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Deep Valley (1947)

Posted: May 15th, 2008, 7:44 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
Shows tomorrow w/Ida Lupino and Dane Clark. Anybody got the goods on this one?

Posted: May 15th, 2008, 8:41 pm
by moira finnie
Well, gee, you might want to see here for a few random thoughts on this one... :oops:

Posted: May 16th, 2008, 6:41 am
by Mr. Arkadin
moirafinnie wrote:Well, gee, you might want to see here for a few random thoughts on this one... :oops:
I think I should be the one with the egg on his face. :oops: I have been busy rehabing my hand lately and not been checking out many of the sites and areas I usually visit. Thanks for the insights Moira and great writing as always.

Posted: May 16th, 2008, 8:36 am
by knitwit45
I think I should be the one with the egg on his face. :oops: I have been busy rehabing my hand l

What happened, Mr. A? Hope you are healing nicely!
"Nurse" Nancy (not really a nurse, just a mom who has seen a lot of boy-induced injuries)

Posted: May 16th, 2008, 11:16 am
by Mr. Arkadin
Hi Knitwit, I got my hand caught in the hinge side of a door, breaking my middle and ring fingers and severing the tendon on my ring finger on Feb 10. I had to have surgery on my ring finger and have the tendon reattached as well as a stainless steel rod inserted from the tip of my finger into the second joint of my hand.

I finally got the pin removed about a month ago. My finger is still somewhat curved and I have limited motion at the first joint right now, but I'm working on that. I'm very lucky it was not severed completely. I'm a musician and play the guitar, so regaining movement is very important to me. Right now, I'm at about 85% of what I was, but it seems to be improving with use.

I used to have a practice regimen of four hours each day. Now that I'm older, I don't really have that much time, but I'm trying to get in an hour, hour and a half most nights. I also hope to resume playing hockey this weekend. 8)

Here's a pre-surgery pic:


On top of all that, my wife and I found a cat that had been caught in a trap (we think) with nothing but bone exposed around her leg. 800+ dollars later she is living in our bathroom getting her leg hydroed and bandage changed each day.:


It's been a crazy year so far, but things are getting better. I hate to admit it, but I think I can type faster with one hand now than two! :wink:

Posted: May 16th, 2008, 2:10 pm
by vallo
I feel for Mr.A. I broke my right wrist on 3/27. I still don't have feeling in my thumb. I can't write,or even hold a pen, you had to see me at motor vehicle yesterday ( I wrote better in a cast) I'm typing with my left hand so it takes forever. I need a rubber stamp because I have to approve everything at work with a signature. *sigh* Good Luck...and get better...
But it does kind of suck getting old.

Bill (vallo)

Posted: May 16th, 2008, 2:59 pm
by knitwit45

as my lovely avatar (thanks, Moira!) said....Old age ain't no place for sissies.

I hope our accident prone fellas will heal completely. Mom Nancy is here to hand out sympathy and chamomile tea.... :lol:

Posted: May 16th, 2008, 4:39 pm
by Mr. Arkadin
vallo wrote:I feel for Mr.A. I broke my right wrist on 3/27. I still don't have feeling in my thumb. I can't write,or even hold a pen, you had to see me at motor vehicle yesterday ( I wrote better in a cast) I'm typing with my left hand so it takes forever. I need a rubber stamp because I have to approve everything at work with a signature. *sigh* Good Luck...and get better...
But it does kind of suck getting old.

Bill (vallo)
Hey Bill, one thing that is working for me is accupuncture and accupressure. This has helped me much more than the physical therapist who would just sit and watch me do exercises w/ my hand, then measure my progress (that'll be $46.00 now! :? ). Sorry, I can do that stuff at home.

Posted: May 17th, 2008, 5:54 am
by ChiO
Yikes, Mr. Arkadin! On a positive note (cluster), do you find yourself sounding more like Django now?

Posted: May 17th, 2008, 6:46 am
by Mr. Arkadin
ChiO wrote:Yikes, Mr. Arkadin! On a positive note (cluster), do you find yourself sounding more like Django now?
Er, maybe Toni Iommi. :wink: Django is in a class by himself. Actually, if I did not play the way I did, it would be much harder. I have always held my hand at a really crazy angle, ala Pat Metheny. A guy I studied jazz with was always on my case about it (How can you play that way? It looks retarded!). As my finger is curved now (and I cannot completely straighten it) it falls very naturally over the strings into my usual playing position. There's something to be said for bad habits! :P