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Curtain Call

Posted: January 31st, 2008, 9:27 pm
by mrsl
As much as I like the Enchanted Cottage, I just wasn't in the mood for it tonight, so I surfed around and found this on the Encore Love channel.

Max and Lily are Major Broadway stars who live in the Victorian house than Stevenson Lowe inherited from his barely known relative as well as the relatives' publishing business. Stevenson and Julia have been dating for over 2 years but Steve won't settle down to a commitment. Well Julia finally walks out when Steve starts acting really foolishly, and forgetful and she decides to give a chance to the handsome, dynamic (Sam Shepherd) Senator who has been calling, sending gifts, and asking for dinner dates.

So Max and Lily decide to help Steve get her back. The only problem is, Max and Lily are ghosts from the 1920's and 30's. There is nothing really new here, and in fact most of the lights blinking, doors opening/closing etc., are completely obvious. The good thing is, this is from 1998 just before James Spader turned serious actor for a while before joining Boston Legal. Also it helps a lot that the ghosts are played by Maggie Smith and Michael Caine. Add Marcia Gay Harden as the slinky viper who's after Steve, along with Shepherd and you have a grade A cast. THAT is what makes this film worth checking out. BTW Max and Lily are always arguing and hearing the barbs tossed back and forth in their lilting British voices makes for some fun moments.

I've never heard of this one, either before it was released, or since. The year it was released was when I was going to the show weekly because I knew the theater manager, so I can't imagine how it slipped under my radar, unless it was one of those that went straight to Video. In any case, it's a cute film and just starting out on the Encore stations, so it should be around for a few weeks.
