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Pirates of Penzance (1983) on Retroplex

Posted: November 7th, 2007, 9:28 pm
by Jezebel38
I was just scanning thru the channels on my Comcast Digital and saw this film listed. I love Kevin Kline and am really fond of this goofy rendition of Pirates with Linda Ronstadt and Angela Lansbury. I know I taped it eons ago on my old Betamax. However, this film is not currently available on tape or VHS and I can't even find it at the library. Currently I do not get this channel as I would need to bump up to the next digital tier. So, just wanted to give any other G&S fans a heads up to keep a look out for this, and if any of you could help a girl out .... :wink:

Posted: January 20th, 2008, 7:06 pm
by Jezebel38
I just thought I would bump this up to the top to say that this film was recently played on Movieplex, which I do get on my cable system. I recored it to DVD and watched it yesterday, only it was in pan & scan NOT widescreen - Grrrrr! But I am happy to have it anyway. Although I am not a huge G&S fan, I have seen and love HMS Pinnafore, Mikado and Pirates, which is my favorite. (I love Topsy Turvy too!)And yes, these are all catchy melodies and I sing along with each one of them! Here is a clip of the one of the best:

Posted: January 21st, 2008, 9:17 am
by movieman1957
I've been meaning to catch this as my son is playing one the pirates in his community college production of this. As with most minor schools who put on these things there are some alterations but they seem to be doing the best that they can.