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News Byte for MrsL

Posted: March 26th, 2008, 7:13 am
by klondike
Good morning, Anne; thought this would help ease your mind about that upcoming Trek "prequel", at least a little:

Pegg Plays Scotty in 'Star Trek' Movie

LOS ANGELES (AP) Simon Pegg won't be beaming up any differences for his take on starship Enterprise's chief engineer "Scotty" in the upcoming "Star Trek" film.
"I am playing 'Scotty,' but James Doohan is 'Scotty,'" Pegg told The Associated Press at the "Run Fatboy Run" premiere afterparty at Les Deux nightclub Monday night.
Doohan played "Scotty" in the '60s TV series and in several movies.
"I tried to approach the role like he did. He's a Scottish engineer who works in outerspace. He's a bit of a brawler. I didn't try to facilitate change," the 38-year-old British actor said.
He's more coy about what his Montgomery "Scotty" Scott will look like in the J.J. Abrams-directed "Star Trek," expected on the big screen next year. "I couldn't possibly tell you what I wear in 'Star Trek,'" Pegg said.
Pegg said he finished shooting the film, which stars Chris Pine as Capt. James T. Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock, last week.
Pegg said he's signed up to star in three potential "Trek" movies.
"I'm looking forward to doing that for the next few years," he said. "Hopefully, I'll do a lot in between, too."

Posted: March 26th, 2008, 4:15 pm
by mrsl

Since I never heard of this Simon Pegg guy, I looked him up on imdB. If he is any example of the 'actors' who worked on the new Star Trek, I doubt very much if I'll be going to see it. Obviously, at least in his case, the casting director didn't look very far to find real actors, his filmography is filled with junk that I wouldn't waste using electricity to see.

I'm really sorry to say, as a 50 year film fan, that my mind is closing day by day to new actors and movies. They seem to get worse on a day to day basis. When people like Johnny Depp is considered 'great', the film industry has deteriorated mightily. Depp may have done well in the silent era because his acting ability seems to be mainly a measure of making faces, and smiling foolishly. But I would have hoped we've risen above that type of acting in the last 70 years. I don't have time now, but I've watched a lot of new movies lately, 1990 - 2007, and will explain my reasoning when I do have more time.

I'm taking my little dolly out for her 8th birthday dinner tonight :P .


Posted: March 26th, 2008, 4:20 pm
by Ollie
How much of a prequel is this film? Is it set months or a few years in front of the 1960's time-period storyline? Or is it a century or decades earlier? It sounds like he's re-creating the Scotty role. Ugh.

"Why bother? Hasn't BEEN THERE DONE THAT become a worthy catch phrase in a genre where Imagination should take over and be the guiding force?"

Posted: March 26th, 2008, 5:29 pm
by klondike
mrsl wrote:Klondike:

Since I never heard of this Simon Pegg guy, I looked him up on imdB. If he is any example of the 'actors' who worked on the new Star Trek, I doubt very much if I'll be going to see it. Obviously, at least in his case, the casting director didn't look very far to find real actors, his filmography is filled with junk that I wouldn't waste using electricity to see.

I'm really sorry to say, as a 50 year film fan, that my mind is closing day by day to new actors and movies. They seem to get worse on a day to day basis. When people like Johnny Depp is considered 'great', the film industry has deteriorated mightily. Depp may have done well in the silent era because his acting ability seems to be mainly a measure of making faces, and smiling foolishly. But I would have hoped we've risen above that type of acting in the last 70 years. I don't have time now, but I've watched a lot of new movies lately, 1990 - 2007, and will explain my reasoning when I do have more time.

I'm taking my little dolly out for her 8th birthday dinner tonight :P .

Your welcome.

Posted: March 27th, 2008, 1:57 am
by mrsl

i guess I'm tired, but I don't get your meaning. Are you mad at something I said, or that I didn't thank you for the info? Actually, I can't imagine either one!!!! 'splain, please.


Posted: March 27th, 2008, 4:39 pm
by mrsl
No Johnm:

Simply that it was an innovative TV show that many people recall with fond memories, but which had extremely talented and imaginative writers. It was also a show which held out an impossible but hopeful ideal of a care-free, worry-free, crime-free, equality minded populace who lived in a world that offered the opportunity to improve oneself in all aspects of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That may sound sappy, but that is really what the original Star Trek was all about.
