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La, La, La, All Alone Am I . . . La, La, La

Posted: November 20th, 2007, 3:16 am
by mrsl
Since I feel like talking, but there's nobody to talk to, I guess I'll just write about the various stuff I've been amusing myself with lately. Having orders for two Santa sets for Thanksgiving, I've been forced to watch a LOT of TV the past few days.

I've seen so many movies, I can barely remember most of them because they're all jumbled up in my brain. I wrote about the Five Little Peppers, but after seeing 4 of them all in a row, I couldn't tell you what happened in each of them individually. I could cite specific occurrences, but not which movie that occurrence was in. I've redecorated countless rooms on HGTV, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, even kids rooms, and family rooms, lawdy, lawdy!!! The Hallmark channel shows 3 episodes of Murder She Wrote on a daily basis. One in the a.m. and two at night, and I've seen many of them lately. Never having been a big fan of Matlock, that's when I switch to decorating. I hate to admit this but I've even watched . . . get ready for it . . . Walker, Texas Ranger!!!! Do you know how bad off you have to be to watch Walker Texas Ranger? Of all times for my VCR to decide to eat my videos! On one of these threads I wrote about Johnson County Wars, which was a pretty good mini-series. I missed it when it was on originally because I was working at night.

One I really enjoyed was River of No Return. I've purposely taken a time out from that one because I found myself quoting dialog the last time I watched it, and my little dolly said, "Gramma, let me hear the people on TV talk". So it's been a while for me, but once again I was roped into it. Not just because of Bobby Baby (Mitchum - for those not in the know), but it also offers Tommy Rettig (TV's original Lassie owner), a great little actor, and Marilyn. If she had just not thought 'T' was the greatest letter in the alphabet and made sure she pronounced each one distinctly!!! Their adventures on the river, and just the beauty of the river, with the rapids, as well as the quiet spots, always makes for stupendous scenery. If nothing else, watching the movie is worth it for the almost final scene when Marilyn finishes her song and Bob walks in, grabs her, hoists her over his shoulder, and marches off with her, to the dismay of her audience. Marvelous scene, not needing a single word. Golly, if only todays directors could watch some of these older movies and pick up some pointers.

Well, I guess I've yammered enough to myself, if anyone is out there, have a good night!


Posted: November 20th, 2007, 9:19 am
by movieman1957
Well, I wasn't with you last night but I know how you feel. Sometimes being up in the middle of the night can be so frustrating.

I have all the pay channels and often there is still nothing to watch. I seldom want to get into movies as I'll want to finish them which will ruin any chance for sleep. But I think I need to get some favorites to pop in ao that I won't have missed anything if I do.

I think I mentioned somewhere else a local station runs "Branded" once in awhile very early on Sunday morning but usually it's tough going.

All that being said "Walker" still beats Billy What's-His-Name pushing his latest Oxiclean product.

Next time I'm up I'll check in to see if you are there. Get some sleep.

cookies anyone

Posted: November 20th, 2007, 2:38 pm
by inglis
I too am often up late ,I go through periods of insomnia it's the hormone crap .I will just reach out and grab the old remote and see whats on . Sometimes there will be an old movie on .I will get up and get milk and cookies and watch the movie. I feel a bit child like when I do this but hey it helps and its better than just lying there and worrying about bills kids .I am glad TCM is on 24-7 its a nice distraction for me.

Re: La, La, La, All Alone Am I . . . La, La, La

Posted: November 20th, 2007, 6:12 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
mrsl wrote:
One I really enjoyed was River of No Return. I've purposely taken a time out from that one because I found myself quoting dialog the last time I watched it, and my little dolly said, "Gramma, let me hear the people on TV talk". So it's been a while for me, but once again I was roped into it. Not just because of Bobby Baby (Mitchum - for those not in the know), but it also offers Tommy Rettig (TV's original Lassie owner), a great little actor, and Marilyn. If she had just not thought 'T' was the greatest letter in the alphabet and made sure she pronounced each one distinctly!!! Their adventures on the river, and just the beauty of the river, with the rapids, as well as the quiet spots, always makes for stupendous scenery. If nothing else, watching the movie is worth it for the almost final scene when Marilyn finishes her song and Bob walks in, grabs her, hoists her over his shoulder, and marches off with her, to the dismay of her audience. Marvelous scene, not needing a single word. Golly, if only todays directors could watch some of these older movies and pick up some pointers.
River of no Return and Niagara (1953) are my two favorite Marilyn movies. Glad to find another fan of the film.

Posted: November 20th, 2007, 7:57 pm
by mrsl
I am a MM fan. Her life so closely resembled Jean Harlow's that I felt the same about both of them. It may sound funny, but it's not easy being a beautiful girl, I had a friend in my teens who was absolutely drop dead gorgeous, but she never had a date. All the guys figured she was already hooked up so nobody ever asked her out, or none of them thought she would say yes. None of the girls was nice to her except me, so she was a very lonely girl. Last I heard she had never married, and still lived alone.

Actually re: my original post, sometimes it is a case of insomnia, and when that happens, I'll check out a couple of sites but most of the others I belong to are hit or miss for when some kind of special event is on and being discussed, so they are often not busy. There are times like the other night, when I'll be on this site for an hour reading some of Mongos bios, or looking at photos and I'll check and find I'm the only one on. But as for watching TV, many folks know I earn extra money by crocheting and since one of my best sellers is a Mr & Mrs Santa, I watch a lot of TV. But because I have to watch my stitches, I can't watch silents, or foreign language w/dialog boxes. I can watch the 'B' detective films like the Saint, the Falcon, and other silly stuff like Crime Doctor, etc which doesn't take a lot of attention, but even some better movies need attention or you might miss something.

So that's why I'm watching all this TV all day long and half the night.

One thing I failed to mention was I'm pretty much caught up on all the Little House On the Prairie shows I missed years ago, but I always loved that show and actually look forward to seeing them. I'm seeing the whole series that I never even knew existed when Laura is grown up and married. I loved all of Michael Landon's stuff, including his Angel series.


Posted: November 21st, 2007, 9:33 am
by inglis
Speaking of being up late.I was last night and caught Birdman Of Alcatraz.I had not seen it in years and let me tell you I loved it all over again.I saw it when I was a kid,but to see it now after many years was most enjoying .I loved the whole story how it developed from start to finish.