 9:08 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
Keep putting your "two cents worth" in! Somehow I knew you'd like to do that!

You go, girl!

Posted: September 30th, 2007, 10:54 pm
by mrsl

It occurred to me that Mr. Burns said exactly what I did a couple of weeks ago regarding the fact that during WWII, the homeland people were asked to sacrifice meat, nylon, gas and many other things to assist in funding the war. In this war, as Mr. Burns says, all we're asked is to go out and spend money, which in turn will put money in certain coffers allowing further governmental funding.

I was going just a little wacko this afternoon watching the Bears give away the game, and at the same time watching Band of Brothers on the History channel, and switching over to The War on channel 11. It's amazing how 70 years later, that feeling of patriotism is there, even in watching a movie or TV show, especially since I was born in the year the war ended.

I sincerely hope that you folks are watching the different presidential debates and starting to form opinions on who your candidates will be. We have so much that needs to be changed. If you're 40 today, believe me, you want to have some say in determining what is going to happen to you and yours in 25 years. I wish I had done more.


Posted: October 2nd, 2007, 9:54 am
by Sue Sue Applegate

I wish that I had done more, too. The demographics and political need to play to the crowd has created a completely different society than that of our parents. I know that my father would be dismayed to see what has become of all that he fought for, but that would not keep him from voicing his opinions or fighting for what he believed to be his rights as an American if he were still alive.

Posted: October 2nd, 2007, 11:49 am
by SSO Admins
I think that regardless of your politics, it's easy to see that our system is broken. I was just infuriated over the uproar about's "General Betray-us" ad. Following the ad, the right was in full-on outrage mode, demanding that Democratic candidates distance themselves from Moveon. The Senate, with the help of craven Democrats, passed a resolution condemning the ad.

Following that Rush Limbaugh made some pretty despicable comments about soldiers speaking about against the war being "phony soldiers." Next thing we know, Harry Reid is condemning him on the Senate floor, and a GOP Congressman is introducing a resolution praising him.

Full disclosure: I despise Limbaugh, who is now claiming that his words were taken out of context (they weren't -- I've heard the entire transcript, not the edited version he's played on his show). And I've donated to Moveon.

But regardless of that, this idiocy is not the business of the United States Senate. It has nothing to do with the very serious questions facing this nation -- about Iraq, about health care, about education, and a host of other issues. Instead our representatives are spending their time in a stupid sideshow about what people who are not elected officials should or should not be saying.

It's insane. Something is very, very wrong.

Posted: October 2nd, 2007, 11:23 pm
by Erebus
Though I have generally tried to stand aside of the, frankly, offputtingly onesidedly arrogant political opinions expressed at what might have been a politically-neutral “Oasis”, I nonetheless feel compelled to say something here.

To portray a standing general in the field as a traitor would be outrageous under any circumstances, and every bit worthy of any uproar, even if it were somehow unambiguously true, but especially since there is every reason to believe that the surge is working, as Petraeus asserts. But even if it were not, it behooves Americans to behave as though it were, or at least as though it might. Instead we have the ever-undermining Soros’ MoveOn attempting more than any ostensibly American political movement could to undermine “its” military in the field. It’s unconscionable, and absolutely deserving of the strongest condemnation, and so I am moved to speak.

It’s difficult for me to believe that anyone could publicly confess to contributing to MoveOn, an organization that already has a blank check from George Soros, who has said, on an international stage of the highest profile, that America is in need of “de-Nazification”. The man gives every comfort to America's enemies, and MoveOn reflects him and his money.

I will leave my fourth paragraph to your imagination.

Posted: October 2nd, 2007, 11:46 pm
by ken123
Retired U. S. General David Hunt said the American Commanders in Iraq were traitorous to their own men on Fox's News blog after The Moveon Statement If you think someone is not telling the truth why not call them out. I am so sick of these right - wingers being so high and mighty about patriotism when they call everyone who disagrees with them traitors. The Majority of Democrats in the House & Senate voted to condemn Moveon.

The two biggest reasons that the U.S. is in Iraq is oil, at least according to Greespan and Israel , according to Mersheimer & Walt authors of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

Posted: October 3rd, 2007, 3:22 am
by SSO Admins
Erebus wrote:Though I have generally tried to stand aside of the, frankly, offputtingly onesidedly arrogant political opinions expressed at what might have been a politically-neutral “Oasis”, I nonetheless feel compelled to say something here.

