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The El Presidente veto

Posted: October 3rd, 2007, 7:56 pm
by mrsl
I named this thread what I did because I'm sure Dubya would prefer that title since he's tried for 7 years to make his presidency a dictatorship.

In any case the moron has done it again, only a little differently this time. He has vetoed another health bill for children. The thing about it that infuriates me is, not what the bill is about, or who it will help, or even which party is backing it. What got me about it is the sneaky, Bush-type way he did it!!!!!!!! This sleaze ball, who barely changes his underwear without having a photo op, press conference, or some other kind of media announcement, did it so quietly that nobody knew it was done until after the fact.

As I said, I don't even care what the bill is about, this guy is getting so low, a catfish would pass him up. Even my teeth hurt when he comes on the TV screen because my entire body is one gigantic nerve ending trying to hold it together to avoid bashing in my TV. This next year is going to be one heck of a trial, I hope I make it through.


Posted: October 4th, 2007, 12:14 am
by Erebus
Not trying to throw you into a fit but I thought I'd link to this column about the MoveOn Democrats: ... 48fc28ca9a


".... a soft spoken woman asked a question in very soft and almost grieved tones: What has happened to the Democrats and the media that they are so filled with hate? The backdrop was the attack on Rush, particularly Tom Harkin's churlish suggestion that Rush was using drugs. She explained further that she doesn't understand what could motivate the sort of behavior we are seeing on the left.

"Her question --what has happened to the Democrats and the media?-- is not a question about tax policy, or strategy vis-a-vis Iraq or Iran, or health care or global warming, but about collective character, and it is significant."

Posted: October 4th, 2007, 12:29 am
by ken123
I will not say what I think about the last posting, except that it is very ignorant :cry:

Posted: October 4th, 2007, 2:36 am
by Dewey1960
Right-wing blowhards and hate-mongers like Limbaugh and O'Reilly are finally getting what they've been giving and these prescription drug-addled crybabies deserve every bit of it. The hate-filled and depressingly ignorant drivel contained in that Town Hall missive is yet another classic example of how right-wing media nitwittery is finally dragging the current version of Republicanism into the toilet which, for intelligent and patriotic Americans everywhere, is a welcome sight indeed.

Posted: October 4th, 2007, 9:32 am
by movieman1957

Dictatorship? I hardly think we fall in the same category as Venezuela, China, Albania and the overly oppressive rule of some of the Muslim run governments.

Seen any of the stories coming out of Burma?

Vetos are hardly accompanied by fanfare.

Congress is wasting time turning out these resolutions on media personalities, whether Limbaugh or Soros. (I find Harry Reid more than a little two-faced on this.) Of course if they are wasting time on that they aren't finding new ways to take more of our money for projects that aren't needed. (And I mean both sides.)

There are a few crybabies sitting in the Senate as well.

Posted: October 4th, 2007, 11:51 am
by mrsl


Perhaps rather than using the word dictatorship, I should have said Monarchy. Dubya is doing his best to make his own rules, which is probably what he did with all of his companies, all of which failed, BTW. As for fanfare, everything Dubya does is done with fanfare, except when he knows he's going to get grief about it. Bush thinks the presidency of the U.S. is like the CEO of a large corporation. He surrounds himself with his buddies in his topmost positions and goes ahead and does his thing knowing they will always be behind him. The problem for him is, he has made a few huge mistakes in his choices and even his own guys are having a hard time backing him up, as we all know.

Movieman 1957:

As in all things, both parties have cry babies, as well as good, hardworking, honest men and women who truly are trying to do what is best for the country, and their constituents. The problem is that what is good economically or otherwise, for me in Illinois, is not necessarily good for someone in Little Rock, Arkansas.

I'm not sure who Hugh Hewitt is, but after reading his blog, I'm not sure I really want to. I've said it before, and I'm repeating it now - To Each His Own - that's what makes this country. The only comment I can make legitimately, because I don't mean to get into a political argument here, I was just giving my opinion, but I will say that "American traditions and values" are NOT important when put in contrast to global warming, Health insurance for young and old, ending the war in Iraq, and avoiding one with Iran, and so many other issues.


Posted: October 4th, 2007, 12:39 pm
by SSO Admins
First off, keep it civil people, and I'm not directing that at one person.
Erebus wrote:Not trying to throw you into a fit but I thought I'd link to this column about the MoveOn Democrats: ... 48fc28ca9a
Even if one concedes that Rush didn't slander the troops, comparing McGough to a suicide bomber, which he unquestionably did, was way beyond the pale.

My politics tend to be John Ford liberal -- depending on the tenor of the nation, I could at times be called reasonably conservative. I respect the military, although I was turned down when I tried to enlist because of knee injuries. My family members have and do serve. I respect the nation.

But regardless, the game of "ZOMGHIMSCALLEDDATROOPSPOOPYHEADS!!!" that's being played out is just stupid. Under our system of government, civilians control the military, and a soldier who expresses a political opinion about the war doesn't get a free pass on criticism because of the uniform, be it VoteVets or Petreus.

I'm angry, very angry. I'm angry that we invaded and occupied another country with the flimsiest of provocations. I'm angry that it has become SOP to used "expanded interrogation techniques" on prisoners who are being held offshore to prevent them from coming under US law. I'm angry that blowhards like Rush, Hannity and Coulter think it's perfectly ok to slam their political opponents with labels like "traitor". I'm angry at the Cheney/Delay theory that by enforcing tight discipline with a narrow majority, it becomes ok to disenfranchise half the country.

I find it incredible that today either Eisenhower or Nixon would be considered too liberal to be nominated for president -- by the Democrats.

None of this stuff is part of the political system that I was raised with. I was raised to think we were the good guys, but we're not acting like the good guys anymore.

No fighting in the war room!

Posted: October 4th, 2007, 12:53 pm
by benwhowell
Super News! A Night With Ann Coulter

Posted: October 4th, 2007, 1:34 pm
by pktrekgirl
".... a soft spoken woman asked a question in very soft and almost grieved tones: What has happened to the Democrats and the media that they are so filled with hate? The backdrop was the attack on Rush, particularly Tom Harkin's churlish suggestion that Rush was using drugs. She explained further that she doesn't understand what could motivate the sort of behavior we are seeing on the left.

"Her question --what has happened to the Democrats and the media?-- is not a question about tax policy, or strategy vis-a-vis Iraq or Iran, or health care or global warming, but about collective character, and it is significant."
This is flat out laughable.

Because the right-wing media has been WAY more hateful, vindictive, and nasty. And it doesn't even take any effort at all to see it (assuming one has two brain-cells to rub together, that is). Because in fact, one need look no further than Ann Coulter! All you have to do is read the TITLES OF HER BOOKS to grasp the fact that this woman is a vindictive and exceedingly hateful individual...and that she actively encourages others in their hate. I mean, any moron can see THAT.

Or does she think books with titles like:

"If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd be Republicans"
"How to Talk to a Liberal - If You Must"
"Godless - the Church of Liberalism"
"Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terror"
"Slander: Liberal Lies about the American Right"

ENAMOR her to anyone with views dissimilar to her own?

I mean, without even opening the COVER of any of her books, she has already characterized all non-Republicans as

1. Stupid
2. Godless
3. Treasonous
4. Slanderous

Very nice, Ann. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: I love you too. :roll: :roll: :roll:

So excuse me for saying so, but the woman who asked the question as to why the DEMOCRATS were so filled with hate ought to be taking a cold, hard look in the bloody MIRROR. Because she is either the stupidest and most gullible person who ever LIVED, or she is in such denial that she is incapable of seeing anything even remotely approaching reality.

Un-frakking-believable. :roll: