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Where are you? Posters MIA

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 2:39 pm
by sandykaypax
I haven't seen any posts for a loooong time by bobhopefan (Danielle) and benwhowell. Where are you? I miss you guys.

Also, where is SueSueApplegate? And vecchiolarry?

Anyone heard from any of these fine folks?

Sandy K

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 2:53 pm
by movieman1957
SueSue has posted in the the last week or so. Larry is gone. Larry got upset about the server crash. I corresponded with him once and he (for the time being) isn't participating.

You can access someone's post by going to the memberlist at the top of the page and then their name. You can get a list of posts by them.

One other I can give you an update on is Danny (bobhopefan1940.) She is working herself silly in school. Her own computer crashed and hasn't been able to replace it. The system at school won't let her access here or TCM. She is well and hoping to rectify everything so she can visit again.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 3:58 pm
by jdb1
Too bad we've lost these valuable posters. And what a shame about the mix-up with Larry. I was a little surprised by the vehemence of his reaction - I hope he will reconsider and come back to us. His insider insights are so fascinating and such fun, and he always had worthwhile opinions.

Please come back MIAs. We miss you and we value your input.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 4:01 pm
by cinemalover
And on top of what Judith said, we want your VOTES! You missing posters have a vast film knowledge that needs to be counted in our assembled outcomes! These match-ups need your attention!

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 4:41 pm
by SSO Admins
jdb1 wrote:Too bad we've lost these valuable posters. And what a shame about the mix-up with Larry. I was a little surprised by the vehemence of his reaction - I hope he will reconsider and come back to us. His insider insights are so fascinating and such fun, and he always had worthwhile opinions.
I explained the situation to him in both private message and email. I guess he wasn't satisfied with that. It's a shame, really.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 4:45 pm
by Lzcutter
I wanted to give everyone an update on BenWHowell as well. He does not have a home computer and his boss relocated him from the small florist shop near his home where he basically ran the place and took care of business to the larger shop across town.

He is not able to access the web from the new shop. I am hoping he is able to get a home computer soon and come back to us.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 4:55 pm
by Jezebel38
Lynn - thanks for the update about BenHowell - I was wondering about him. The only thing I don't miss about Ben is seeing the sight of Johnny Eck creeping up on us.

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 5:33 pm
by moira finnie
I have reason to believe that Larry still reads both this board and the TCM message board, (when it's running, that is). I think that Christy (Sue Sue) is very busy with work and life right now, as I suspect many of us are or will be during the holidays. Let's face it, many of us have end of year projects, family and friends to see, and just too much of everything going on in December!

Posted: December 10th, 2007, 10:23 pm
by sandykaypax
Thanks for your replies, everyone! It's good to know that folks are still in touch with Danny, benwhowell, Larry and Christy.

That's really a shame about Larry. I miss his posts.

Sandy K


Posted: December 10th, 2007, 11:43 pm
by melwalton
I don't underatand about Larry. When the crash occured, Jondaris was a great help to me as was Miss G. They got me straightened out fine. Thanks again Jon and Miss G; ..... mel

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 8:44 am
by Hollis
I sent a PM to Larry with regard to the server crash and tried to smooth his ruffled feathers as diplomatically as I could but I never received a reply from him. I don't know why he took it so hard. Several of us explained to him that it wasn't anything personal that his posting was lost and he could have easily resubmitted it. I'm lost for an explanation as to why he took it the way he did. His postings were always well thought out and added a good deal to the threads. Hopefully he'll decide to rejoin us at some point in the future.

As always,


Posted: December 11th, 2007, 9:53 am
by movieman1957
Anyone heard from Beda (pktrekgirl)?

Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow

Posted: December 15th, 2007, 7:54 pm
by benwhowell
Season's Greetings, Everyone!!
I've missed you all. Thanks for the "MIA" query, Sandy. :D
My "little shop of horrors" was sold-cutting off my "high speed digital" internet connection. I remained at the shop with the new owner to help her get established. She turned out to be quite the psycho...and closed the doors earlier this month...leaving me, alas, unemployed for the holidays. Just your average Lifetime Christmas movie (not shot in Canada.)
I do have webtv at home. It's ok for e mail and, but very hard to maneuver around the internet and very limited. No more YouTube, etc.
Sorry about Mr. Eck wearing out his welcome, Jez. He was only intended to hang around for a week in October. I planned on different avatars each week that month. I had a really cool "Sunset Boulevard" avatar for Halloween week-which would have remained until Christmas. I can't figure out how to change my avatar with webtv...
I have SO MANY posts to catch up on. It's been difficult for me to make the time to get on the internet at home...There always seems to be something else requiring my time...despite having a lot of spare time lately.
Chris (SueSue) called me to tell me about Lynn's dad. She's got a lot of "stuff" going on, so she probably doesn't have any "spare" time.
It really means a lot to me to hear about and read inquiries about my whereabouts. I do think about you guys often. I hope I'm not being too "sappy." I blame it on the holidays. They really bring out my "sensitive" side. I had plans for a fabulous Christmas thread. Maybe next year...
"Faithful friends who are dear to us, gather near to us once more..."
Happy to be back.
Your pal,

Posted: December 15th, 2007, 10:06 pm
by movieman1957
We're so glad to have you back. Your departure was sudden enough to cause some concern, for me at least. Your employment status notwithstanding it is nice you seem well.

Good luck on your job hunt.

"It's so nice to see you back where you belong!"

Posted: December 16th, 2007, 8:51 am
by knitwit45
Welcome Home, Ben. Except for "him", you have been truly missed!!!
