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Robert Mitchum's serial killing Ministers

Posted: March 29th, 2008, 8:09 am
Robert Mitchum has twice played serial killing clergymen, once to acclaim in Night Of The Hunter and the other in the underrated 5 Card Stud.

it's been 30-yrs since i've seen Night Of The Hunter, so can't remember if Mitchum is a real or bogus preacher in that. in 5 Card Stud it isn't made clear, but he's a great speaker from the pulpit, which suggests he may well have been for real.

in NOTH Mitchum played what in today society would be regarded as an evil seriel killer, but IMO in 5CS he wasn't. in 5CS he knew exactly what he was doing as he brutally avenged his brothers death.

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 3:24 am
by Sue Sue Applegate
Dear Stuart,
If you haven't seen Night of the Hunter for 30 years, I want to highly encourage you to revisit it. It is one of the most spectacular stories told with great style and beauty.

Lillian Gish has one of her finest roles, Mitchum is at his most deviously cunning, Shelley Winters has one of her more pouty roles, and the children grab your hearts and run with them as they evade the preacher.
And it is Charles Laughton's only directorial effort, a gem.

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 10:25 am

i wish i could, but it's rarely shown in the UK and i don't recall seeing it on dvd or vhs.

i'm hoping in the near future to purchase Dual In The Sun, mainly to see Lillian Gish's great performance

Posted: April 2nd, 2008, 1:54 pm
by charliechaplinfan
Stuart it's available in the UK, I rented it off Lovefilm but here it is on Amazon

Hope it helps. It is worth the purchase price. The rental service is good if your a regular movie watcher it's worth the price. Post one back and another one comes straight after. I got to see lots of pictures this way:D