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Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 7:00 pm
by klondike
The Longest Night of the Year is only 17 days away . . . . and as the chill darkness creeps nigh, what better way to drive back the gloom then the purveyance of sophomoric hilarity . . . . and what better examples thereof than the lampoonery of recent pop culture, as it rears rampant on our recent bumperstickers & T-shirts:

PLUTO: 1930 - 2006 Revolve in Peace

When Life Gives you SCURVY, make Lemonade!

BEETHOVEN: The Original Deaf Jam

Friends don't let Friends drive Fords!

LUTHERAN - Been There, Done That, Still Prayin' !

The Hokey-Pokey: what if it really IS what it's all about?!

All Men are Idiots, and I Married their King!

(below a sketch of a macaque monkey:)
There's No Right Way to Eat a Rhesus!

Pavlov: The Name that Rings Bells!

My Book Club can beat-up your Book Club.

Like the Psychiatrist said to the Nudist: I can clearly see you're NUTS!

Don't make me use my Librarian voice!

My Karma ran over my Dogma!

Clan MacIntyre: We invented the MacDonalds, and the Campbells have never forgiven us!
(Trust me, to anybody of strong Highland descent, it's a knee-slapper!)

I'm Sick of being my Wife's Arm Candy

1492: Where was Homeland Security then?!

Beam me up, Scotty, there's no good signal down here!

Ask me about my 8th-level Player Character!

If it's Tourist Season, why can't I hunt them?

(under the leering image of red-cassocked Michael Palin):
No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Traveling at 33rpm in an iPod world.


Never judge a book by its movie.

I Love Cats . . I just can never finish one by myself!

My stocks are doing so good, my broker's moving to Mexico!

(under face of Patrick McGoohan)
Number Six is missing . .

NATIVE RESIDENT: Wide Berth Required

The only nod of approval I want is from Barbara Eden!

IT'S A KILT . . . it's only a skirt if I wear something under it!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: