A Most Conspicuous Vacuum

Films, TV shows, and books of the 'modern' era
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A Most Conspicuous Vacuum

Post by klondike »

Spent a day rare for me, today, pretty much devoted to kickin' back with the wife & dog, eatin' and watching the "Little Blue Room" (to quote Mike Nesmith), and surfin' the 'Net . .
And you know what I neither saw nor heard mention of anywhere, on-line or on the tube?
Any mention whatsoever of today being the 44th anniversary of the JFK assassination!
No end of upcoming Black Friday shopping hypes, a hotly-contested football game (Yay, Favre! Go Pack!), lots of reflections on the meaning of today's celebrations, of the importance of gratitude & family, exciting commercials for new Xmas-season movies, Bouncey Knowles driving me nuckin' futs hawking satellite TV . . but not one proverbial peep about that fateful day in '63!
You'd think at the very least TCM, or AMC, or Fox Movie Channel might have considered running Oliver Stone's JFK, or maybe a more minor film like Flashpoint, or A Winter Kill, or The Parallax View, just to throw some spice into this most WASPish of all American Holidays.
Whatcha think, Friends & Neighbors?
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Post by ken123 »

Yesterday I received a new DVD " RFK MUST DIE " 2+ hours of video and interviews. ***1/2 out of 4. :cry:

Post by jdb1 »

Well, Klondike, I think the current generation hasn't a clue, is all. And schools don't teach anything about historical figures who aren't this minute's PC heroes (and I don't mean Personal Computers).

One of our local cable stations had a whole passel of Kennedys on some panel show today discussing Eunice K. Shriver and her charitable works. Maria Shriver (Mrs. Governator) did most of the talking.

I think JFK and his Era of Possibilities have been forgotten there is no commercial appeal to altruism days, and it would require investing in the future, rather than getting immediate gratification, so who cares?

I know that those of us who were alive that day will never forget it.
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Post by Bogie »

44 isn't such a huge anniversary. You'll hear about it a ton next year IMO.

BTW if you're into conspiracy minded folks and are an insomniac like me you should listen to Coast To Coast AM tonight as they're having a JFK theme show.
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Post by vallo »

Coincident or not I watched the '73 film Executive Action the other night which is "Food for Thought" on the Assassination of JFK. It really makes you think what (may have ) happened the day in November 1963.
From the Dalton Trumbo screenplay.

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Post by markfp »

When you think about it, there's a whole generation of kids who's parents weren't even alive when JFK was killed. I don't think they mean any disrespect, it's just that to them it's just an event from long ago, mentioned in their history class, like the assasination of Abe Lincoln.
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Post by mrsl »

I was 5 months old when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died, yet through 12 years of schooling, I learned as much about him as I did about Abe or George. I know schools are not teaching as soundly as they did when I was young, but if children are not learning about Harry Truman, and JFK and Nixon, then we need a whole lot of help. Harry dropped the first A bomb, JFK got us to the moon, and Nixon was impeached. Those are things school kids should learn about - You learn from history, Hopefully Dubya's screwups and foibles will also be discussed and taught. They don't have to go into the details of Abe and George like they did before, but the highlights (good and bad) should be covered regarding modern presidents as well. Georges' silly cherry tree and Abes' log cabin are insignificant now, but the points I mentioned about the 3 modern Presidents should be covered. The initials JFK should mean more to youngsters than a rich guy who died in a plane crash with his wife and sister in law.


* * * * * * * * What is past is prologue. * * * * * * * *

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