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Favorite Sci-Fi or Horror Serials

Posted: April 20th, 2007, 2:59 pm
by cinemalover
I love serials. At any given time I usually have one that I am slowly going through, a chapter or two at a time. Flash Gordon (with the under-appreciated Buster Crabbe) is obviously one of the best Sci-Fi serials ever made. The first was a classic and the second two were pretty darn good. But, what are some of the other outrageous serials that you've enjoyed over the years? The two Superman serials that were on TCM with Kirk Alyn are very good. Captain Marvel is very well-done.

Also, do you have a favorite cliffhanger? Maybe one that was resolved without cheating, and one where you wanted to throw your soda at the screen because they fudged the facts so bad to save the hero?

Posted: April 20th, 2007, 4:27 pm
by cinemalover
Well, I think they hold up like most B-pictures of the time. There are some hits, and some really bad misses. The Crimson Ghost (1946) was a Republic serial with Clayton Moore (the Lone Ranger). I had a nice VHS copy of it that I dubbed to DVD-R with fairly good results. Some tape wear and stretching left it less than ideal. It's a good serial. Republic put out the most consistently entertaining serials of any of the studios. They had a talented group of stunt people working together and had a superior model department so that their miniatures looked better than most other serials. The closer you get to 1950 as serials were giving into television, the poorer the quality. You also see a lot more recycled footage in the latter 40's.

You have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy them. And I never like to watch more than 4 chapters in a sitting (average length is usually just under 20 minutes per chapter). But I like 'em. They are a guilty pleasure, and in time I want to see as many of them as I can.


Posted: April 24th, 2007, 11:38 pm
by Sue Sue Applegate
I always wanted to see The Crimson Ghost because I like Clayton Moore a great deal.

Posted: May 14th, 2007, 1:55 pm
by cinemalover
This is one of the first serials I ever watched. It has lots of goofy sci-fi elements mixed awkwardly, yet entertainingly, with the singing cowboy genre. Lots of goofy fun.

Date watched: 5/12/2007
Title: The Phantom Empire Chapters 1-4 Made: 1935
Genre: Adventure/Serial 12 chapters
Studio: Mascot
Format: DVD Extras:none Disc 1 has chapters 1-6, Disc 2 has chapters 7-12
# of times viewed: 2

Gene Autry--Gene Autry
Frankie Darro--Frankie Baxter
Betsy King Ross (billed as the World's Champion Trick Rider)--Betsy Baxter
Dorothy Christie--Queen Tika
Wheeler Oakman--Argo
Charles K. French--Mal
Warner Richmond--Rab
Frank Glendon--Professor Beetson
Smiley Burnette--Oscar
Wiliam Moore--Pete
Edward Piel Sr.--Dr. Cooper
Jack Carlyle--Saunders

Plot: Singing cowboy meets science-fiction city! Gene Autry is half owner of Radio Ranch. His ownership is predicated on his filling his radio contract which calls for him to broadcast live from Radio Ranch daily at 2pm. Beneath the surface of the Earth is the hidden Murania Civilization, which is ruled by the cruel Queen Tika (Christie). Murania is rich with radium deposits. Access to the tunnels that lead to Murania are located on Radio Ranch. Professor Beetson is trying to acquire the radium for personal gain. Part of his plan is to get Gene to default on his contract so that he can take over Radio Ranch and mine the radium. Queen Tika will allow no outsiders in her lands, so she will use any means to stop the surface dwellers. One of the earliest serials to use sci-fi elements to drive the story.

Chapter #1 The Singing Cowboy
Queen Tika orders her soldiers to capture Gene as well as Frankie and Betsy Baxter (Darro and Ross) who are the children of Gene's partner. Gene and the kids try to escape the soldiers chasing them by hanging over the side of a cliff by rope. As the soldiers ride by on horseback, one of the horses causes the rope to break, sending Gene and the kids into a free fall....

Chapter #2 The Thunder Riders
Queen Tika orders her men to fire an "aerial torpedo" at a plane that is shooting at her soldiers. Frankie and Betsy are on board the plane. We see the torpedo hit the plane in a big explosion....

Chapter #3 The Lightning Chamber
Gene is accused of killing his partner and has to run from the sheriff. He jumps out of the house and into a car that Oscar (Burnette) has been working on. As Gene speeds away Oscar tries to warn him that the brakes on the car are not working. As Gene speeds around the corner at Coyote Canyon his car flies over the cliff...

