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THE VISIT (1964)

Posted: February 2nd, 2008, 3:43 pm
by feaito
I've been hearing about this film ever since an uncle told me that he had seen it as young lad in the 1960s or early 1970s on public TV and fell in love with the film. Especially with Ingrid Bergman's character revenge on the people who scorned whe she was young and on the man ruined her reputation (Anthony Quinn). She returns to her hometown rich and full of hatred.

The film is based upon a famous stage play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt "The Visit of the Old Lady", which was revived on the stage here in Santiago some years ago, with a very famous Chilean actress. Sadly I never went to see it :cry: ....Now that I remember, I also wanted to see Edward Albee's "Three Tall Women" and never got around to... lazy guy :roll:

Has anyone seen this film? Did anybody fell under its spell?

Posted: February 2nd, 2008, 5:13 pm
by jdb1
Nando, this is a play that women of a Certain Age love to perform on stage, and it is revived fairly often in NYC.

A few years ago, I saw a movie from Africa based on the play, and I wish I could remember the title and from which country - maybe Senegal, which has a pretty active cinema industry. I have seen a lot of Senegalese films on one of the cable channels over the past few years, most of them very good. Then, of course, there is the TV movie version, "Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis," which, believe it or not, has a similar plot involving Dobie and the unattainable Thalia Menninger.

Posted: February 2nd, 2008, 5:17 pm
by feaito
jdb1 wrote:Nando, this is a play that women of a Certain Age love to perform on stage, and it is revived fairly often in NYC.

A few years ago, I saw a movie from Africa based on the play, and I wish I could remember the title and from which country - maybe Senegal, which has a pretty active cinema industry. I have seen a lot of Senegalese films on one of the cable channels over the past few years, most of them very good. Then, of course, there is the TV movie version, "Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis," which, believe it or not, has a similar plot involving Dobie and the unattainable Thalia Menninger.
Thanks for the valuable info Judith. I have never seen any film made in Senegal. They sound very interesting.

Wait a moment! Recently I saw "Moolaadé", but I think it's from Mali aka Burkina Faso, not 100% sure.

Posted: February 2nd, 2008, 5:46 pm
by jdb1
I found the film I was referring to. It's called Hyenas (1992).

A few weeks ago I saw something from Burkina Faso, I don't know if it's the same one because I saw only a part of it - it was about a girl who was going to be sacrificed by her village, and dishonored her family by running awa. I have seen a lot of very nice work from African filmmakers. Plus, it's always interesting to see stories about things that are not a part of your own everyday life, with a different point of view.

Posted: February 2nd, 2008, 9:59 pm
by feaito
jdb1 wrote:I found the film I was referring to. It's called Hyenas (1992).

A few weeks ago I saw something from Burkina Faso, I don't know if it's the same one because I saw only a part of it - it was about a girl who was going to be sacrificed by her village, and dishonored her family by running awa. I have seen a lot of very nice work from African filmmakers. Plus, it's always interesting to see stories about things that are not a part of your own everyday life, with a different point of view.
You are right. Watching African, Asian, etc. films is very interesting and enlightening. This film "Moolaadé" is about a woman who lives in a small tribal village, who shelters a group of small girls who don't want to be subjected to a circumcision ritual. It's quite gripping!

Posted: February 5th, 2008, 8:35 am
by Ollie
Thanks for this. The search is on.

Posted: February 5th, 2008, 3:47 pm
by feaito
Ollie wrote:Thanks for this. The search is on.
Thank you Ollie :D

Posted: February 5th, 2008, 5:29 pm
by Ollie
I would have been unconcerned IF you hadn't made this film sound so interesting. IT'S YOUR FAULT I WANT IT, therefore! ha ha

And while I often hijack threads, I knew if I didn't get this film in its own thread, I'd never EVER remember who was interested in it. Now, I can alert folks when the DVD appears.


Posted: February 5th, 2008, 6:37 pm
by feaito
Thanks again Ollie!! :D

Posted: February 6th, 2008, 6:08 pm
by jdb1
I watched a piece of this movie earlier this week, but I found the mixed languages with English dubbing very distracting. It appeared that Quinn and Bergman dubbed themselves, and not particularly accurately, either. I gave up.