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what a Carry-On

Posted: March 1st, 2008, 11:10 am
in a series of saucy, but harmlessly funny, though not out and out classic, films The Carry-On team were around on a regular basis for nearly twenty years.

in the first one Carry-On Sargeant, Bob Monkhouse played the lead oppisite Shirley Eaton in a film about National Service recruits in their basic training under the tution of Sargeant William Hartnel. in the film we also saw future regulars Kenneth Williams, Kenneth Conner, Hattie Jakes and Charles Hawtrey.

in the second Carry-On Nurse Hattie played a Matron, a role she played in several future Carry-Ons. Shilrey Eaton again played the lead and Joan Syms made her first appearence as a plain looking nurse. Joan was able to play plain and glamorous roles back to back. it was also interesting to see the camp William's romancing the future Mrs. Bronson Jill Ireland.

Carry On Constable was noteable for its first appearence of Sid James, who from then on was to become the series biggest star. Carry On Cabbie was also entertaining with the lovely Liz Fraser on board.

They started to make historical movies, Carry-On Henry, Carry On Dick and Carry-On Cleo with Amanda Barrie as Cleopatra. There was even Don't Lose Your Heads, a comic version of The Scarlett Pimpernel, or in this case Fingernail with Sid and Jim Dale as the heros rescuing frenchman from executution

Carry-On Cowboy saw Jim Dale as last in a starring role as an inept Marshal up against gunfighter The Rumpo Kid, as played ny James. luckilly he has Angela Douglas' Annie Oakley on his side. Phil Silvers gave an American feel to things when he joined the team for Carry-On Follow That Camel

in the later ones we saw Barbara Windsor. in Carry On Camping there was the famous scene where the top of her bikini exploded of when she was doing stretching exercises. as glamorous as Barbara was in the role, Joan Syms, who played Sid's girlfriend was everybit as a attractive. Bernard Breslaw was also good as Sid's pal.

one musn't over look the spin-offs either. in Twice Around The Daffodils and Nurse On Wheels Juliet Mills got a chance to prove Hayley wasn't John's only talented daughter. NOWs is almost a classic with Juliet as a district nurse in love with landowner Ronald Lewis. Joan Syms again looked stunning oppisite Leslie's son Ronald Howard. in The Iron Maiden Michael Craig played an aircraft designer, who raced steamrollers for a hobby. he comes into conflict with American buisnessman Alan Hale Jnr, not to mention falling in love with his daughter.

Posted: March 1st, 2008, 12:16 pm
by mrsl

I wondered if you were ever going to write about the Carry On movies. I only saw 'Nurse', I recall that one guy getting his temperature taken, and I think I also saw 'Constable' but not sure if that was it or not.

In any case, they were funny movies, and I wonder if the people making them were having as much fun as they look like they are. I wasn't aware they were around for as long as 20 years though.

Thanks for the info. For those of you who love comedy and have Netflix, check them out and see if you can get any of them, you will be glad you did, I'm pretty sure.


Posted: March 1st, 2008, 2:10 pm
The last one was actually made in about the 90s Anne. they decided after about 20-yrs to make Carry-On Columbus with the now international star Jim Dale in the title role. it was however, a disaster.

it's funny i got through the readers digest four so called British comedy classics. one The Love Match i've all ready done a post on and was the best of the four with Arthur Askey, a young Thora Hird and as their daughter Shirley Eaton. there's a brillaint performance from a young comic actor Danny Rose, as Shirls beau, who has a regular gag of falling on his face and springing back on to his feet in one movement.

in John And Julie, it's about a little boy and an even smaller girl, who run away from their homes to travel to London to see the Queen's Coronation. Sid James and Meg Jenkins play the boys parents and helping the kids on their way as they meet them are Wilfred Hyde White and tart with a heart Moira Lister. Peter Sellers impresses as a policeman trying to find them, while knowing they're not in any real danger.

Orders are Orders isn't a great film and of the four top billed actors only Sid James is recognizable. yet it's still worth a watch for the young talent in the film. it's about Sid as an American film director who with his crew invade an army barracks in order to film a si-fi epic. Tony Hancock before Hancock's Half Hour and the film The Rebel. plays an army bandmaster and a young Peter Sellers, still with the Goons at the time, plays a private Batman, who bartends in the officers mess

possibly the poorest of the three sees future international star Peter Finch in Make Me An Offer, where he plays an antiques dealer after a rare vase

i also from the same firm got 3 tapes. two are 6 recordings of The Goons with Sellers, Milligan and Secombe in top form and the third devoted to the later works of Spike Milligan

Posted: March 1st, 2008, 2:38 pm
by charliechaplinfan
There are a British institution. I was so happy if these were shown on TV when I was growing up. It is seaside postcard humour of the naughty, nudge nudge, wink wink kind.

They weren't at all sophisticated and some were bad but others were a hoot from start to finish. For anyone who wants to peek at this humour these are the best


They are a British institution :)

Posted: March 9th, 2008, 3:54 pm
by Dawtrina
I grew up on these films and have seen most of them but I haven't seen any for far too long. I couldn't begin to list favourites or least favourites.

My favourite scene is a gimme though: it's the dinner party in Carry On... Up the Khyber. IMHO, it's the most quintessentially British scene ever put on film.

Posted: March 16th, 2008, 3:06 am
former Eastenders star Shane Richie and ex footballer Vinnie Jones are to star in a brand new film of the series Carry On London

Posted: May 15th, 2008, 8:42 pm
by CineMaven
Aaaah, Carry on. Here in NYC on channel 4, late late at night I saw Carry On Cabbie, Carry On Cleo, Carry On Nurse...and my absolute favorite: Carry On Cruising.

Love the British sense of humour.

;-) ;-)

Uh...carry on.

Posted: May 17th, 2008, 3:59 pm
by Dawtrina
[quote=""]former Eastenders star Shane Richie and ex footballer Vinnie Jones are to star in a brand new film of the series Carry On London[/quote]

I'll seize any opportunity I can to recommend the truly bizarre Japanese film Survive Style 5+. Vinnie Jones manages to get his standard tough guy image into a comedy and it works, but Survive Style 5+ is far more than a comedy. Jones is a hitman summoned to Japan to assassinate a TV hypnotist and his catchphrase sums up the movie. 'What's your function in life?'

I could attempt to describe the film but I would fail. If you ever get the chance to see it, seize that chance but think about it while you're watching. It has a huge amount of depth.