Chapter #4 Phantom Broadcast
Gene, Frankie and Betsy are escaping from Professor Beetson and his thugs through a secret tunnel under the barn. Frankie has unknowingly left a trail of gunpowder leaking from a bag he's carrying. Professor Beetson's men light the gunpowder on fire which quickly burns towards the fleeing group. Kaboom!

You get cowpokes, wild costumes, klunky robots, a lightning chamber of death and a Queen whose delivery is stiffer than her upper lip as she stares blankly into the camera. Good stuff!

6* (out of 10) The triangle set up between Gene, Queen Tika and Professor Beetson allows for plenty of mayhem. This was one of Gene's earlier acting roles and he's not always comfortable. But the scenarios are outrageous and quickly paced which make it a lot of fun.

Posted: May 16th, 2007, 12:25 pm
by nightwalker
Be warned, SueSue, Clayton Moore plays (gasp!) a heavy in both THE CRIMSON GHOST and RADAR MEN FROM THE MOON. See them only if your heart can stand it!

In addition to the above, I always liked KING OF THE ROCKETMEN. I wish I could have a rocket pack like Jeff King had in that!

Posted: May 24th, 2007, 12:01 pm
by cinemalover
Date watched: 5/23/2007
Title: The Phantom Empire Chapters 5-8 Made: 1935
Genre: Adventure/Serial 12 chapters
Studio: Mascot
Format: DVD Extras:none Disc 1 has chapters 1-6, Disc 2 has chapters 7-12
# of times viewed: 2

Gene Autry--Gene Autry
Frankie Darro--Frankie Baxter
Betsy King Ross (billed as the World's Champion Trick Rider)--Betsy Baxter
Dorothy Christie--Queen Tika
Wheeler Oakman--Argo
Charles K. French--Mal
Warner Richmond--Rab
Frank Glendon--Professor Beetson
Smiley Burnette--Oscar
Wiliam Moore--Pete
Edward Piel Sr.--Dr. Cooper
Jack Carlyle--Saunders

Plot: Singing cowboy meets science-fiction city! Gene Autry is half owner of Radio Ranch. His ownership is predicated on his filling his radio contract which calls for him to broadcast live from Radio Ranch daily at 2pm. Beneath the surface of the Earth is the hidden Murania Civilization, which is ruled by the cruel Queen Tika (Christie). Murania is rich with radium deposits. Access to the tunnels that lead to Murania are located on Radio Ranch. Professor Beetson is trying to acquire the radium for personal gain. Part of his plan is to get Gene to default on his contract so that he can take over Radio Ranch and mine the radium. Queen Tika will allow no outsiders in her lands, so she will use any means to stop the surface dwellers. One of the earliest serials to use sci-fi elements to drive the story.

Chapter #5 Beneath the Earth
Gene is captured by Queen Tika's soldiers and taken before the Queen. No surface dweller has ever seen Murania and lived to tell about it. Gene will be no exception. To the death chamber with him! As soon as he is locked in the room the guard throws the switch that will send thousands of volts of electricity Gene's way...

Chapter #6 Disaster From The Skies
Betsy and Frankie enter the secret cave entrance that leads to Murania to search for Gene. Queen Tika sees them on her viewing monitors and launches a missile to destroy them. Gene sneaks into the control room to try to stop the missile. He is knocked down by a guard as we see the projectile strike the cave and explode....

Chapter #7 From Death to Life
Gene gets into a sword fight with the Muranian guards (where did Gene learn how to use a sword?) on the walk ways high above the city. Gene is badly outnumbered and stabbed. This causes him to lose his balance and fall over the railing....

Chapter #8 Jaws of Jeopardy
Gene, Betsy and Frankie hijack Professor Beetson's airplane and force the pilot to fly them to Radio Ranch. When the engine starts to stall the pilot grabs the gun and turns the tables on our heroes. He then uses the only parachute to jump from the plane as it is going down. Gene tries to pull the plane up but it doesn't respond. We next see the plane explode into the ground.....

6* (out of 10) This is an entertaining serial that mixes several genres to good effect. Gene isn't the best actor but he's a gamer and finds a reason to belt out several songs. Serial-silliness at its finest. The overall video quality varies between a 6 or 7 out of 10. The audio is the same. These are public domain elements, but in reasonable condition.

Posted: May 31st, 2007, 1:17 pm
by cinemalover
It's time to mosey back on over to Murania, the underground kingdom, and see how Gene ties up this mess...

