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High Chaparral?...Anyone?

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 7:39 am
by Allegra_Blyth
I just started to watch "The High Chaparral" a few months ago throught TCM Latin America and i became a huge fan (even tho they run the episodes in totally dissorder)

Anyone here likes this Tv serie? :D

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 8:56 am
by moira finnie
Hi Allegra,
You're not alone in your affection for High Chaparral. We have touched on this well done Western series previously, here in the TV section of our site. It doesn't seem to be broadcast anymore on US cable tv, though perhaps the Encore Western channel will pick it up someday soon. Can't get enough of Manolito (Henry Darrow), and his pop on the show, Frank Silvera and, of course, in a few episodes, the glorious Gilbert Roland! Not to mention the strong, silent type, Don Collier. :wink:

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 8:58 am
by MissGoddess
The High Chaparral is on of my favorite TV shows of any genre. It grieves me that it's not available here in the States on any network and that there are legal wrangles preventing it from being released to dvd. It's maddening! I just love this show so much.

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 9:52 am
The High Chapperal in the UK was constantly repeated for 20-yrs by the BBC after it finished originally.

i thought, like the superb Gunsmoke movies (but not Bonanza, that failed) that a movie sequel would have worked. it would have been nice to see Mark Slade's Blue Boy and Henry Darrow's Mono as cattle barons of THC and Rancho Montioa with families of their own. it could be set after the deaths of Big John and Uncle Buck with the middle aged, but still beautiful Victoria as the most eligible young widow in Arizona. alas i think the three surviving players may just be a little long in the tooth to pull it of now,

one think i didn't like was Victoria trying in the begining to be Blue's mother, even though she was closer to his age than she was to her husband. However, she seemed to see sense and they became close when she became more of an older sister to him

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 9:56 am
by Allegra_Blyth
I also love Manolito , Moira! (in special when he laughs, so funny!) , but my hearts goes with Buck (i use to feel attracted to that kind of man! :D )

I ll check the link you posted, i totally missed it when i was looking for some High chaparral topic! :?

Ps: i had no idea there was a movie Sequel!. I ll look for it!

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 10:08 am
There's not a sequel planned that i'm aware of. i just think in the 80s it would have been ideal to bring back Blue, Mono and Victoria for a sequel

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 10:49 am
by ken123
Linda was the sole reason that I watched it. :wink:

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 6:59 pm
by Allegra_Blyth wrote:There's not a sequel planned that i'm aware of. i just think in the 80s it would have been ideal to bring back Blue, Mono and Victoria for a sequel

Oh!..i see...bummer! :cry:

Posted: April 27th, 2008, 3:08 pm
by MikeBSG
I never watched "High Chapparal," but I remember it fondly for this reason.

When I was taking a Russian class, we had to read a story by Boris Lermontov, an except from "A Hero for Our Time," in which a Russian cavalry officer starts a war with the local (Chechen?) tribesmen when he seduces one of their women.

One of my fellow students said: "I know I saw this story on 'High Chapparal'!"

Posted: April 28th, 2008, 11:02 am
There was a British horse recently called High Chapperal. i think it took part in The Breeders Cup. it certainly won the English Derby at Epson

Re: High Chaparral?...Anyone?

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 8:31 am
by moira finnie
Now available from BearManor Media, the autobiography of Henry Darrow, which can be purchased online from the publisher or Amazon (where it received some excellent reviews from readers already):
HENRY DARROW: LIGHTNING IN THE BOTTLE by Jan Pippins and Henry Darrow $24.95
Henry Darrow (born EnriqueTomás Delgado) catapulted to international stardom in 1967 as sexy, complex “Manolito Montoya” in the western The High Chaparral. He was the first actor of Puerto Rican heritage to star in a television series. “Henry survived and had a career when if you were Latino, you couldn’t be just good, you had to be beyond great and that’s Henry,” says noted writer/entertainer Rick Najera. At the height of his fame Darrow put his career on the line to open doors for other Hispanics. He has continued to break ground for over fifty years as a working actor and was recently featured on the PBS series Pioneers of Television. is is the must-read portrait of the inspirational, fiercely determined, endearing and enduring Emmy-winning performer.

“Sometimes I give myself over to a part heart and soul. At other times, it’s just technique. There’s nothing in particular to say about it except it’s work. But I love to work!”

Re: High Chaparral?...Anyone?

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 8:39 am
by MissGoddess
That's cool news! Mano and Buck were always getting into shenanigans, it was such fun to watch. And I loved how Victoria, Mano's sister, was always scolding him for being naughty. It was a marvelous character, in many ways he and Victoria were the passionate heart of the show.

Darrow is also an excellent actor, period. Even as a young man he possessed a certain gravitas.

I've seen a couple of movies or TV appearances by Darrow when he was still calling himself Henry Delgado. Frankly, The High Chaparral was one of the best television shows ever for featuring Latins and the Mexican culture with dignity and warmth.

Re: High Chaparral?...Anyone?

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 10:27 am
In Alias Smith and Jones Ceaser Romero often played a Mexican cattle-baron at odds with rancher Burl Ives over a bust each said they owned. It took 3 seasons to solve the problem when the secret catholic Ives marrying Romeros' sister Katy Jaurdo

I remember Henry Darrow in Harry O playing David Janssen's dectective buddy, but he was killed off and replaced by Anthony Zerbe's less friendly cop. He was also constructed a mask for David McCallum in the pilot The Invisible Man, but wasn't in the series. Henry during The High Chapperal was so popular he was invited to co-host Top Of The Pops in the late 60s

Re: High Chaparral?...Anyone?

Posted: June 6th, 2012, 2:46 pm
by moira finnie
Henry Darrow was interviewed about his new autobiography on The Examiner website, which you can see here: ... -chaparral


Re: High Chaparral?...Anyone?

Posted: June 7th, 2012, 10:44 am
by MissGoddess
What a lovely person he is. And what fun it must have been to make the show. I always enjoy the scenes where Linda Crystal starts chiding Manolito in Spanish. :D

I still hope for a U.S. DVD release one day, especially since the show has been released in Germany, and restored! If I had the money, I'd buy it, but it's far out of my price range.