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Posted: December 30th, 2007, 7:42 pm
by Moraldo Rubini
I'm suddenly struck by a feeling of hope and light. Is spring approaching already? No! Then it must be the impending release of two DVD sets of previously unreleased musicals. Yippee!

On February 12, 2008 the Lubitsch musical set, featuring The Love Parade with Jeanette MacDonald and Maurice Chevalier; Monte Carlo with MacDonald and Band Wagoneer Jack Buchanan (with ZaSu Pitts too!); The Smiling Lieutenant reunites MacDonald and Chevalier, along with Miriam Hopkins; and One Hour with You with -- you guessed it -- Chevalier and MacDonald.

They're legendary and I've never seen any of them. Anyone care to give me an introduction?

April 8, 2008 will see the release of Volume 3 of MGM Musicals - The Dream Factory. This one will include:

Broadway Melody of 1936
Born to Dance
Broadway Melody of 1938
Lady Be Good
Nancy Goes to Rio
Two Weeks with Love
Deep in My Heart
Hit the Deck

Wow. It could be called "The Power of Powells" (except that it has that sad Kismet on there). Four Eleanor Powell films, followed by four Jane Powells. I hope this means Rosalie is forthcoming. Dolores Gray and Ann Sothern will season them well.

I'll start saving my pennies now.


Posted: December 30th, 2007, 11:36 pm
by melwalton
Hi, Moraldo. Good to see a post about musicals.
I saw 3 of those Chevalier films but so long ago. I don't recall much about them. I do recall in 'The Smiling Lieutenant' Claudette Colbert sang a song about "Jazz up your underwear', Honestly. She looked real jazzy in that scene.
My memory's hazy about this, I think it was "Monte Carlo' although it might've been ' Love me Tonight', Anyway the movie started out with a very impressive number, the song 'Beyond the Blue Horizen' ( I think ) The scene kept shifting with different singers doing the same song.
Hope you enjoy your DVD. If you run across it, see Chevalier's 'Follies Bergere de Paris; good movie, good music, .... mel

Posted: January 1st, 2008, 1:44 pm
by sandykaypax
I'm excited about these two musical box sets, too! I know I've seen one of those Chevalier films YEARS ago--I think it was One Hour with You--but I have virtually no memory of what it was about.

The MGM set is a mixed bag for me. I'll definitely buy it, but Kismet and Hit the Deck are both hit-and-miss for me. I know that Hit the Deck has many fans, but I always found the plot a tad dull. And it bothers me that Hermes Pan ripped off his own choreography with the funhouse number--done much better, IMO, by Fred Astaire, George Burns and Gracie Allen in A Damsel in Distress.

I'm happy to see more Eleanor Powell represented on dvd. Born to Dance is a favorite of mine.

Sandy K