Date watched: 5/28/2007
Title: The Phantom Empire Chapters 9-12 Made: 1935
Genre: Adventure/Serial 12 chapters
Studio: Mascot
Format: DVD Extras:none Disc 1 has chapters 1-6, Disc 2 has chapters 7-12
# of times viewed: 2

Gene Autry--Gene Autry
Frankie Darro--Frankie Baxter
Betsy King Ross (billed as the World's Champion Trick Rider)--Betsy Baxter
Dorothy Christie--Queen Tika
Wheeler Oakman--Argo
Charles K. French--Mal
Warner Richmond--Rab
Frank Glendon--Professor Beetson
Smiley Burnette--Oscar
Wiliam Moore--Pete
Edward Piel Sr.--Dr. Cooper
Jack Carlyle--Saunders

Plot overview: Singing cowboy meets science-fiction city! Gene Autry is half owner of Radio Ranch. His ownership is predicated on his filling his radio contract which calls for him to broadcast live from Radio Ranch daily at 2pm. Beneath the surface of the Earth is the hidden Murania Civilization, which is ruled by the cruel Queen Tika (Christie). Murania is rich with radium deposits. Access to the tunnels that lead to Murania are located on Radio Ranch. Professor Beetson is trying to acquire the radium for personal gain. Part of his plan is to get Gene to default on his contract so that he can take over Radio Ranch and mine the radium. Queen Tika will allow no outsiders in her lands, so she will use any means to stop the surface dwellers. One of the earliest serials to use sci-fi elements to drive the story.

And here are the funtastic final four chapters:

Chapter #9 Prisoners of the Ray
Betsy and Frankie have been taken prisoner by the Queen's soldiers. They use their wits and elude their guard to escape into the control room. They attempt to open the surface doors into Murania so that Gene can come to their rescue. As soon as the kids try to throw the switch that will open those doors, they find themselves pelted by a radium beam. The switch was booby-trapped and the kids seem to be doomed...

Chapter #10 The Rebellion
Muranian rebel soldiers, lead by Argo, spearhead a revolt against the Queen. Gene finds himself choosing the lesser of two evils, fighting side by side with the Queen against the enthusiastic attackers. In the struggle Gene is knocked unconscious and lands on a conveyer belt that takes Gene's body into the workshop. He is headed towards a robot assembly line that is welding each piece that passes their way. Will Gene be torched?

Chapter #11 A Queen in Chains
The Queen has been captured by Argo and the rebels. Argo sentences her to death. Gene is valiantly trying to save her when he is pushed in front of the radium beam and strikes his head against the wall....

Chapter #12 The End of Murania
Oscar and Pete join Gene in Murania. The Queen has escaped capture and is working with the surface dwellers to squash the rebellion. Professor Beetson is still sneaking around the shadows looking for radium and causing trouble for any that get in his way. Can all the loose ends possibly be wrapped up in one little chapter?

This serial contains all the elements that you want in a serial. A hidden civilization, a rebellion against the Queen, a villain professor complete with brainless lackeys, the deed to the hero's ranch at risk, kids who alternate between hero and captive, inventive, futuristic weaponry and robots, and all of this played arrow-straight and stone-faced serious. Most of the cast couldn't act their way out of a cotton ball but they make up for their lack of thespian skills by looking completely uncomfortable in their wild costumes. Would I recommend it? Heck, yeah!

Where else could you hear such immortal lines as:
"Now stand still, all of you, or I'll melt you down like wax!"

6* (out of 10) A good serial, in acceptable condition, that is never boring. Each of the two discs is available online or at major retailers for about $5 each. So, for $10 you get 12 chapters of insane mayhem, and if you enjoy serials, that's a good investment.

Posted: June 15th, 2007, 12:23 pm
by cinemalover
It's time to start another serial. This time I'd like to visit with Buster Crabbe, who is one of my favorite "B" actors. This is not the serial character that he is most famous for (Flash Gordon), but it's an attempt to cash in on the popularity of that character...

Date watched: 6/12/2007
Title: Buck Rogers Chapters 1-4 Made: 1939
Genre: Sci-Fi/Serial 12 chapters
Studio: Filmcraft Inc./Universal
Format: DVD Extras:none
# of times viewed: 3

Buster Crabbe--Buck Rogers
Constance Moore--Wilma Deering
Jackie Moran--Buddy Wade
Philson Ahn--Prince Tallen
Anthony Warde--Killer Kane
Jack Mulhall--Captain Rankin

Buster Crabbe had appeared as Flash Gordon is the serial of the same name in 1936. It was a tremendous success and considered by many to be the best serial ever made. Buster then did the sequel, Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars in 1938. After those two, Universal tried him in this one, which is very similar and also based on a popular comic strip. Buster went on to the third and final Flash Gordon serial in 1940 in the ambitiously titled Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe. After those four space operas, Buster was probably quite content to keep his feet on the ground, or at least on a horse.