We don't strive at all to be politically neutral; we strive to be civil. Which you were, and I appreciate it.

My larger point was that the whole Moveon/Rush thing is a sideshow. Neither of them is in charge of the Congress, and while you may feel that their rhetoric was out of line, it's nothing for the senate to be condemning.

Outrage from you is fine, but Congress has more important issues to deal with than condemning or praising partisan speech from citizens, on either side of the political divide. It's ridiculous, and I think everyone should be disturbed that they are occupying themselves with such trivial matters.

Posted: October 3rd, 2007, 8:11 am
by movieman1957
jondaris wrote:

Congress has more important issues to deal with than condemning or praising partisan speech from citizens, on either side of the political divide. It's ridiculous, and I think everyone should be disturbed that they are occupying themselves with such trivial matters.
It gives them a chance to grandstand. That's what they like. A chance to sound important.

Posted: October 3rd, 2007, 12:02 pm
by mrsl
Ken123 wrote:

The two biggest reasons that the U.S. is in Iraq is oil, at least according to Greespan and Israel , according to Mersheimer & Walt authors of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

You didn't state your second reason but as for oil you are definitely on the button, the second, as far as I'm concerned is ego on the side of Dubya and his co-horts. They figured they could rush into a war with Iraq, wipe them out, or at the least cause a turnover of their beliefs, and get out quick, thus proving Dubya as being a sharp and astute leader of men. However, they didn't plan on Iraq retaliating as they did. Dubya was ruining us economically and we all know from history, one of the best ways to change economics is to get involved in a war. In this case though it backfired. He didn't realize the childrens are learning.

People don't realize an active General cannot get up and disparage the president he is sworn to obey. The Prez is his Commander in Chief, a career soldier lives to obey and support his Prez, right or wrong. THAT is why a general has to wait until his is retired before giving his true beliefs. Do you really expect a private or corporal to get on camera and say this war is a joke? They'll spend the remainder of their term in the guardhouse, brig, or whatever. These guys complain in their letters home, but can't do it publicly. Wake up people!!! Like I said, this applies to Generals as well as non-coms, and probies.


Posted: October 3rd, 2007, 2:41 pm
by Erebus
jondaris wrote:Outrage from you is fine, but Congress has more important issues to deal with than condemning or praising partisan speech from citizens, on either side of the political divide. It's ridiculous, and I think everyone should be disturbed that they are occupying themselves with such trivial matters.
I agree with that jondaris. Then again I am also tempted by the idea that the U.S. government should completely cut off the N.Y. Times from it's news releases simply because they have long since ceased to be an honest broker within the journalistic community.

p.s. I was drunk out of my mind last night when I made that post, so it was with some trepidation that I came here today to see the replies. I admire your restraint. In a perfect world there would be a breathalyzer connected to my computer.

Posted: October 4th, 2007, 12:18 am
by ken123
mrsl wrote:Ken123 wrote:

The two biggest reasons that the U.S. is in Iraq is oil, at least according to Greespan and Israel , according to Mersheimer & Walt authors of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

You didn't state your second reason but as for oil you are definitely on the button, the second, as far as I'm concerned is ego on the side of Dubya and his co-horts. They figured they could rush into a war with Iraq, wipe them out, or at the least cause a turnover of their beliefs, and get out quick, thus proving Dubya as being a sharp and astute leader of men. However, they didn't plan on Iraq retaliating as they did. Dubya was ruining us economically and we all know from history, one of the best ways to change economics is to get involved in a war. In this case though it backfired. He didn't realize the childrens are learning.

People don't realize an active General cannot get up and disparage the president he is sworn to obey. The Prez is his Commander in Chief, a career soldier lives to obey and support his Prez, right or wrong. THAT is why a general has to wait until his is retired before giving his true beliefs. Do you really expect a private or corporal to get on camera and say this war is a joke? They'll spend the remainder of their term in the guardhouse, brig, or whatever. These guys complain in their letters home, but can't do it publicly. Wake up people!!! Like I said, this applies to Generals as well as non-coms, and probies.

The second reason is that Israel and the neo - cons wanted it. If the general had any honor and real loyality to the people of the Unitrd States and not the corrupt regime and Establishment who would have resigned as Powell should have done and not make that miserable presentation to the United Nations. Profile in Courage doesn't exist in the Democratic Republic of the United States. :cry: