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favorite Christmas Variety shows

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 3:25 pm
by inglis
Hi Everybody !
With the Christmas season fast approaching, I was just curious if anybody had any memories of their favorite christmas shows growing up .It does not have to be a variety show. .It was The Andy Williams Christmas shows that I grew up with and always loved to see the different guests that he had on .I loved his voice and to me he is one of the few people that I love to hear singing the old classic's.

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 3:54 pm
by Bogie
I liked the Bob Hope Specials and that's about it. However every year I watch the video from that one Bing Crosby Christmas special with David Bowie.

If I knew how to embed youtube video on here i'd show it. GRRRR.

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 3:58 pm
by movieman1957

Well, my initial post didn't work. There is a "YouTube" box right above where you type your remarks that you put befor and after your link.

Jon also answered this in the Help section but I think that was before he put the box the post area.

Posted: November 29th, 2007, 12:53 pm
by movieman1957
I always enjoyed Andy Williams too. A wonderful singer and did well in the sketches in his show. I enjoyed listening to him sing with his brothers. They harmonized so beautifully.

I also used to watch Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. It's silly but I don't rememeber many more being events the way I looked forward to these three particularly.

I saw a special on Jack Benny last night and it made me think that someone (TVLand?) could find some of those old specials so we could enjoy them again.

Posted: November 30th, 2007, 12:06 pm
by sandykaypax
I loved the Andy Williams and Bing Crosby specials as a kid. Chris, I think that your idea of TV Land dusting those off and broadcasting them is perfect.

Sandy K

Posted: November 30th, 2007, 6:21 pm
by CharlieT
When I was a young child - and believe me, I was once a young child - one of the local stations out of Columbus had an annual Christmas show where two of the station's celebrities showcased the season's most popular toys. I really loved this show. My favorite part was the model train display. They did it up like the world's best model railroader would have, with landscaping, tunnels, tressels and multiple trains going in and out, over and under and past each other in what I considered a fabulous layout.

The station was the local ABC affilliate, which at that time was known as WTVN and was on channel 6. Now its call letters are WSYX. The celebrities were Chuck Newsome, who I knew from the Caspar the Camel kids show that showed every afternoon about 4 PM, and Sally Flowers - an overweight lady who wore flower patterned dresses and a straw hat decorated with flowers. At least, that's how I remember her. She was like a B version of a Cincinnati celebrity named Ruth Lyons, who I'm sure some of our members from that area remember.

I always enjoyed Bing Crosby's specials and Bob Hope's visits with the troops overseas. Most of the famous singers of the 50's and 60's gave the Christmas special a try. On the down side, the last one I remember that I really wanted to see ( somewhere in the mid 70's ) was Dean Martin's Christmas in California. Boy, was I ever disappointed! The entire one hour special had not one Christmas song! Go figure.

Of course, annual repeats of the classics with Charlie Brown, the Grinch, Frosty and Rudolph were always a treat, even when I reached young adulthood - and I did reach it, believe or not. Now I just look for the movies that you don't get to see any other time of the year, unless you own them on VHS or DVD. And I have been one known to pull out a holiday favorite in the middle of the summer if the spirit hit me. Sometimes that little bit of Christmas warmth is just the thing to battle the dog days of summer.

variety shows

Posted: December 1st, 2007, 10:45 pm
by inglis
Charlie and Sandy good to hear from you ! Chris thanks for sharing as well . Cheers Carol

Posted: December 23rd, 2007, 3:00 am
by mrsl
I do remember Donnie and Marie with Andy Williams, along with all the brothers, but what confused me was as I got older, I noticed Bob Hope's Christmas show was televised later and later in the new year, usually not until around February or March, and most of it was taken up by either the football or the basketball teams, and the show only showed scenes from the outdoor stages with the military, while most of the musical numbers were done inside, or am I confusing the Christmas show with another one? With me, this is entirely possible, so someone please tell me.

Also, another question. Due to economics, has your Christmas shopping been cut down in your family? I find we buy less for one another lately and cut off gifts at certain ages, where at one time, everyone got something and now the list is down to immediate family in most cases.


Posted: December 23rd, 2007, 2:07 pm
by movieman1957
We do about the same as well. However, I hate the whole shopping process. What to get everyone when they already have so much. I love the getting together but would be happy if we scaled back.

The nicest thing I'm likely to get is the reaction from a young man that works with my wife. He showed up at work one pretty cold day in just a sweat shirt. He mentioned to Carolann he didn't have a coat. We gave him two of my old ones. It was no big deal on my part. It was a big deal for him. It didn't matter that they were used but that he could use them. His gratitude was a nice gift.

Posted: December 23rd, 2007, 2:37 pm
by knitwit45
Hi Chris...
Your post reminded me of one of the best Christmas gifts ever. A lady I worked with had several children and a husband who was, in polite terms, a good for nothing loafer...She was sole support of her family, and had a ratty old coat that was in need of a trash bin. 3 other ladies and I went shopping on our lunch hour and got her a beautiful wool coat. Not too fancy, but very, very warm. We were so giddy, we had to get a scarf, mittens, and a hat to match.
When we got back to work, we hid her old coat, and hung up the new one in its place. When she finally figured out what had happened, she cried, and so did we. Even our crusty old boss teared up. It was the best Christmas gift I have ever been a part of.

Posted: December 23rd, 2007, 2:53 pm
by movieman1957

What a great story. It's such a great feeling to do something for someone else.

At church I play in the band. I give Christmas cards to them but several people are very special to me. I like to enclose a little separate note to let them know that I appreciate what they do for me. They are very happy to get them as they are just a little more personal. One friend told me she keeps my note in her Bible. It's wonderful to know she appreciates it that much.

Merry Kitschmas

Posted: December 23rd, 2007, 4:01 pm
by benwhowell
I really miss all the "variety" shows of the '70's-especially the Christmas episodes. I was exicited to see the DVD release "The Sonny & Cher Christmas Collection" a couple of years ago. Talk about a groovy Christmas. I've decided that my "theme" next year will be "A Groovy Christmas." I wish I could find some vintage Peter Max Christmas cards. I'm sure he must have done Christmas cards?
I'm always looking for vintage Christmas "stuff" in thrift stores...Earlier this month, during my search, I found something I've been hoping to find (not related to Christmas, but it was a great gift to myself)-a Walter (Margaret) Keane painting-"No Dogs Allowed" for $1.99!! There really is a Santa Claus!!
I'm also excited about another "stocking stuffer" I found for my partner, Joe. It is a magnifying glass that lights up. I can't tell you how much we both need that-to read small print. We could have used it the other night...we went to an Italian restaurant for Joe's birthday and it was a "struggle!" to read the menu. The waitress said it was brighter in the restaurant than usual.
I hope you all have yourselves Merry little Christmases!! And Happy New Years!!
Later, Ben...