Premise: Buck Rogers (Crabbe) and his side-kick, young Buddy Wade (Moran) are pilots who find themselves in an inescapable situation. They are put into suspended animation to save their lives. They are awaked by scientists 500 years later in the 25th century. They find that the Earth they had known has completely changed. Earth is now a desperate place ruled by the iron fist of gangleader Killer Kane and his thugs. Only the Hidden City remains free from Kane's control. That is where all the revolutionaries flock to plot Earth's survival. Buck and Buddy try to help the Hidden City by undertaking a dangerous mission to Saturn to plead for their help against the tyrant....

Chapter #1 Tomorrow's World
Buck and Buddy barely have time to acclimate to their new environment when they pair with ace pilot Wilma Deering (Moore) to fly to Saturn to negotiate for some assistance in their struggle against Killer Kane. Two of Killer Kane's ships have been following them and decide to close in for the kill. They fire on Buck's air-ship, crippling it. The ship crashes into the mountains of Saturn. Is this the end for our heroes so soon? Not likely!

Chapter #2 Tragedy on Saturn
Wilma, Buddy and Buck are flying back from Saturn in a ship stolen from Killer Kane's henchmen. As they approach the secret entrance to the Hidden City their radio is not working and they cannot identify themselves. The gates open to let them in, but as they begin to enter the huge stone gates close, crushing the craft with our heroes inside. Holy sardines!

Chapter #3 The Enemy's Stronghold
Buck and Buddy (always looking for trouble) bust into Killer Kane's council meeting where Kane is attempting to forge his own treaty with Saturnian Prince Tallen (Ahn). Prince Tallen sees Kane's true evil intentions and tries to escape with Buck and Buddy. They are all caught in the line of fire of the guard's Ray-Cannons.

Chapter #4 The Sky Patrol
Prince Ahn, along with the B and B boys have escaped Kane's clutches by stealing another of his air-ships (I hope this guy has insurance). After they are forced to land to avoid detection, they find that they can't start the ship again. As a squadron of Killer Kane's ship approach they seek shelter behind a rock formation. Too late, the ships have spotted them and open fire as we see the rock they were hiding behind explode...

Wow, air-ships (that look like something out of a carpenter's tool box) with sparklers, de-gravity belts, suspended animation, ray-cannons, robotizing helmets, glass cars, futuristic gizmos and whatzits, goofy uniforms, this one's got it all! And this is just the first four chapters! This is the kind of Saturday afternoon fun that defined what serials were supposed to be.

The background is filled with Universal library cues, so if you listen carefully you will be reminded of many of the Universal horror flicks as well as other Universal serials.

8* (out of 10) Not quite on a par with Flash Gordon (you just can't beat Ming, the Merciless), but it’s the next best thing!

I can't remember how long it has been since I've last seen this one. These are just a good time waiting to happen.

Posted: June 29th, 2007, 11:48 am
by cinemalover
Date watched: 6/27/2007
Title: Buck Rogers Chapters 5-8 Made: 1939
Genre: Sci-Fi/Serial 12 chapters
Studio: Filmcraft Inc./Universal
Format: DVD Extras:none
# of times viewed: 3

Buster Crabbe--Buck Rogers
Constance Moore--Wilma Deering
Jackie Moran--Buddy Wade
Philson Ahn--Prince Tallen
Anthony Warde--Killer Kane
Jack Mulhall--Captain Rankin

Premise: Buck Rogers (Crabbe) and his side-kick, young Buddy Wade (Moran) are pilots who find themselves in an inescapable situation. They are put into suspended animation to save their lives. They are awaked by scientists 500 years later in the 25th century. They find that the Earth they had known has completely changed. Earth is now a desperate place ruled by the iron fist of gangleader Killer Kane and his thugs. Only the Hidden City remains free from Kane's control. That is where all the revolutionaries flock to plot Earth's survival. Buck and Buddy try to help the Hidden City by undertaking a dangerous mission to Saturn to plead for their help against the tyrant. Killer Kane and his henchmen will do everything in their power to stop Buck and his friends, with no tactic being too dirty or underhanded.

Chapter #5 The Phantom Plane
Buck, Wilma and Saturnian Prince Tallen attempt to sabotage Captain Laska's (one of Kane's minions) airship. While they are inside the ship Kane and his men return catching them in the act. They lock our heroes inside the ship and release a deadly gas inside...

Chapter #6 The Unknown Command
Prince Tallen has been captured and put under the mental control of Captain Laska via a control filament inserted in the Prince's helmet. Under this evil influence the Prince orders his soldiers to destroy Buck and Wilma. While avoiding the deadly intent of the soldiers Buck and Wilma grab Prince Tallen and using him as a shield escape into one of the tunnel cars. Speeding away to hopeful safety the Saturnians close the gates of the tunnel right in front of the speeding vehicle and we see Buck and company crash into the gates....

Chapter #7 Primitive Urge
Captain Laska captures the humanoid robot who controls the race of primitive Zuggs who are subserviant to the Saturnian race. With control of the Zuggs, Laska launches an attack against the Saturnian government, attempting to take control the planet. It appears as though our out-numbered heroes will succomb to the mindless attack of the Zuggs...

Chapter #8 Revolt of the Zuggs
Buck and Wilma have finalized a treaty with Saturn which will help them overcome Killer Kane's rule on the home planet. They are now returning to Earth and the Hidden City. They are almost home when a squadron of Kane's ships overtake them. They open fire on Buck's ship and we see it burst into flame....

8* (out of 10) Another wonderful set of cliff-hangers in a very entertaining serial. The futuristic elements combined with the All-American hero image that Crabbe plays so well are a winning combination. Upper tier chapter play.

Posted: August 2nd, 2007, 4:38 pm
by cinemalover
Now to finish up our visit with Buck Rogers...

Date watched: 7/31/2007
Title: Buck Rogers Chapters 9-12 Made: 1939
Genre: Sci-Fi/Serial 12 chapters
Studio: Filmcraft Inc./Universal
Format: DVD Extras:none
# of times viewed: 3

Buster Crabbe--Buck Rogers
Constance Moore--Wilma Deering
Jackie Moran--Buddy Wade
Philson Ahn--Prince Tallen
Anthony Warde--Killer Kane
Jack Mulhall--Captain Rankin

Premise: Buck Rogers (Crabbe) and his side-kick, young Buddy Wade (Moran) are pilots who find themselves in an inescapable situation. They are put into suspended animation to save their lives. They are awaked by scientists 500 years later in the 25th century. They find that the Earth they had known has completely changed. Earth is now a desperate place ruled by the iron fist of gangleader Killer Kane and his thugs. Only the Hidden City remains free from Kane's control. That is where all the revolutionaries flock to plot Earth's survival. Buck and Buddy try to help the Hidden City by undertaking a dangerous mission to Saturn to plead for their help against the tyrant. Killer Kane and his henchmen will do everything in their power to stop Buck and his friends, with no tactic being too dirty or underhanded.

Chapter #9 Bodies Without Minds
Buck Rogers is captured by Killer Kane and turned into a mindless zombie through use of the Amnesia Helmet. To show off his control of our hero Kane has Buck polish his boots. Buddy uses his degravity belt to infiltrate Kane's palace and land on the terrace in a rescue attempt. Buddy gains access to the control room and uses the monitors to discover where Buck is being held. As he sets out to recover Buck he is discovered by the guards. As he attempts to flee he is shot in the back....

Chapter #10 Broken Barriers
One of Kane's men has infiltrated the Hidden City's guard corps and he assumes a shift in the control room. When given the opportunity he opens the outer doors that lead to the Hidden City. This allows Kane's warships to enter the Hidden City in full attack mode. Buck tries to shut the doors and grapples with the spy. As they tumble around the floor Buck is shot by the man's ray gun....

Chapter #11 A Prince in Bondago
Buck and Buddy appear before the Saturnian Council once again requesting help against Killer Kane. The Council is not receptive to their pleas because the Prince has once again disappeared and they're not sure who is responsible. As they debate one of Kane's ships opens fire on the Council building. The building explodes around them. As Buck tries to evacuate everyone to safety a massive column collapses on top of him...

Chapter #12 War of the Planets
Having learned the whereabouts of the entrance to the Hidden City Kane orders an all-out assault on his enemies. The balance of power all of Earth is at stake in this battle royale.

8* (out of 10) A very entertaining serial. Definitely upper-tier quality of the genre. Great costumes and gadgets, evil villains and a spirit of fun. Crabbe is highly underappreciated as a square-jawed hero and should have gotten more opportunities above the "B" level. Very highly recommended!